Free-to-play Revenant hunting guide

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Killing Revenants is a popular way of passing time among high-level players. Some people kill Revenants for their potential drops, which includes the old PvP weapons, armour and statuettes. Such items include Corrupt dragon equipment and various statuettes up to the Ancient statuette, worth 5 million coins.

About Revenants

During the God Wars, over 4,000 years ago, many of those that died were trapped eternally in the Wilderness, their souls twisted by the evil magic and corruption that surrounds it. They roamed the wilderness to replace PKers when PvP was removed to combat Real-world trading. When PvP was brought back, they were forced into the Forinthry Dungeon as players took back the wilderness.

Today these creatures, known as Revenants, continue to hunt those who enter their area of the Forinthry Dungeon, doing whatever they can with their melee, magic, and ranged skills to eliminate anyone who happens to cross their paths. They tend to be much stronger than what their combat level suggests and most other monsters in the free-to-play world.


Revenants patrol the North-eastern area of the Forinthry Dungeon.

WARNING: The Forinthry Dungeon is a multi-combat, PVP-enabled area, meaning it is entirely possible for other players to attack you whilst fighting the revenants in the dungeon. Do not bring equipment that you are not willing to lose.

How to get there

Revenants are found in a deep level wilderness most players try to avoid. They reside in the Wilderness at levels 28-32 Wilderness, which is a huge combat range for players. Players may have several choices to get to them:

  • With 57 Woodcutting, players use a Waka canoe and drive it to the Wilderness. Players then go south-west from the pond to find a small cave opening. Then from there, players go east. Ignore the forks in the road by taking the top route to the Revenants. This is considered the fastest way to get there, as you need aprox. 175% run energy to get to them.
  • If walking, players go to a small wooded area east of the Dark Warrior's fortress. A small cave opening is there. Players may go down. Upon doing so, they reach a fork in the road.
    • If you go north, use Protect from Melee as a large number of Greater demons will attack you. Keep moving up, and keep that prayer on. You'll end up in a bunch of Hellhounds. Go north again, but stick to the left side of the wall to avoid being attacked by a Revenant cyclops.
    • If you go east, you'll enter a large room. Green dragons reside here, but they are members only, so they will not appear. Go north afterwards to go to the Revenants.

What to Bring


Tank Melee

Using the Protect from Magic prayer, you will avoid magic damage and the Revenants will attempt to use their Ranged attacks. The high defence of a full rune set will block off most attacks. Prayer flashing is recommended, but as the Revenant's attack speed may be different (due to healing and other Revenants attacking), putting your protection prayers for the whole battle may be recommended. Prayer recharges can be found in the Chaos Temple at level 35 Wilderness.


The ranged setup is useful as some of the Revenants are weak to ranged attacks. However, due to the large volume of arrows needed, players prefer using Steel or weaker arrows as they can deal quick damage onto Revenants. If you're soloing, a sighted longbow would be preferred. If you're in a group, a shortbow may be useful to force the Revenant to keep on healing.


Note: Dungeoneering rewards will be lost on death so it is recommended to bring a one click teleport such as a Runecrafting guild teleport and sufficient food.

Getting Started

A good method to minimise loss on death and familiarise yourself with the Forinthry Dungeon is to bring only a green d'hide body, green d'hide chaps, and a Rune scimitar for your worn equipment. Even for a casual trip you may still want to bring Tuna or better food.

(You can also bring one more item if you like, such as long as your Protect item prayer is active.)

To start off, don't attack any revenant that is within 30 levels of you. This means for a level 110 player, it would not be recommended to attack any revenants ranging from level 80-126, as it will be incredibly diffcult, unless the player possesses good weapons and a very high strength and attack level. Start off by killing low level revenants. Some good revenants to kill at first would be the Revenant icefiend, pyrefiend, hobgoblin, vampyre, goblin and imps. Never go near a pack of Revenants, as they will be aggressive unless the aggression timer is up.

Mechanics of revenants

Aggression & Wander range

Revenants seem to be peaceful at first. However, if a player is within two squares or melee range of a Revenant, they will immediately attempt to attack the player, even if a wall is blocking them. Revenants do not wander far from their respawn point; their wander range is extremely small, about 2x2. However, if pursuing a player, they will leave their respawn point to a boundary, after that they will be unable to attack you. Revenants lose their aggression when a player has stayed long enough, or when a player has run out of the Revenant in minimap range.


