Black cavalier

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Black cavalier
Release date 5 May 2004 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Lendable? Yes
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
High Alch 120 coins
Low Alch 80 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine All for one and one for all!
Weight 0 kg
[view] [talk]

The Black cavalier is a piece of members-only headwear. There are no requirements for wearing this cavalier, and they do not confer combat bonuses upon the player. To obtain a cavalier, a player can either trade with another player or receive one as a Level 3 Treasure Trail reward. The black cavalier can be stored in the Treasure chest, which can be built in the Costume room of a player-owned house.

The Black cavalier can also be combined with a Highwayman mask by Patchy on Mos Le'Harmless island to make a Cavalier and mask. The Black cavalier is immensely more expensive compared to the other cavaliers as its price is about tenfold the price of a dark cavalier. Due to a recent update, the shape of the black cavalier has changed slightly.

Hover over image for type File:Black cavalier equipped.png
 Attack bonus
0 0 0 0 0
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 0 0
Other bonuses Slot

0 0 0% 0


  • The examine text, "All for one and one for all!" is a reference to The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas.
  • Some players may use this item with Black ele' clothing, to create a matching outfit.
  • This hat is very similar to the Ringmaster hat, but the feather is smaller and the main colour is black, as opposed to red.
  • The black cavalier is significantly more expensive than the dark and tan versions, maybe due to its bolder looks.
  • On 25 June there was a glitch where you could see your hair while talking to a NPC.
  • There is a glitch when you log out whilst wearing the Black cavalier. When you log back in, the brown band when you talk to an NPC will be stretched.
  • When the male players wear the long-swept fringe with the Black cavalier, there is some error during game play and during animated speech heads. During game play, with certain light-coloured hairs (such as light blue or white), small dots appear on one side of the Black cavalier. With animated speech heads, most of the hair is visible and cuts through the image of the Black cavalier. There may be also some issue with the female players if they choose to wear pixie cut.
  • During game play, when a female player wears a Black cavalier, and her hairstyle is a long one (e.g. straight, long, longbraids), there is a point where her hair appears to be cut just below the neck.