Pay-to-play Revenant hunting guide

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For the historical article, see Pay-to-play Revenant hunting guide (historical).

About Revenants

During the God Wars, over 4,000 years ago, many of those that died were trapped eternally in the Wilderness, their souls twisted by the evil magic and corruption that surrounds it. They were then forced into the Forinthry Dungeon as players took back the wilderness.

Today these creatures, known as Revenants, continue to hunt those who enter their area of the Forinthry Dungeon, doing whatever they can with their melee, magic, and ranged skills to eliminate anyone who happen to cross their paths. They tend to be much stronger than what their combat level suggests.


Revenants patrol the North-eastern room in the Forinthry Dungeon.

WARNING: The Forinthry Dungeon is a multi-combat, PVP-enabled area, meaning it is entirely possible for other players to attack you while fighting the revenants in the dungeon. Do not bring equipment that you are not willing to lose.

What to Bring

Melee Setup

Note: If your melee stats are above 70, melee setup is suggested over ranged setup, as the salve amulet will boost melee considerably, and lower the amount of money you have to risk.

Note: Special attack weapons should only be taken if your primary weapon does not have a decent special attack. One must also keep in mind the increased risk of bringing a very expensive item into the Wilderness.

Note2: Dwarven helmet provides a 6+ crush attack bonus, which is helpful when using chaotic maul or the goliath gloves. It also has +5 magic defence.

Range Setup

Salve amulet does NOT effect damage or accuracy while using Range. Therefore, an Amulet of Glory is advised due to its low cost and convenient teleport.*

As an very important way to save items, even stackables, players can extensively prolong trips while at the Revenants with some (not too much) Winter storage scrolls as they let you take items to the bank, saving the items from potential PKers in the area.

Suggested Equipment

Here are a summary of weapons that may be useful for killing Revenants:

  • Chaotic maul/rapier: The best weapons aganist Revenants. Their high attack and strength bonuses make players hit from 300 to extremely high damages of 800 onto Revenants. Chaotic weaponry is useful, but players must make sure they do not accidently attack other players with other valuables with them.
  • Goliath Gloves: Equivalent stats to a whip, can be obtained for free and with little effort, allowing a player to take a special attack weapon without increased risk, and have a very effective (and rather annoying) effect that freezes players and drain their stats. The special is VERY good at deterring attackers.
  • Godswords: Godswords are another powerful weapon aganist them. With the correct equipment, you can hit 600s as a regular hit on them, therefore one-hitting or two-hitting most of the Revenants. A Bandos godsword is used due to the cheap cost, a Zamorak one to stop PKers, a Saradomin for healing/prayer restore, and Armadyl for high hits.
  • Abyssal whip: The second-most commonly used weapon. The Abyssal whip has a decent attack rate with very good bonuses (99 Strength, Salve amulet and boosting prayers can make you hit around low 500s). The special is still not good, but is good at chasing away PKers as it lowers their run energy, making them walk and you keep running.

Special Attack Weapons

Special Attack weapons are more used for fighting off PKers, or killing others who you don't want taking kills. As such, this section focuses more on player combat, rather than monster combatr

  • Dragon claws: These are a good weapon to use if you have an Abyssal whip as your primary. If a player is not praying melee, you can very easily take out 75% of their life points, if they are inexperienced or not paying attention. The only severe issue with claws is, since their attacks hit seperately, it is very easy to "tank" the special, meaning to eat up quick enough to not die. It is recommended that you try to claw people who are in weak gear, such as Mystic or Dragonhide, and only when they are not praying melee and you are not frozen.
  • Armadyl godsword: As a special attack weapon, this is slightly worse than Dragon Claws. While it can't be tanked as easily, as it is 1 hit, it is inaccurate, and rarely hits high enough to do much. However, if you do not have a Chaotic, a Godsword is the best alternative.
  • Dragon dagger (p++): A Dragon Dagger, or DDS, is a very common, cheap and effective special attack weapon to use in any pvp situation. There's not much to say, except that it's not terrific, but better than no special weapon.


