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Skeletal Rejuvinated Ali the Wise

Wahisietel chathead
Wahisietel chathead
Release date 14 September 2011 (Update)
Combat level 250
Race Mahjarrat
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Ritual of the Mahjarrat
Location The North
Sells items? None
Gender Male
Examine Formely Ali the Wise, but really a Zarosian Mahjarrat.
Wahisietel (rejuvenated)
Wahisietel (rejuvenated)
File:Wahisietel rejuvenated.png
Release date 14 September 2011 (Update)
Combat level 350
Race Mahjarrat
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Ritual of the Mahjarrat
Location The North
Sells items? None
Gender Male
Examine Formely Ali the Wise, but really a Zarosian Mahjarrat.
Ali the Wise chathead
Ali the Wise chathead
Ali the Wise
Release date 21 April 2009 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Tale of the Muspah
The Curse of Arrav
The Temple at Senntisten
The Ritual of the Mahjarrat
Location Nardah
Sells items? None
Gender Male
Examine A scholar who is evidently wise.
He has the weathered skin of a desert dweller. (Tale of the Muspah)
Notable features A scholar from Nardah investigating the Mahjarrat.
File:Ali the Wise's location.png

Wahisietel is a Mahjarrat and one of the few to still be loyal to Zaros, according to Zemouregal's notes. He disguised as Ali the Wise and prepared for the forthcoming ritual by gathering information on the recent activities of his fellow Mahjarrat, with various hints indicating that this could be the case. For example, "Ali the Wise" is an anagram of "Wahisietel". He has been allied with Azzanadra for years, and his knowledge is well regarded among the Mahjarrat. He is first encountered during Tale of the Muspah, where he can be found researching a Muspah statue, and tells the player of the legendary Muspah. Afterwards, he plays a major role in The Curse of Arrav and Ritual of the Mahjarrat. He also has a minor role in Temple at Senntisten.


Research of the Muspah

Wahisietel (under his Ali the Wise alias) is first encountered during the Tale of the Muspah quest, where he is found in the desert researching a recently uncovered Muspah statue. He explains to the player that the Muspah is a Mahjarrat folktale, and that it does not actually exist. Still, he is very interested by the players find, and gives them information on how to unfreeze it. After the quest, he can be found in Nardah, and is very eager to "learn" more information on the Mahjarrat.

The Retrieval of Arrav's Heart

During the Curse of Arrav, Ali the Wise enlists the player to investigate a newly discovered cavern at the peak of Trollweiss Mountain which he believes to lead directly under the Mahjarrat Ritual Site. They turn out to actually be a tunnel created by the Mahjarrat Lamistard, and lead to the cellar of Zemouregal's fortress. The player encounters Arrav there, and Arrav leads the player to some plans of Zemouregal's Base. Ali the Wise decides to use the plans to retrieve Arrav's heart from the base, which he can use to break Arrav free from Zemouregal's control. The player is able to retrieve Arrav's heart from the base, and Ali the Wise rewards the player.

The Restoration of Senntisten

Ali the Wise has a small role in Temple at Senntisten, he directs the player to his friend Dr Nabanik, the alias of his ally Azzanadra, to help renovate a Zarosian temple at the Digsite.

The 18th Ritual of Rejuvenation

During the The Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest, Ali The Wise sides with the forces trying to stop Lucien. He accompanies the player, Sir Tiffy Cashien, Idria, Akrisae, a battalion of Temple Knights, and members of the Crux Eqal on a mission to the Mahjarrat Ritual site in Ghorrock to stop Lucien's plans to become a God during the 18th Ritual of Rejuvenation.

It's Wahisietel!

In the route to the ritual site, the group is stopped by General Khazard, who reveals that Ali is really the Mahjarrat, Wahisietel, in disguise and proceeds to attack them. Wahisietel fights off the General's forces and forces Khazard to retreat. Once they reach the ritual site, they are confronted by Lucien, who engages Wahisietel in a duel while the rest of the party is distracted with Lucien's enchanted enhanced ice titans and ice demons. The group is almost defeated but is then saved by the timely arrival of Wahisietel's brother<ref>"Good luck with that, my brother" -Sliske</ref> Sliske, who summons the Barrows Brothers to ward off the ice beasts.

When the ritual begins, Wahisietel demands that Lucien be sacrificed because of the danger he poses to Gielinor but is ignored by the rest. When Lucien declares that he will choose the sacrifice because he is the most powerful and then demands that Jhallan be sacrificed, Wahisietel steps in and once again says that Lucien must be the sacrifice to stop his ascension to Godhood. Upon saying this, he attacks Lucien, sparking a battle between the Zarosian and Zamorakian Mahjarrat. When Lucien abandons Zemouregal while he's being attacked by Azzanadra and Arrav, Zemouregal turns on him and convinces every other Mahjarrat to do the same, prompting them all to attack Lucien.

When the ritual begins, the fighting stops and Jhallan is sacrificed to rejuvenate the rest. After Lucien is killed by the Dragonkin, Wahisietel is one of the only two Mahjarrat to not teleport away in terror (the other being Sliske). Wahisietel thanks the player for their help in stopping Lucien and declares that he will return to Nardah before leaving in order to let the player, Thaerisk and Sir Tiffy hide the Stone of Jas where nobody will ever find it again.

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Information that the player tells Ali the Wise (having completed the correct quests) includes:

This can only be done prior to the completion of Ritual of the Mahjarrat.

Postbag from the Hedge

In the 47th Postbag from the Hedge, Wahisietel answers some questions asked by a player regarding Freneskae.

Dear Wahisietel

As a friend and ally, i thought you might be able to help answer a few questions i had about the Mahjarrat. What was it like back on Freneskae? Is it really as a hellish and brutal place as the other Mahjarrat describe? Are there any Mahjarrat still in Freneskae? Do you know why Kharshai did not attend the last ritual?

— Dragon kin<ref name="postbag">Jagex. Postbag 47 - "Grumpy mermaids and sleepy dragons.", Letter 5. Postbags from the Hedge. *</ref>
Dear Dragon kin,

It's good to talk without a disguise! I'm no Sliske - I've got no skills in misdirection and disguises - so it's refreshing to talk frankly. I can spare some time to answer your questions, and, my word, there are quite a few of them...

The Mahjarrat will probably give you differing perspectives of Freneskae. Zamorak talked about it all the time, cursing the order and balance of Gielinor. Sliske had a better grasp on the Shadow Realms of Freneskae than he does here. No doubt, he'd give you a good account of Freneskae. As for me? It was different. Our birthplace had you battling the elements, the thick magical currents, the migrating beasts. It could reduce a Mahjarrat to tears, pounding the slate ground with your fists. But here - while the world is kinder (or more malleable, if you're of that mind) - the lack of an opponent makes Mahjarrat fight one another. We are creatures of Freneskae, and we live for the even fight. That fight just has to be with each other.

No Mahjarrat remain on Freneskae, as far as I am aware. We came here together, promised the spectacle of great battles and sport. Kharshai was the most visibly excited by the prospect of Gielinor (many of the weaker Mahjarrat were), yet he was quick to disappear. His neutrality has likely saved him: without the potential of being a friend or enemy, few have searched for him. But, there is a ritual in the future with his name on it - once the Zamorakian lifeblood is felt in my veins, of course.

— Wahisietel <ref name="postbag"></ref>



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