Forgotten mage
A forgotten mage wearing Celestial robes, a tier 11 set of armour. | |
Release date | 12 April 2010 (Update) |
Members? | No |
Combat level | See table |
Life points | See table |
Experience for killing | Unknown edit |
Slayer level | Not assigned |
Aggressive? | Yes |
Poisonous? | No |
Immune to poison? |
No |
Attack style | Magic |
Attack speed | FastInterval: 3.0 seconds![]() |
Max hit | See table |
Weakness | Ranged > Slash > Stab |
Always drops | Bones |
Examine text |
The Forgotten mage is a monster in Daemonheim released with the Dungeoneering skill. They attack exclusively with magic. Their combat levels vary, as do the magic robes they wear and the level of spells they cast. They will usually drop 2 pieces of the robes they are wearing (e.g. one wearing Roseblood robes may drop 2 pieces of Roseblood equipment), but on rare occasions, they may drop more. They usually have high magic stats but fairly low life points. They are generally accurate with their attacks, and high levelled mages can cast Surge spells which can even hit over 200. Also, stronger mages can bind you, as well as being able to use various types of curses. They can deal considerable amounts of damage for their level. Killing the lower levelled mages is simple if the player wears ranged armour and attacks with melee or ranged. Fighting strong mages would require some food and/or the Protect from Magic prayer; their magic attacks are even accurate through high-level range armour, as well as having higher melee defence. Mages who are wearing runic-celestial armour will cast surge spells and use high level curses to lower the target's stats, and also have a longer lasting Entangle spell, which can be potentially lethal in high-level teams, particularly if multiple combat styles are being used in the room and the player has no means of escaping, healing, or protecting themself.
Forgotten mages have a special ability only shared by necromancers, mercenary leaders, reborn mages and Seekers: they could cast what looks like stat spy on players to temporary disable the cloaking effects of the shadow silk hood. This can be their most lethal spell if other humanoid monsters are in the room. Even though it deals no direct damage, it can cause multiple humanoid enemies to attack the affected player at once. The higher the mage's combat level, the more powerful the spells they can use.
Below is a list of the spells that forgotten mages use with respect to their tier. As you see, the mages will use a greater variety of spells as their combat level goes up, though some of them will be of the same type (look at the tier 1 and tier 2 mage spells).
Salve Forgotten Mages will just do the most basic curse spell, while Wildercress ones will also do addition Weaken Curse Spell, and Blightleaf ones will also cast a binding spell in addition to what the other mages cast. Higher tier mages tend to use more damaging spells, making it very dangerous for those with low magic protection. Tier 7 (Soulbell) mages will only cast the first high level curse Vulnerability), ecto mages will cast Enfeeble, and above that will cast all types of curses, including a very long-lasting Entangle. Be very careful with anything above runic (tier 9+); they use surge spells, which hit 200+ very commonly. Protect from Magic is recommended instead of food and ranged armour for these mages; even with cave morays and Tyrannoleather armour, it can be difficult to keep up with their high hits.
For players with 90-100 combat, tiers 1-4 will generally be with other, higher level monsters, though on rare occasions a wildercress one will be either alone in a room or with very low level monsters. Duskweed (tier 6) and above mages will either be by themselves or with very low level monsters, due to the high damage they often cause. On some of the deeper floors, a level 90-100 player may encounter runic, spiritbloom, and even celestial mages dwelling alone in a room.
- Daemonheim all floors.
Monster-Specific drops
These are only dropped by mages that are visibly holding them in their left hand.
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Magical blastbox N/A 600 No Celestial surgebox N/A 900 Yes
Magic Robes
The mages usually only drop robes that they themselves are wearing (celestial mages can drop lower-tiered robes, such as spiritbloom), although which of these they drop is random.
(It is possible for no robes to be dropped at all)
Other Drops
- Please note that the quantities and rarities are random.
