Chaotic maul

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Chaotic maul
Release date 12 April 2010 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Value 130,000 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price 200,000 Dungeoneering tokens
(Rewards trader)
Examine A maul used to claim life from those who don't deserve it.
Weight 4.9 kg
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A detailed image of a Chaotic Maul.
A detailed image of a Chaotic Maul.

A chaotic maul is a powerful melee weapon, and a Dungeoneering reward. The maul requires both 80 Dungeoneering and 80 Attack to purchase and wield, respectively. Although mauls in Daemonheim have a Strength requirement that corresponds to their tiers, the Chaotic maul requires an Attack level instead of a Strength level to equip. Two million Dungeoneering experience is required to attain the 200,000 Tokens needed to purchase this item, which will bring you to at least level 80 Dungeoneering, assuming no other tokens are spent.

The Chaotic maul currently has the highest strength bonus and the highest crush bonus for any weapon usable throughout RuneScape, with stats of +155 and +167 respectively (the class 5 warhammer has a much higher crush bonus, but can only be used in Stealing Creation. The Dominion sword has a higher strength bonus, but can only be used within the Dominion Tower). While wearing the best strength-boosting gear, it is possible to achieve 212 strength bonus with this weapon. Under ideal circumstances, this weapon can hit up to 1125 in Castle Wars, 862 against undead monsters (in combination with Salve amulet (e)) and 847 in Kuradal's Dungeon.

The Chaotic maul has the same attack bonus and 5 less strength bonus than the Promethium maul found in Daemonheim.

Warning: As with all chaotic items, players will not receive a warning message when attempting to drop their chaotic maul.

Hover over image for type A player wielding a chaotic maul.
A player wielding a chaotic maul.
 Attack bonus
-4 -4 +167 0 0
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 0 0
Other bonuses Slot

+155 0 0% 0
FastestInterval: 2.4 seconds

Repair costs

After approximately 10 hours of combat, the Chaotic maul will degrade completely and must be recharged before it may be used again. When first bought, the weapon is 20% charged. Repair costs come in 1% increments; you can repair this item whenever there's at least 1% charge missing.

  • 100% charged (Fully charged) – No cost.
  • 99% charged – 20,000 coins or 2,000 coins and 200 tokens.
  • 90% charged – 200,000 coins or 20,000 coins and 2,000 tokens.
  • 20% charged (After buying) – 1,600,000 coins or 160,000 coins and 16,000 tokens.
    The message received for 80 Attack.
  • 0% charged (No charge) – 2,000,000 coins or 200,000 coins and 20,000 tokens.

Uses and benefits

The maul is the weapon of choice for killing Waterfiends, due to the fiends' weakness toward crush attacks. Waterfiends are popular monsters to kill for their high drop rate of Crimson charms. Also the Chaotic maul is very effective at killing high levelled bosses due to its large crush bonus and its high hits. The Chaotic maul is also the weapon of choice for killing revenants due to their ability to heal in between hits. The chaotic maul is also the slowest degrading chaotic due to the fact that Chaotics degrade per hits to the user and the users hits.

The chaotic maul is also highly useful in PvP due to its potency of inflicting a large amount of damage in one hit, making it a great KO weapon. However, because the Chaotic maul is able to inflict large amounts of damage to other players in PVP situations, the Vengeance spell is often deadly to maul users. However, there is one game tick between the character animation of swinging the maul and experience for the hit appearing on the experience tracker (when the damage is actually inflicted), allowing for a chance to eat before taking damage from an opponent's Vengeance spell, making it more effective against Vengeance than any other weapon. But when the user is casting vengeance that has a decent amount of damage and with a high hit they could potentially one hit the enemy.


  • It should be noted that the 10 hours of combat that all chaotic items last for, are measured in 1 game tick (600 ticks per 1%) per attack made AND received. It is thus possible to have your Chaotic items degrade at faster rates if you are under attack from multiple enemies, or get attacked by enemies with fast attack rates like Scarab swarms.
  • The Chaotic Maul used to cost 400,000 Dungeoneering Tokens before the 21 April 2010 Dungeoneering rewards update.
  • Assuming a perfect 10 hours of use, a chaotic maul will last exactly 60,000 game ticks before it requires recharging. As it attacks once every 6 game ticks, it can be used for 10,000 attacks before depletion. This works out to a cost of 200 coins per attack, or 20 coins and 2 Dungeoneering tokens per attack.
  • If a player loses a chaotic maul, or any chaotic weapon, in the wilderness, the other player receives a 100k cash drop.
  • The Items Kept on Death value of the Chaotic maul is 130,000 coins, however it will protect over any item valued less than 20,000,000 coins.
  • The chaotic maul bears resemblance to a Gorgonite maul in Dungeoneering.
  • Chaotic mauls, along with all other Dungeoneering weapons/shields, will stack in the bank as long as they are on the same charge. For example, two chaotic mauls with 35% charge and 67% charge will not stack, but two chaotic mauls with 67% will.
  • The chaotic maul appears to have spikes on the front end of the weapon, but the weapon yields a negative slash and stab bonus.

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