Unlike most monsters in RuneScape, Revenants have a different type of targeting mechanic. Revenants will be given targets that it is able to attack. For example, if someone is luring a Revenant and another player comes in, they will attack the new player until they run away or die. Once the new target is dead or has run away, the Revenant (who is lured out), will target anyone that has attacked them. For example, if one player attacks a Revenant knight, another player comes in and it attacks that player and the player dies/runs away with the Revenant following him/her (lets say the Revenant gets out of the lure spot), once that target has run away, the Revenant will attack the primary attacker until that person dies/runs away/hides.


When a Revenant is at half or lower then half of its maximum hit points, it will heal itself. For example, a Revenant demon with 400 or lower health will heal by 100, thus making it have 500 health. Revenants will always heal themselves when their hitpoints fall at half or below their lifepoints. They will be unable to attack you (like players), if rapid attacking weapons, such as ranging with a Maple shortbow, a Rune scimitar, dagger, etc. They will attack back though if you are using slow weapons like a battleaxe, 2h, warhammer. Revenants will heal themselves for 20 times, for a total of 2000 hitpoints. Once their food "charges" run out, they will resume attacking you until one of you dies. The revenant's sound eating is similar to that of a player's.


The correct prayer when using melee armour against Revenants,before the graphical update.

Revenants attack off with mage. Afterwards, they will analyze you for your "weak spot". A player with little equipment may be attacked with magic attacks at first, but then the Revenant will switch to melee attacks. Revenants are suspectable to prayers; using Protect from Mage will make them use melee or range attacks. Even offensive and defensive prayers will be suspected by them. For example, if a Revenant hobgoblin is using melee attacks and you activate Steel Skin, on it's next attack, it will use a magic attack on you.


When a Revenant attempts to attack a player, it may be unable to attack because of a wall blocking the way. When the Revenant does a hit on the player (it doesn't matter if it hits or not), the player may attempt to hide somewhere near the Revenant, such as a wall. This forces the Revenant to move out of it's current position to find another way to attack the player or teleport to a position to attack the player. For example, if the Revenant ork hits a player and the player hides near a wall close to the spawn position, it will move into another spot where it can attack the player freely.

In depth analysis of individual revenants

Note: this section assumes decent stats and equipment. Do not expect the following information to be accurate in all cases.

Revenant imp (level 7)


Revenant imps are the weakest of the revenants, having only 100 life points, however, Revenant Imps have a max hit of 90 using all three combat styles. It is recommended to kill these while waiting for other revenants to respawn. Otherwise, killing these revenants are rather pointless due to their miniscule chance of dropping anything besides coins.

Strategy: Any player who is considering killing revenants should be able to kill these with ease with any combat style. The imp tends to interfere with goblin/werewolf fights quite frequently, in which case it may be a good idea to kill the imp first. As imps tend to make players lose their tolerance, using a sling is highly recommended to avoid waiting another 10 minutes for it.

Revenant goblin (levels 15, 22, 30, 37)

Nature: Revenant goblins are relatively strong for their level, and can inflict large amounts of damage quickly and accurately, though their defence is fairly low. However, they are much more powerful than imps. Lower levelled players should not expect to kill them easily.


This fight is much more difficult than the previous; the goblins' combat level is misleading. The moderate levels (22/30) stay near the southern entrence while the outer levels (15/37) stick near the western one. The level 30 goblin must be lured before killing; otherwise you risk being attacked by the dark beast and pyrefiend unless you are tolerant. Each goblin resides with a much more dangerous revenant, so luring would be advised on the stronger revenant or the goblin.

Revenant icefiend (level 45)


Revenant icefiends are fairly weak in defence compared to other revenants, but they are not to be underestimated as they can hit upwards of 200.

Strategy: This revenant is in the aggression zone of a goblin, and potentially the knight. It may be a good idea to lure it out to kill on its own, unless you are sure you can take the goblin on. Two or more man teams should ignore this.

Revenant pyrefiend (level 52)


These are mildy dangerous revenants for their combat level, but they lack defence, similar to the icefiend. They also have a similar max hit to the icefiend, around 200, but are much more accurate.


This revenant is in the aggression zone of a goblin and potentially the dark beast. In this case, the dark beast is much more dangerous than the knight in the previous case, as you will be much closer to the dark beast. Always be prepared to run when the dark beast hits you. Another method would be to range it while the dark beast is trapped behind the wall, switching to melee when it starts to attack you with melee.

Revenant hobgoblin (level 60)

Nature: These revenants are fairly weak compared to other revenants around their level. They have a decent melee attack but very low defence.