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Heim crab 1 72 No Red-eye 2 180 No Dusk eel 3 252 No Giant flatfish 4 360 No Short-finned eel 5 432 No Web snipper 6 540 Yes Bouldabass 7 612 Yes Salve eel 8 720 Yes
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Novite dagger 1 105 No Bathus dagger 2 255 No Marmaros dagger 3 480 No Kratonite dagger 4 660 No Fractite dagger 5 915 No
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Air rune None 1 No Mind rune None 1 No Water rune None 1 No Earth rune None 2 No Fire rune None 3 No Body rune None 3 No Cosmic rune None 3 No Chaos rune None 3 No Astral rune None 3 Yes Nature rune None 3 No Law rune None 6 No Death rune None 6 No Blood rune None 6 Yes Soul Rune None 12 Yes
Torn bags
Please note that non-members can receive torn bags as well, although they can only sell them (or alchemise).
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Protoleather torn bag 1 93 No Subleather torn bag 2 213 No Paraleather torn bag 3 399 No Archleather torn bag 4 546 No Dromoleather torn bag 5 759 No Spinoleather torn bag 6 888 No Gallileather torn bag 7 1101 No Stegoleather torn bag 8 1260 No Megaleather torn bag 9 1434 No Tyrannoleather torn bag 10 1695 No
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Novite ore 1 105 No Bathus ore 2 225 No Marmaros ore 3 480 No Kratonium ore 4 660 No Fractite ore 5 915 No
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Tangle gum branches 1 45 No Seeping elm branches 2 90 No Blood spindle branches 3 165 No Utuku branches 4 225 No Spinebeam branches 5 315 No
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Salve nettles 1 84 No Wildercress 2 204 No Blightleaf 3 384 No Roseblood 4 528 No Bryll 5 732 No
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Grimy sagewort 1 225 Yes Grimy valerian 1 300 Yes Grimy aloe 1 405 Yes Grimy wormwood leaf 2 450 Yes Grimy magebane 2 600 Yes Grimy featherfoil 2 810 Yes Grimy winter's grip 3 900 Yes Grimy lycopus 3 1050 Yes Grimy buckthorn 3 1350 Yes
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Cave potato seed N/A 162 Yes Gissel mushroom spore N/A 270 Yes Edicap mushroom spore N/A 900 Yes Sagewort seed 1 675 Yes Valerian seed 1 900 Yes Aloe seed 1 1215 Yes Wormwood seed 2 1350 Yes Magebane seed 2 1800 Yes Featherfoil seed 2 2430 Yes Winter's grip seed 3 2700 Yes Lycopus seed 3 3150 Yes Buckthorn seed 3 4050 Yes
Charms and Miscellaneous
Item Tier Smuggler value Members only? Gold charm None 895 Yes Green charm None 2647 Yes Crimson charm None 4393 Yes Blue charm None 5538 Yes Coins N/A N/A No Anti-dragon shield (Daemonheim) None 360 No Bow string N/A 18 Yes Vial (Dungeoneering) N/A 3 No Thread N/A 3 No Fly fishing rod N/A 15 No Feather (Dungeoneering) N/A 1 No Marmaros and Thok None Untradeable No Chronicles of Bilrach None Untradeable No File:Rune Essence (Daemonheim).png Rune essence None 16 No
- Prior to the graphical update for the elemental spells, the Forgotten mages that used wave spells used the hand animation associated with blast or lower spells. Some mages still use these hand animations, although the spells still use the updated graphics (this has not been fixed yet).
- Also before the graphical update, some of the higher-levelled mages used higher-powered wave spells that hit maximum damage consistent with the corresponding surge spells (for example, the highest levelled mages used a variation of Fire Wave with maximum damage of 280, the same as Fire Surge). Although the higher-levelled mages now cast the proper elemental surge spells, they still use the sound effects for the wave spells. This also seems to apply to Mercenary leaders.
- With a hidden update, Forgotten mages now bind the player, then move a few squares away (if in melee range) and continue attacking them similar to Astea Frostweb. Very rarely, if in melee range, they will move one space diagonally close to you in melee range also, although this may be a glitch.
- Using a binding spell such as Entangle to immobilise a mage will not prevent him from moving away after he binds a player in melee range. This also seems to apply to the Mercenary leader and Astea Frostweb, and is most likely a glitch.