Dungeoneering/Party guide

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The party interface

Soloing or choosing your party is one of the key procedures of Dungeoneering. Although it may be a quick and easy thing for players, it may be a good idea to observe these factors for the best gain.

Key factors

Dungeoneering is a team-based part of RuneScape, so it's very important to choose the right kind of team. A number of factors decide how good a party is, and the individual players, their levels and skills, can have a large impact on the kind of dungeon you do, and how well you complete it.

Before choosing or creating a party, you should be considering each of these factors. This page should guide you through the decision process.

Size of party

Parties can be made up of 1-5 players. Generally more players can take on more tasks at the same time, covering more areas, which means the dungeon is completed more quickly. However, the monsters are rationally strengthened according to strength of party members, and there might be chance that player are left running or doing nothing as result of being without effective skills or away from active rooms. Remember that only parties with 3-5 players can raid large dungeons.

Combat and skill levels

When forming a party, you should look for players with a similar or higher combat level to you. The combat levels of the team affects the level of the boss and the other creatures in the dungeon. For example, a team with players level 130 and higher will have a much stronger boss and much stronger creatures in the dungeon than a team of players with levels around 45. It is recommended to also look for players with high skill levels to help with creating equipment and opening doors. For example, having lower-level players on your team is generally favoured as they can considerably lower the monster strength and possibly have decent non-combat skills.

Party leader

If you are a skiller or simply a low levelled player, its best to try and join other peoples parties, as yours won't be that popular when advertising. Party leaders have power over the other members of the team - for instance, they can choose to promote or kick other players, and hold the group gatestone.

Party management

Shared Experience

You can toggle shared experience on and off only for yourself. Shared experience is a mechanism which will award with a small amount of experience every time another player in your party performs an action which you are also able to do. For example:

You have 39 Smithing. Somebody on your team makes a Novite Maul. Because you have the level required to smith this item, you and whoever else has XP share toggled with an equal or higher smithing level will receive experience.

You have 39 Smithing. One of your teammates makes a Promethium Platebody. Because they require level 99 Smithing, you will not receive any experience, even if you have Shared experience on. Any other player who has 99 Smithing will receive experience.

Important: Most of the non-combat experience will be shared as long as someone has enough level on a skill and has toggled share experience on. The exact activities include most doors, most puzzle room, and non-combat activity. Although it is not intended to give combat experience, it will give strength experience for barred doors; magic experience for magical barrier doors, crystal puzzles and magical constructs; and prayer experience for dark spirit doors. Making Runes for Runecrafting does NOT work with shared experience.

Inspecting skills, familiars and inventories

On your party interface, right click on a person's name and select 'inspect.' You will then be able to look through your teammates inventory and skill levels, thus helping you to see if they have a level good enough to solve a puzzle or open a door.


While raiding a dungeon with your party, you may need to kick a player. This is done by opening the party interface with the Ring of Kinship. Kicking most often occurs before starting the dungeon. If a kick occurs within a dungeon, the kicked player's items will be dropped on the spot. However, if a kicked player has the highest skill levels, they may be required to unlock a door or solve a puzzle, and without their help, the dungeon may be impossible to complete. Party members cannot kick others from the team after the boss has been killed.

The main reasons for kicks before a dungeon are the members not banking their items, having low dungeoneering levels or low total levels, which means they are incapable of adequately assisting the team. On the other hand, the main reason for executing a kick within a dungeon is the player not contributing enough to the floor or slowing the other members down.

Party recruiting

The most popular worlds for Dungeoneering are World 7 (official Dungeoneering world) for Free-to-Play and World 77 for Members. When forming a party, advertising in the courtyard directly outside of the dungeon, or on the forums, is the most practical way of attracting potential party members. When you are advertising, always specify the name of the floor or floors you are planning to do, the size of the dungeon, how many players you are looking for, the difficulty level, and any additional requirements you may wish to impose.

In advertisements, the number of players and the difficulty level can be generalized by the format "[number of players]:[difficulty]". For example, if you wish to play a dungeon with four players, designed for a group of three players, you could present this information merely by including a "4:3" in your advertisement. Complexity is generally assumed to be six, and is therefore not required to advertise unless you plan on setting the complexity to less than 6.

In high-level worlds players usually advertise only the floor theme and how many players are required to start a 5:5 Large dungeon e.g. "O+2" means "Occult floor with two more to go",

Another way to attract party members is to state the floor you are wanting to dungeoneer on. For example:

N13 (Need / Looking for a floor 13 party) Hosting F23 (You have a party and are looking for people to join on floor 23)

Warning: A failing medium or large party can often be caused by forgetting to quote "med" or "large" in adverterising. Some players would instantly leave the dungeon if they know the dungeon is not small after starting it.

Team Strategies: Prestige parties

Prestige parties are parties that are designed to work through a floor or group of floors as quickly as possible, in order to maximize their Prestige level for their next reset. These parties are generally 5:1 or some equivalent teams with lessened difficulties, Small, and complexity 1, and will often have the subtext of "Rush" included in their advertising message, which signifies the intent of a prestige run. During a prestige run, the ultimate goal is to open all of the doors and kill the boss as swiftly as possible, ignoring the standard creatures of the dungeon except in rooms with guardian doors. This strategy trades immediate experience for extreme speed in clearing out the lower-level floors, with low level dungeons taking typically about one minute. This allows players to spend a much greater proportion of their time on the deeper, high-experience floors. For example, prestige rushing all of the Frozen floors will take about 15–20 minutes, which is a tiny percentage of the total time spent in dungeons between resets, and gives a full 11 prestige. High-level players usually refer prestige parties just as C1s.