  • Dragonhide: Dragonhide is the go-to armour for killing revenants. It's low cost, good all-round defense bonuses, and bonuses to Range accuracy (If anti-pking) are very helpful, and it can be easily re-obtained on death.
  • Ganodermic: Some players choose to bring Ganodermic armor, however this is mostly unnecessary, as Dragonhide has significant defense as-is, and Ganodermic has weak Range and Stab defense (2 styles often used by player killers, who will exploit your weakness in those styles).


  • Vampyrism: Only really useful for those without Soul Split, it gives 5% of your damage to you as hitpoints.
  • Penance: Very, very useful, can prevent smiting and save prayer throughout a trip to Revenants. This aura will reduce the effects of Smite to 5% drain, and will negate the effects of Soul Split. This makes it MUCH less likely that you will lose your protected item in an emergency.


  • Dragon defender: The most useful offhand for revenant hunters. It gives good offensive bonuses, a great strength bonus, and can be re-obtained for free. (although many players consider it annoying.
  • Toktz-Ket-Xil: Also known as an Obsidian Shield, it provides a +5 strength bonus and decent defensive bonuses.

The Revenants

The Revenants have various levels and that with different max hits and health, but they can cure themselves and heal themselves 15 times at rates of 100 per heal. Be aware that they heal at the speed of your weapon and double attackers doubles their heal rate, but not their total number of heals. They should be fairly easy for many high levelled players with the use of Chaotic weaponry. They can also be a fun challenge for low levelled players who can afford Forinthry braces. If you do not want to bring braces you can use a brace charge at the bank and revenants will remain unagressive to you for 1 hour only once you are inside Forinthry Dungeon. Generally, killing revenants which are more than 10 levels below your combat level results in the most efficient kills.

Revenant Hellhound (level 90)

Nature: A hellhound that resides in the level 30/31 wilderness area. It's quite an easy foe to kill.

How to kill: The revenant hellhound has quite accurate attacks, even when using black/royal dragonhide. However it has quite low health for it's level and should be a very easy fight.

Revenant Demon (level 98)

Nature: Secluded by itself, it has fairly low health and defence for it's level along with its melee attack. It's magic and ranged attacks on the other hand, are very powerful.

How to kill: It's a fairly easy fight. Just tank its melee attacks (if it begins to melee you), and kill it off quickly. It should be an easy and quick fight for most people, and it's magic attacks are somewhat accurate so high magic defence is needed, like the other higher levelled revenants.

Revenant Ork (level 105)

Nature: It's more powerful than the Demon and has very powerful, accurate attacks with high health.

How to kill: By taking advantage of its low defence, the battle should be fairly easy. Those who do not use the Forinthry Bracelet to negate damage should have some food to block off it's very hard hitting attacks. It has a somewhat decent defence but most attacks should easily deal damage to it.

Revenant Dark Beast (level 120)

Nature: The most powerful non-poisonous Revenant. It has very powerful attacks and health for it's level.

How to kill: Players killing this should have a fairly easy fight with the use of Chaotic weapons. Just watch out for it's hits when needed. Players with an equal or lower combat level SHOULD NEVER kill this as it is very powerful and will take very long to kill with the cost of a large amount of food. It should take, on average, 2.5 minutes to kill one with the use of Forinthry braces and stats in the 80s. A player with Chaotic weaponry should kill it before a minute goes by. It's hard at first, but becomes relatively easier when it begins healing, in which it's health will slowly rise back.

Revenant Knight (level 126)

Nature: A poisonous Revenant, and has very powerful, and extremely accurate attacks.

How to kill: It's poisonous, so you'll need some poison cure if you're planning to kill large amount of these. It's hard at first, but due to the 100 health per heal, it'll get relatively easy if you can hit over 100's fairly. With chaotic weaponry it should die within 45 seconds to a minute. It has very high defensive stats and should never be killed for soloers unless they have Chaotic weaponry or have 90+ in their desired combat skill.

Revenant Dragon (level 135)

Nature: The most powerful Revenant currently known. It has very powerful and accurate hits, and is by itself at level 31 wilderness. They have been barely killed in most worlds, but due to their high drop rates for the famed equipment, they have started to become more popular for powerful revenant hunters.