Strategy: Despite their weak nature, caution must be taken when killing them as there are several more dangerous revenants in the vicinity including the werewolf and potentially the hellhound. They should either be killed while the werewolf is dead or be lured out before killing.

Revenant vampyre (level 68)


Revenant vampyres are quite powerful for their level. They hit fairly high and have average defence.

Strategy: This revenant is also in the clump in the north-western corner. Again, luring is advised, unless the other revenants are dead. If the Revenant hellhound is nearby, immediately kill it or lure the vampyre to the building south of it's spawn location (it's an empty building that has no revenants, not the one to the east).

Revenant werewolf (level 75)


This revenant is strong. It eats the vampyre for breakfast. The 7 combat level step-up boosts both its offence and defence considerably.


This revenant is easy to lure out from the house it hides in with its friends. Meleeing it is difficult as you will not hit frequently and it can melee extremely well. Possibly the best character to kill the werewolf is an archer with high defence and magic. By avoiding its melee and tanking its mage hits, it really isn't as difficult to take down. However, it is really strong, with moderately high slash and crush defence and also hits more harder and accurate then most revenants at it's level.

Revenant cyclops (level 82)


In the higher level bunch of revenants the cyclops lacks both accuracy and defence, however, they're still very tough in defence than cockroach soldiers.


Unlike a most/all other revenants the cyclops can be partially safespotted. By exploiting its 2x2 size body, an archer can use the ledge right beside it to trap it. Initially it will mage/range you but will eventually give up and try to melee you, which it can't as half of it is trapped behind the ledge. Occasionally it will revert to maging you again, but with a high range and magic level it should be very easy. Watch out for lucky hits and be prepared to eat occasionally. Meleeing is also viable, and is more effective in a two-man team.

Revenant hellhound (level 90)


This revenant is hardly ever fought. It is located almost at the northernmost point (furthest from level 20 wilderness where you can teleport) and is with a group of other revenants.


It is recommended that you lure and kill the weaker revenants around it before moving in. It is easy to lure the hellhound in a two or more man team. To do so, one player must use the empty building south of the vampyre. The player hits the hellhound with a Ranged weapon, and the hellhound will attempt to attack the player who hit it but is unable to. The building that contains the level 15 goblin must then be used to do a sucessful lure. A player will hide behind the torch and shoot the hellhound, which will make it revert its attention to them. After that, it is quite an easy kill.

Revenant demon (level 98)


Another big step up. Revenant demon hits incredibly hard and accurate, usually around 170-230. Not killing it properly will make you only get one or two kills per trip. Revenant demons have extremely high defense toward crushing attacks.


Solo kill may be rather difficult. It is likely that you will be constantly getting hit while you eat, and it is unlikely that you can outheal what the demon can hit. Should be easy in a larger group. In smaller groups the hit-and-run strategy should be used (explained below). This gives your team an extra 2-3 hits before it redirects its attention. This revenant tends not to use its teleport as often as the other high level revenants and so it hiding while eating may be a good idea. The demon tends to lure players upwards, but in some events down to the Revenant dark beast so players should use the walls for cover. However, with decent armour and using Protect from Magic, it is possible to avoid any damage and allowing you to gain several kills in one trip.

Revenant ork (level 105)


Although a lot less dangerous than they were when they patrolled the wilderness, they are still incredibly strong offensively but has only average defence.


Soloing may be extremely difficult if you choose to fight it head on. It has little defence against attacks, making it easy to deal quick, heavy damage. While it may seem hard at first, once you cut it's health below half it will stop to eat, allowing you to deal even more damage. Never let it move south or east, as both directions contain deadly revenants (south is where you can be attacked by a cyclops and potentially dark beast and east is dark beast).

Revenant dark beast (level 120)


While offensively this revenant is no more dangerous than the ork, it is strategically located in the middle of the dungeon where it can potentially interfere with a lot of fights.


Attempting to solo this revenant in free-to-play may be a very terrible idea. It is likely that you will die and it will not. If attacking in standard way (meaning no hiding or baiting), don't let it go near the ork, goblin or demon or you will be attacked again. You can lure it by using the torch on the eastern building or in the building the ork resides, but it would be best to bait it after tolerance has started.



Hitting this is like hitting a brick wall. It doesn't get hurt but you do. In addition, there are 'machine guns' mounted on this brick wall that can hit upwards of 300.


