List of Gnomecopter Tours player NPCs
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List of Gnomecopter Tours player NPCs was discontinued from RuneScape after an update. |
Although the characters encountered during the Gnomecopter Tours appear to be players, they are actually NPCs. They are commonly known as Player spoofs. They cannot be interacted with, however, you can follow them, and trade them (But it will say that the other player is busy), they can speak as if it is a normal player. As opposed to regular players, when right-clicked they all have an examine feature that simply states A player. They all have their own programmed path which they repeatedly follow. Some of these player NPCs have also appeared in other parts of RuneScape.
Burthorpe Games Room
“ | Welcome to the Burthorpe Games Room.
On the north-western edge of the Kingdom of Asgarnia lies Burthorpe, an enigmatic town on the border of the troll lands. Burthorpe is the current home of Prince Anlaf, heir to the throne of Asgarnia. The Prince himself hasn't been seen for ages, leaving the running of the town to the Imperial Guard, but his influence is felt nonetheless. In particular, his passion for boardgames has led to the creation of the Burthorpe Games Room, the vast hall in the cellars of his palace, where all may come to prove their strategic prowess. The Games Room is a peaceful break from the hubbub of the outside world. Players may sit on the palace's comfy stools, with the helpful barmaid bustling around, offering relaxing drinks while they challenge each other to games of draughts, runelink, runesquares and runeversi, using runes as gamepieces. |
” |
These NPCs appear in Burthorpe Games Room.
Name | Level | Image | Equipment | Other notes |
Lapsang | 130 | ![]() |
Dharok's platebody, Dharok's platelegs, Warrior helm, Obsidian Cape, Fighting boots, "Dragon" RFD Gloves | It's a tea! |
Souchong | 105 | ![]() |
Red Stripy pirate shirt, Red Pirate leggings, Pirate boots, Red Bandana and eyepatch, Games Necklace | It's a tea! |
Employedman | 91 | ![]() |
Castlewars cloak, Castlewars hood, Castlewars brace, Silver-Blue Decorative legs, Silver-Blue decorative body, Steel boots | It's a person who makes tea! |
M0m Online | 69 | ![]() |
Zamorak Vestment robe top, Zamorak Vestment robe bottom, Zamorak Vestment cloak, Zamorak Stole, Red partyhat, Boots (Canifis), Gloves (Canifis) | It's a person who drinks tea! |
Fairtrade | 93 | ![]() |
Enchanted hat, Enchanted top, Enchanted robe, Boots of Lightness, Gnome Scarf | It's a way to buy tea! |
Earlgrey | 87 | ![]() |
Karil's coif, Karil's leathertop, Karil's leatherskirt, Ava's Accumulator, Amulet of glory | It's another tea! |
Madam C | 73 | ![]() |
Skeletal armour set, Cape of legends, Amulet of power | Notes |
Randomdood | 86 | ![]() |
Moonclan armour set | Notes |
Milknosugar | 127 | ![]() |
Blue d'hide blessed set, Skillcape of Fletching, Amulet of strength, Rune boots | It's stuff you put in tea!, Also looks a lot like Qutiedoll. |
Sliceoflemon | 124 | ![]() |
Void Knight top, Void Knight robe, Void Knight gloves, Void Knight mage helm, an Amulet of Magic | It's more stuff you put in tea! |
Letham | 111 | image | Equipment | Notes |
Dodgy Penny | 102 | Image | Torag's helmet, Torag's platebody, Torag's platelegs, Rune boots | A player. |
Berrybree | 68 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Hotwater | 81 | ![]() |
Rune Platebody, Rune Platelegs, H.A.M. Gloves, H.A.M. Boots | It's stuff you put in tea! |
Teapotspout | 94 | Image | Spined helm, Spined body. Spined chaps, Fire Cape, Amulet of Glory | It's where tea gets poured out! |
Lady Seenit | 138 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Heidiggle | 98 | Image | Bomber jacket, Cap and Goggles, Gnome Scarf, (gloves?) | Notes |
Learking | 83 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Shadydude98 | 98 | Image | Equipment | Reference to Dark Dude 98, the first player on the Summoning hiscores. |
Stuffstuffer | 69 | Image | Equipment | Stuffs stuff full of stuff. |
Burgh De Rott
Name | Level | Image | Equipment | Other notes |
Elfinlocks | 93 | ![]() |
Blue partyhat, Abyssal whip, Rune boots, Spined chaps | This is Elfinlocks 3rd appearance on Runescape. She was originally the unfortunate victim who lost her Blue partyhat in a drop during the Draynor Bank Robbery heisted by the Wise Old Man. She is seen in Burgh de Rott lighting fires for the villagers. |