How to kill: It's a basically easy fight if you can avoid getting heavily hit by its magic and ranged attacks, and it's melee attack is fairly strong. It is stronger than regular dragons, having an increased defence against stab attacks. Antipoison or an alternative form of curing poison is needed if you cannot kill it easily. Chaotic weaponry, Godswords or Dharok's will suffice. It is highly recommended you have 95+ in your desired combat skill as it has an extremely high defence and can hit extremely high. Ranging or maging will prevent it from using its melee attack, so it will only use it's poisonous attack. The Revenant dragon is extremely weak to special attacks, as with most other Revenants, so a special should deal a decent amount of damage on them.


  • Have your Quick Prayers set to Protect item, Protect from Melee, and Turmoil/Piety. Protect from Melee should ALWAYS be on while under attack, unless you are experienced at prayer switching. This is because the threat of Dragon Claws, Dragon Dagger, or Armadyl Godsword special attacks are far more dangerous than the range or magic attacks that people may use. If you're running, make sure to turn on Protect from Magic OR Protect from Range on when you're running and nobody is attacking you, as this will make the Freeze Last for approximately half the time it normally would. However, as soon as you are frozen, IMMEDIATELY turn Protect from Melee back on to avoid being killed by a special attack, unless you are 0 or low risking items as the PKers main goal is to collect revenant items, kill people and collect their items, as many players usually tend to bring a moderate risk to Revenants (regen braces, helms of nezitinot, rune boots, spirit shields, ring of wealth, amulet of glory, etc.)
  • Try to never log in inside the Revenant area, you never know who will be there or if they are aggressive.
  • Don't bring rare or valuable items in the Wilderness. Not only will this cause greater losses upon death, but it will also make you a more tempting target for PKers.
  • Always keep one source of level 30- teleport. Who knows who's going to attack you before you can get onto your senses! This is useful if you've skulled yourself or collected a valuable item, such as stackables.
  • If you have time, log out in the revenant area and wait a moment. Most revenant pkers don't tend to notice players and won't camp waiting for you, and people will eventually come back after they are gone. If you log in one of the pathways and there are PKers, immediately log out because as soon as they start moving, their familiars will go after them and you'll be revealed.
  • Due to the fact that PKers tend to come in unannounced, always watch for 'scouts'. Scouts are players assigned in a group to go look for worlds with people killing revenants. If you're suspicious that you find a scout, immediately log out or leave the area as a PKer group will inevitably arrive and kill everyone there. A scout may often be identified as a player who is not killing revenants. Many scouts are low combat level (<50), but are easily told by their lack of armor.
  • Revenants tend to drop a lot of coins, so pick them up if you want to. It is not recommended to unless you will teleport as soon as someone attacks you, as you will lose it all upon death, and coins cannot be stored in the Wilderness.
  • If you don't have a Pak Yak, collect three items from Revenants and run for it to the nearest bank. This is not recommened if you are carrying Morrigan's weapons.
  • If you want, you can just bring food and a good weapon with some super attack/strength. Most players tend to know that you won't have anything good with your one item, but they might still kill you because you're making it harder for them to get a valuable item.
  • Players may pay above G.E. prcies for many Statius' or Vesta's items you collect. Low level artefacts can be ignored, espically the two lowest level artefacts due to their low value.
  • Run to the green dragons with protect from mage ON. The pkers tend to think that they'll get you before you can escape, and luring them to the dragons can either kill an unsuspecting one or force them to find another target. [the pkers have no dragonfire protection] Along with that, they usually put Protect/Deflect melee due to the fact that most of the Revenant hunters use melee, and they use magic.
  • As the English servers have many servers for members, none of these worlds can protect players for a long time. It would be highly recommended to go onto another server, espically French worlds as they contain the fewest players and rarely a pking group will come.
  • Many PKer groups can be 120+ combat (summoning levels excluded) and travelling in a large pack. Very few will be lower then 100 combat.
  • Should you be attacked by PKers, you can run to one of the single-combat zone areas. This prevents PKers from attacking at once. If you are in need of an assist, you can also run to the Hobgoblin Mine, where the hobgoblins will gladly help you attack the PKers (because they are in the Wilderness, and most monsters in the Wilderness are agressive towards all players). It's also a good place to log out. Never leave the single-combat zone area as the place outside is a multi-combat arena, unless you are sure you can get away from them in time.
  • Think about what you will do first. If you go to the level 30+ wilderness, and you get frozen, you won't be able to teleport out. If you're skulled, that's even worse because you'll lose almost all of your items.