Soloing this is complete suicide. It will most likely kill you before you can deal enough damage onto it. The goblin usually tends to interfere with the fights often, so it is best to either kill it or wait for the tolerance timer to start. A player using Corrupt dragon and Gravite should be able to take it down within 5-10 minutes. If you are in a two or more man team, it will be much more easier.

Basic tactics


Berserking is the most common way to take down revenants. Simple as it seems, you charge at the enemy and kill them. While Berserking, you will want to think about the conditions:

  • Your combat level.
  • The Revenants
  • Supplies

Berserking is very bad in F2P, as profits are usually low from doing it aganist a specific set of Revenants. However, with high stats, you can beserk most of the Revenants, but do not attempt it aganist the Hellhound or anything higher then it, as the defence is too high and they have high offensive stats.

Advanced tactics

It is recommended that you understand all the other relevant parts of this article before attempting this, unless you are already proficient in using these in other situations.


It is possible with a two-man team to kill any revenant with this method, however it will take longer than berserking, but patience can be rewarded.

Before starting you MUST have fulfilled the following conditions:

  • You must have located a suitable safe-spot, which will usually be a wall, where the revenant can be trapped behind AND will not teleport out of.

When these two conditions are fulfilled you can then begin.

  1. Lure your targeted revenant into the safe spot, with your partner(s) waiting there also.
  2. Determine who the revenant is after. Moving around in a spot the targeted Revenant will not attack you is a good idea. The person should not do anything to make the targeted Revenant attack him.
  3. All other members may attack the targeted Revenant. After 10 ticks, the person who hit at tick 11 will be the current target.
    1. If the Revenant is under half its maximum hitpoints however (e.g a Revenant hobgoblin at 440 or lower hitpoints), it will still remain on the target it was supposed to attack.
  4. Keep attacking until it dies. If you are attacking and it goes above half health, after one more hit (4/5 tick weapon), the Revenant will target you now. Your partner should now start to attack him until it switches it's attention onto him.
  5. Repeat until it dies.

The 10 ticks delay has means you will either get 3 hits with a weapon of 4 ticks or 2 hits with a weapon of 5 ticks or more.

NOTE: A 4 tick weapon is "speed 6" on the runescape wiki and a rating of "normal" in the equipment screen under speed. A 5 tick weapon is "speed 5" on rswiki and a rating of "slow" in equip screen. 6 tick is "speed 4" and "very slow".

Theoretically you can land 4 hits with a 3 tick weapon (maple shortbow) but this is both impractical and dangerous as it is inaccurate (tested and confirmed at 99 range with full green d'hide) and any hesitation may mean that the third hit may land after the 10 tick pseudo-tolerance threshold resulting in avoidable unnecessary damage.

The 10 ticks delay also means that Gravite 2h > Rune 2h > Gravite Rapier > Rune Scimitar > Rune battleaxe > Gravite longsword > Rune Longsword for this tactic.

N.B. This tactic should only be used on Cyclops and higher (werewolf if you're really having trouble) since any lower revenants can be berserked with better results.


This is perfect when fighting a Revenant too strong for one person alone. First, a person must not get tolerance from the Revenants in the area (the minimap is basically your "tolerance"). Find a spot where the "bait" is safe from Revenants.

The "bait" must be close to a targeted Revenant, but not within the attacking range of it. The player will lure the Revenant to the spot. The Revenant will attempt to attack, but Revenants will ALWAYS target those who aren't tolerant to them to those who are. The "bait" must not do anything, but if the "bait" is skilled in a solo hit and run, they can do it occasionaly. When the Revenant switches their agression towards the player who attacked them, they will try to. However, they will revert back to the "bait". If the Revenant is accidentally led out of the lure, the attackers and bait should run until the targeted Revenant is basically tolerant or is stuck inside the lure again.

Prayer Flashing

Skip this if you already know how to do this.

F2p is severely handicapped in that there is no reliable way of restoring prayer (only ways are dying, altar and twisted bird skull necklace). This makes the ability to flash pray critically important in many areas of f2p play. There is probably a guide on this somewhere else on the wiki, and it is very important that you read it.

When fighting revenants you will probably be flashing offensive prayers, unless you are using the melee with full rune method. Set your selected prayers as your quick-prayers and pray as necessary. This is important because not only can you use them quickly without opening your prayer interface, you can also use more than one prayer at once.

Melee armour is highly recommended, despite its negative magic defence, but with skilled prayer flashing, one can achieve many kills per trip. If done correctly, you will only need to eat 1-2 pieces of food per revenant, though a Longbow might be advised for luring if needed. Bronze arrows and a longbow can make prayer flashing last longer then usual.