Sannytea | 108 | image | Rune platebody, Rune platelegs, Dragon boots, Black mask, Fire cape, Barrows gloves | He can be seen tending to the Bank. His name is a possible play on the word "sanity". |
Uberlass | 103 | image | Berserker Helm, Obsidian Cape, Rune boots, Rune Platelegs, Rune platebody (t) Dorgeshuun Heraldic shield, Amulet of Fury | She can be seen tending to the Furnace. |
Irollsixes | 113 | image | Silver sickle, Helmet of Neitiznot, Bandos Chestplate, Bandos tassets, Obsidian Cape, Dragon Boots, Amulet of strength (t) | He can be seen fighting Vampyre juvinates on the east side of town, along with Foxyhunter. |
Foxyhunter | 118 | image | Rune Crossbow, Rod of Ivandis, Helmet of Neitiznot, Black d'hide chaps, Black d'hide body, Ranger Boots, Obsidian Cape, Black d'hide vamb, Amulet of Fury | She can be seen fighting Vampyre juvinates on the east side of town, along with Irollsixes. |
Missi Sissi | 98 | image | Light Mystic hat, Light Mystic robe top, Light Mystic robe bottom, Light Mystic gloves, Light Mystic boots | She can be seen tending to the General store. |
Pest Control
Name | Level | Image | Equipment | Other notes |
What Goudron | 107 | image | equipment | That Goudron! |
Wraithboss | 102 | image | equipment | notes |
Explosive67 | 100 | image | equipment | notes |
Droepedoff | 88 | image | equipment | notes |
Distantthin | 89 | ![]() |
Amulet of strength, Dharok's greataxe, Zamorak cape, formerly an unholy book. | He did originally wield a Dharok's greataxe and an unholy book, which is not possible for normal players since the greataxe is two-handed. Recently, Jagex updated him and he doesn't have an unholy book on him. |
Allmarshes | 98 | Image | Equipment | ALL OF THEM. And he's serious. |
Bigface Oz | 118 | Image | Equipment | Possibly a Wizard of Oz reference. And with an added, :D |
Lostme | 130 | Image | Equipment | Where'd you go? |
Wizzydumped | 130 | Image | Equipment | Dumped for being one. |
Skydischarge | 127 | Image | Equipment | Eeeeeeeeewwwww... |
Agplus | 107 | Image | Equipment | Reference to Silverion, founder of Rune Tips |
Chiercat | 113 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Ohhhhdude | 117 | Image | Equipment | Yeah, maaaan. |
Deepkiwi | 115 | Image | Equipment | Mmmmm, I could go for the later. |
Airstriker | 107 | Image | Equipment | One mind rune, one air rune, and the completion of an easy quest. |
Assassin10 | 115 | Image | Equipment | He has you within his cross-hairs. |
Solltalk | 122 | Image | Equipment | True dat, dawg. |
Steallake | 113 | Image | Equipment | Or you can at least attempt to. |
Hm Val | 126 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Poledragon | 114 | Image | Equipment | It stops at mithril. |
Al Truism | 116 | Image | Equipment | Helps people for the heck of it. |
Lvzyoda | 117 | Image | Equipment | Respect the little fallen green Jedi through Runescape player spoofs. |
Oddskater | 129 | Image | Equipment | The odd part is, there's no board. |
Alpha1beta | 111 | Image | Equipment | 2delta3gamma4etc... |
Plzpudding | 125 | Image | Dharok's platebody and platelegs, Abyssal whip, Obsidian shield, Dragon boots, Amulet of fury, Archer helm, Dragon gloves | No, I haz no pudding, sry. |
Name | Level | Image | Equipment | Other notes |
I like m0m | 95 | ![]() |
Spined armour, a rune 2h sword, glory amulet, and a fire cape | Players can spot him fighting Elf warriors using the Protect from Meleeprayer near the west entrance to Lletya. |
Wigglewoo | 130 | ![]() |
Dharok's platebody, Dharok's platelegs, a Warrior helm, a pair of Fighting boots, dragon gloves from Recipe For Disaster, Obsidian Cape and wields an Abyssal whip. | This NPC is can be seen in the south-east corner of Lletya while using the Gnomecopter service. |
Orangeowns | 72 | ![]() |
Full Void knight equipment with Void mage helmet,a amulet of magic a Dragon dagger p++, bronze defender and a legends cape. | He can be seen in north east corner of the village fighting with an Elf Warrior (level-90) and uses Protect from Ranged while fighting. |
Lollery | 82 | ![]() |
Full Moonclan clothing,an Amulet of power. | She is picking flax in the field near the Bank. She then brings it to the spinning wheel in Lletya's crafting shop, and spins it into bowstrings. She will then deposit the bowstrings in the bank and repeat the process. |
