Martin the Master Gardener

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Martin the Master Gardener
Release date 6 June 2005 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Fairy Tale quest series
Location Draynor Village
Sells items? Farming cape
Gender Male
Examine A master at gardening.
Notable features Wears the Farming cape, and a member of the G.A.G.
File:Martin the Master Gardener's location.png

Martin the Master Gardener is the leader of the G.A.G. organisation and resides in the Draynor Village market by a pig pen owned by them. He is the starting point for two quests: A Fairy Tale Part I and A Fairy Tale Part II. As the master of Farming, Martin sells the Farming skill cape to players who have reached level 99 in Farming for a price of 99,000 coins. Martin also says he has 13 children.

Pickpocketing Martin

He can be pick-pocketed for seeds at level 38 Thieving. If players fail, he will say Cor blimey, mate! What are ye doing in me pockets?, and they will take 30 damage and be stunned for 5 seconds.

Sometimes, Martin wanders into the pigpen, and the gate is closed by players. This traps him, and restricts his field of movement, thus making him easier to pickpocket. This also prevents the market guards from entering. Players may sell the seeds to Olivia after a certain time passed. In this case, Martin will stay in the pen until he is let out by a player, or a system update occurs. After a certain time, he will respawn outside the pen.[source needed]

Fairy Tale quest series

The pigpen owned by the G.A.G.

During the quest series, players learn that Martin and several other gardeners are part of the Group of Advanced Gardeners. As gardeners, they tend to farming patches, and usually demand payment for their services.

During the quests Fairytale I - Growing Pains and Fairytale II - Cure a Queen, Martin features at the start of the quests. In Part 1, he talks about how none of his crops are growing, and requests the player to ask the other farmers why this is the case. After killing Tanglefoot, players will inform Martin that it would be okay to grow his crops.

In Part 2, Martin says that he is surprised that the player came to him after they had "apparently" lied to him about how the crops will grow.

After Part 3, To have your patches automatically weeded, you can talk to Martin the Master Gardener to unlock the ability to have gardeners keep your farming patches weed free. Then, talk to a gardener at one of the patches. (When the Fairy Queen teleports you to Martin near the end of the quest, talking to him ends the quest. You then have to talk to him again, after the quest rewards, to unlock this ability. If any patch has preexisting weeds, you'll have to remove them before this takes effect.)

Thieving rewards

Allotment seeds

Flower seeds

Hop seeds

Bush seeds

Herb seeds

Special seeds


  • When speaking to Martin, he asks if it was you going through his pockets even if your thieving skill is lower than 38. It is unknown whether this is a glitch or not.
  • He was supposed to receive a graphical update along with Draynor Village rework, but Jagex confirmed in the FAQ that he looks good so he won't get updated. Despite this, he was updated in the combat beta servers, although his chathead does not match this model, even though the chathead was updated as well. This was released into the live game on 5 September 2012, well over a year after the Draynor update.
  • When you used to attempt to pick his pockets, the message in the chatbox was displayed as "You attempt to pick the Martin's pocket." This has been fixed.
  • If you select master farmers as a challenge in the noticeboard, thieving Martin will not contribute to this.

See also

Template:Skillcape no:Martin the Master Gardener nl:Martin the Master Gardener fi:Martin the Master Gardener