Many f2p players forget the usefulness of prayer because of the tediousness to use it. However using prayer significantly reduces the time required to make a kill. 113 attack and strength is quite a lot better than 99.

Solo Hit and Run

This will take an extremely long time (usually 5-15 minutes), but would otherwise save precious food, and allows you to kill almost any type of Revenant you want.

When a monster is hit, they have two ticks to respond before attacking. To do this, a player must attack the target, and run to a spot where the Revenant cannot attack them anymore. Wait for 10 ticks (basically until the lifepoints bar disappears), and attack the Revenant again.

Note that however, to be at a safe reasoning, wait until the Revenant's hitpoints bar disappears, and wait for it to do three of it's unique idle motions. Then, attack and repeat as your target will be unable to hit you back.

If you do get hit (any type of combat), immediately hide somewhere you think the Revenant won't get you. This is because they will move out of the place to attempt to attack you, or teleport to a place where they can attack you. Once the Revenant stops this (they only do it once), get it trapped again. Repeat with the same method until you get hit (in which you hide again), or until you or the Revenant dies.


Massing is incredibly difficult to attempt in a F2P server; very few people prefer killing Revenants over anything else. However, profits can expand greatly or horribly. As the name implies, you should gather around 10-20 people who are willing to go to Revenants. You will want to consider these:

  • Roles of the players.
  • Their combat levels.

As the name implies, you will use standard beserking tactics to kill all types of Revenants. However, it will be a little more difficult as for the Revenant ork and higher, the food must be depleted for a kill. Lootshare should be turned on, Coinshare optional, due to the dangers of being unable to put coins into your money pouch. With the correct people and their roles, players may earn millions this way.

Other Tips

  • If you are attacked by more than one revenant at a time, it is recommended that you flee unless you are certain that you are not at risk (e.g. if the imp hits you while you are killing the cyclops).
  • Do not bring rare or valuable items in the Wilderness. Not only will this cause greater losses upon death, but it will also make you a more tempting target for PKers, although PKers do not come often as they can be easily killed by other Revenants, unlike the P2P PKers who can use a Forninthry brace and can kill you easily.
  • Pures with lower than 10 Defence are strongly advised to avoid trying to kill a revenant alone, even with protection prayers.
  • Always use a bonfire boost. That way, you'll have more health to support yourself if you are at full health, no prayer points and food.
  • Be careful who you go hunting with. The dungeon is PvP enabled so other players will be able to kill you here. However, it shouldn't be a problem, as Revenant hunting in F2P is often rare.
    • If there is a player who is attempting to kill you, lure them to any revenant with a combat level of 90 or higher. These Revenants deal massive amounts of damage onto players (usually 170+) and force them to wait it out. The Revenant demon is a great use of it as it deals high, consistent damage aganist players.
  • If a high levelled revenant is after you, hiding behind a wall is an alternative to running. If there are other aggressive revenants in the area, either kill them or use Protect from Magic and run to a safe zone.
  • The best drop from Revenants is an Ancient statuette. However, due to the rarity of this item, regardless of what drop you get, pick it up as it is very valuable for collectors and F2P PKers alike. For example, if you get a Corrupt dragon dagger, it would be best to pick it up to make some profit off the trip.
  • It is highly recommended to target low level revenants in a specific area before targeting the stronger ones. Not only it will make them tolerant, it will save lifepoints that would be unnecessarily lost and will make the trip even smoother.
  • If players need to teleport, run south with Protect from Melee on. All of the other non-revenant monsters use melee only. (This is not needed if you are running from the level 28 area unless you are running in a way that makes you lure PKers into the Hellhounds and Greater demons).
  • Decide what revenant you want to kill. Higher levelled revenants have a much more higher chance of dropping an artefact or Corrupt dragon equipment then lower levels. However higher levelled revenants can deal more damage than lower levels and can potentially kill a player. If killing lower levels, you will get more kills per trip, but the chances of getting an artefact or corrupt dragon equipment per kill will much lower.
  • Pick up coins. It will salvage some of the coins you used to buy your supplies. Revenants have a very high drop rate of coins, and the level 30+ Revenants will drop coins from 241-670 often.
  • As you will not have a gravestone upon death, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to retrieve your items after dying. Therefore, consider your risk to be everything beyond what you keep on death and bring items accordingly.
    • You will most likely get your items back if you use a Waka canoe. This requires at least 57 Woodcutting to make.