Qutiedoll | 99 | ![]() |
Trimmed fletching cape, Blessed dragonhide armour, rune boots,an Amulet of strength. | Qutiedoll was a victim of the Draynor Bank Robbery, during which the Wise Old Man killed a number of bankers, guards, and fake players. He can be seen wandering Lletya. |
Icy Hunter Area
Name | Level | Image | Equipment | Other notes |
Cool Mom227 | 83 | ![]() |
Butterfly net, Chef's Hat, Cape of Legends | Cool Mom227 was present during the Draynor Bank Robbery, she was thieving from the Seed stall and fighting the Market guard. |
Sue Spammers | 112 | image | equipment | Spammers watch out... |
Killerwail | 86 | image | Red Castle Wars hood, Red Castle Wars cloak, Karamja gloves, Studded body | Killer Whale |
Purepker895 | 52 | ![]() |
Rogue's Mask, Rogue's Body, Rogue's Trousers, Rogue's Gloves, Rogue's Boots, Butterfly Net | He was an unfortunate victim who lost his Rogue Armour in a drop during the Draynor Bank Robbery heisted by the Wise Old Man. |
Sarah Domin | 76 | ![]() |
Noose wand, Void Knight top, Dragon boots | A reference to Saradomin. |
Cow1337Killr | 123 | ![]() |
Rune platebody, Rune boots, Rune plateskirt, Obsidian Cape, Klank's gauntlets, Dharok's helmet, Dharok's Greataxe | Cow1337Killr is a famous NPC player mimic. Cow1337Killr has appeared during the Animal Magnetism quest, killing Undead cows in Morytania. |
Pkmaster0036 | 87 | image | Black full helm, Black platebody, Black platelegs, Black longsword, Leather gloves, Leather boots | Pkmaster0036 is a NPC player mimic. Pkmaster0036 appears in the Garden of Tranquillity quest, killing 2 Guards to make way for you to get away with the statue. |
Moglewee | 103 | image | Spotted Cape, Rune Axe, Polar camo top , Polar camo legs | Involved in the trapping of a sabre-toothed kyatt. |
Mathdude | 93 | image | Spottier Cape, Kyatt hat, Kyatt top, Kyatt legs, Rune axe | Best subject: maths. |
1337sp34kr | 63 | ![]() |
Rune Axe, Polar camo top, Polar camo legs | He was an unfortunate victim who was killed during the Draynor Bank Robbery heisted by the Wise Old Man. The image is taken from the Bank Robbery, not from Gnomecopter Tours. |
Castle Wars
Name | Level | Image | Equipment | Other notes |
Abstractclas | 72 | Image | Red dragonhide armour, Ranger Boots, Magic Shortbow | Today we will be learning the art of abstractism. |
Boolean | 101 | Image | Fighter Torso, bandos tassets, Dragon Boots, Amulet Of Glory, Bandos Godsword | This is probably a reference to the Boolean datatype in computer programming. The datatype can hold one of two values - "true" or "false". The combat level may also be a reference to the same, as Boolean values are internally stored by single zeroes or ones. |
Morrisnorris | 83 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Nullpointer | 61 | Image | Equipment | A programming joke; a null pointer is something which points to nothing. |
Ketchuppl0x | 108 | Image | Equipment | Pass the ketchup please. |
Stress Diva | 79 | Image | Guthan's chainskirt, Guthan's helm, Guthan's platebody, Guthan's warspear, Rune boots | Notes |
Treadsoftly | 106 | Image | Equipment | Walking on thin ice. |
Evil Wibbler | 69 | Image | Snakeskin armour, Dorgeshuun crossbow, Elemental shield | Notes |
Bigbluebox | 93 | Image | Red d'hide body, Red d'hide chaps, amulet of accuracy, dark bow, dragon arrows, and unknown boots. | This NPC's name could be a reference to Doctor Who's TARDIS. It could also be a reference to the game developer company Lionhead Studios who uses Big Blue Box as a identifier on their games. They are the makers of the Fable game series |
Funorbrox | 126 | ![]() |
Ancient staff, Ahrim's robetop and Robeskirt, Amulet of Fury, Infinity boots, Barrows gloves, Mage's book | She can be found near the bridge on the red team's end of the central island casting Ancients spells on the nearby blue team players. Her name is in reference to Funorb, another gaming site Jagex released some weeks before. This player is also wearing what is said to be the best Magic Armour in the game. |
Knickknack | 87 | Image | Equipment | This NPC's name is a reference to the 'This old man' nursery rhyme. The next 4 names on the list carry on the phrases from the song. |
Paddywhack | 63 | Image | Equipment | This NPC's name is a reference to the 'This old man' nursery rhyme. The next 3 names on the list carry on the phrases from the song. |
Giveadog | 81 | Image | Equipment | This NPC's name is a reference to the 'This old man' nursery rhyme. The next 2 names on the list carry on the phrases from the song. |
Abone | 74 | Image | Equipment | This NPC's name is a reference to the 'This old man' nursery rhyme. The next name on the list carries on the phrases from the song. |
Rollinghome | 112 | Image | Abyssal whip, Verac's brassard, Verac's plateskirt, Amulet of glory, Dragon sq shield, and Dragon boots. | This NPC's name is a reference to the 'This old man' nursery rhyme. This is the last phrase from the song. |
Fixmydoorup | 91 | Image | Equipment | This may be a reference to the Construction skill. |
Doorbellpl0x | 52 | Image | White decorative armour, White decorative legs, Rune scimitar, Amulet of power, and Rune boots. | This may also be a reference to the Construction skill, as well as the player above. |
Windstrike32 | 91 | Image | Equipment | I need 1 air and 1 mind please. |
Badgerfreak | 118 | Image | Equipment | Mushroom, mushroom. |
Bluehairlass | 85 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Donkey Wrong | 93 | Image | Splitbark body, Legs and Boots, Amulet of Glory, Dragon Square Shield and Ancient staff. | His name is referenced to Donkey Kong. |
Frondlike | 103 | Image | Spined body, Chaps, Gloves and Boots, Amulet of Glory and Seercull. | Notes |
Happy Spud | 112 | ![]() |
Dragonfire Shield, Amulet of Glory, Rune Crossbow, Karil's leathertop, Karil's leatherskirt | Beat the Controller of Potatoes. |
Creapantic | 101 | Image | Black d'hide body, Black d'hide chaps, Amulet of glory, Crystal bow, and unknown boots. | Notes |
Nobodyhere | 82 | Image | Red d'hide body, Red d'hide chaps, Amulet of power, Magic shortbow, Rune arrows, and Ranger boots. | Everybody's gone |
Freakypeaky | 31 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Wolfy Lars | Level | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Dan the Tiny | Level | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Val Razz | 72 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Mythmaster | 87 | Image | Green d'hide trimmed set, Dark bow, and Infinity boots. | Notes |
Trunka Lex | 86 | Image | Dark bow, Red dragonhide armour, Red Boots, Amulet of accuracy | Notes |
Ilikekebabs | 76 | Image | Equipment | I like pie. |
Spacebadgers | 53 | Image | Equipment | NASA's new space flight test... |
2scompany | 76 | Image | Dragon longsword, Zamorak plateskirt, Rune platebody, Amulet of strength, Rune boots, and red gloves. | This is a reference to a famous phrase. 2's company, the next name, 3's a crowd, and the name after that, 4's just silly. |
3sacrowd | 103 | Image | Verac's brassard, Verac's plateskirt, Abyssal whip, Dragon boots, Amulet of glory, and Black defender. | This is a reference to a famous phrase. 2's company, the next name, 3's a crowd, and the name after that, 4's just silly. |
4sjustsilly | 103 | Image | Infinity robes, Master wand, Amulet of fury, and Mage's book. | This is a reference to a famous phrase. 2's company, the next name, 3's a crowd, and the name after that, 4's just silly. |
Roadblocked | 68 | Image | Granite body, Granite legs, Granite shield, Amulet of defence, Dragon dagger (p++), and unknown boots. | Let's take the detour. |
Heresjohnny | 118 | Image | Equipment | Heresjohnny may be a reference to Stephen King's famous book and film, The Shining. It could also be a reference to The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. |
Matt Blitzer | 138 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Mogglewump | 105 | Image | Guthan's platebody and chainskirt, Barrows gloves, Dragon boots, Amulet of glory, Rune defender, and Abyssal whip. | Notes |
Renderorder | 61 | Image | Equipment | Notes |
Helphelphelp | 76 | Image | Equipment | Help's on the way. |
Readheadmonky | 81 | Image | Equipment | He is the only player to actually die. Everybody else somehow is able to heal constantly. Note the fact his name has 13 letters, 1 above the legitimate limit of 12. |
Wallscaler | 62 | Image | Equipment | Too much sugar. |
Stopthief | 76 | Image | Equipment | Lil' old lady with a handbag. |