Update:Patch Notes (13 May 2010)

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These official Patch Notes are copyrighted by Jagex. It is a direct quote from the forums of the RuneScape website.
These Patch Notes were announced on 13 May 2010.

The following small fixes and adjustments have now been made to the game. If you spot any further bugs in-game, please use the Bug Report feature ('Submit a Bug Report' under the 'Help' drop-down menu of the website).


  • Improved some of the animations while holding banners.
  • Prevented interruptions when playing the snow globe animation.
  • Adjusted a couple of models where items were interfering with each other.
  • Changed some of the animation priorities when cutting trees down.
  • Adjusted some of the offsets for the ectophial animation.
  • Some locations were disappearing in High Detail mode.
  • The text in the hot-air balloon journey interface should now be easier to read.
  • Improved and tweened some of the animations on NPCs in Varrock Museum.
  • A plaque on a wall was popping out the other side.
  • Fixed some leaky roofing due to the ground heightmap.
  • Guards in Sophanem have been retrained in how to correctly wield spears.
  • Fixed a tree that seemed to be sinking into the ground.
  • Corrected some remove roof issues in Keldagrim.
  • Swapped some doors that were the wrong way around in the Stronghold of Security.
  • Corrected a small animation problem when holding mjolnirs.
  • A wall torch flame wasn't aligned with the holder.
  • A white tile in the Tower of Life now properly fades to black.
  • Corrected the Grand Exchange icons for some of the wizard sets.
  • Ensured that some footprints used in the Glorious Memories quest were visible on the ground.
  • Improved the molten metal animation in the Blast Furnace.
  • Stopped players from looking like they’re running on the spot while using a dark bow and your target is dying.
  • Goblin death animations should now be a bit quicker.
  • Fixed the human-to-werewolf transformation animation.
  • Casting the High Alchemy spell with various items in your left hand will no longer affect the animation.
  • Changed a few trolls to use a more suitable idle animation.
  • Improved the final sequence in a Ratcatchers quest cutscene.
  • Players will no longer be placed on a particular crate.
  • Arcane spirit shields should no longer render through players in Standard Detail.
  • Fixed Eek's animations when you’re wearing various gloves.
  • Duradel now has the correct cape during While Guthix Sleeps.
  • Removed items from your left hand when playing the animation for teleporting with the enchanted lyre.
  • Improved the chathead for the cockatrice when stuffed on a wall in your POH.
  • The staff of air from the Great Orb Project has had its inventory icon fixed.
  • Corrected an open version for a gate that didn't match the closed one.
  • Fixed a problem with the 2009 Christmas holiday items and shields.
  • Pirate leggings and the abyssal whip no longer interfere with each other.
  • Added the end to the Agility log balance in the Wilderness.
  • Shanomi now wields his two-handed sword correctly.
  • Raised the height of an animation climbing a ladder in the Desert Mining Camp.
  • Adjusted the lighting on the path to the Barrows.
  • Corrected the minimap for a crevice near Edgeville.
  • Reduced the height of the flames in a castle and in Tai Bwo Wannai.
  • Added a hole in the floor to the Werewolf Agility Arena entrance in High Detail.
  • Various animations in Varrock Museum’s display cases have been tweened.
  • Updated the genie NPC model.
  • Fixed a render problem with Ava's coat in Standard Detail.
  • You can no longer put items on some of the punters’ heads in Blue Moon Inn in Varrock.
  • Fixed Charley the pirate's eyes when laughing.
  • Dharok's axe now matches the player version of this item.
  • The armour salesman no longer wields a shield in the Ranging Guild.
  • Fixed a problem with the Lletya bankers’ clothing.
  • Corrected a stretching problem with crossbows and Mobilising Armies clothing.
  • Increased the thickness of timber walls to stop render problems.
  • Professor Oddenstein's moustache no longer stretches on the left side.
  • Fixed some of the cave walls in the Haunted Mine to meet the water levels properly.
  • Removed a streak of yellow from the black suit of armour in Varrock Museum.
  • Viyeldi's staff is now held at the correct position.
  • Spiritual rangers now hold bows correctly.
  • Fixed the defend animation when wielding a shield and a kite.
  • Adjusted some heightmapping in the Rune Essence mine.
  • Resolved an issue with runecrafter clothing and crossbows.
  • Added some ladder minimap icons to the Thieves' Guild.
  • Added the two missing sides to a crate in Ardougne.
  • The magic skullball and rune plateskirt no longer cause odd stretching issues.
  • Removed a lightsource that didn't have a light associated with it.
  • Updated the imp-in-a-box chathead to match the current version.
  • The quill from Rocking Out no longer has a broken inventory icon when highlighted.
  • Updated some of the POH banner models.


  • Fixed a problem where you'd hear an attacking player’s defend sound when you're hit.
  • The song 'Long Ago' now correctly unlocks where the hint suggests.
  • Removed some silence at the end of 'Waiting for Battle'.
  • Updated the yoyo’s sound effects.


  • Correctly cross out the requirements for Regicide when you meet them.
  • Increased the timings for the slippery rocks in Royal Trouble to give you more of a chance to escape the damage.

Activities and Distractions & Diversions

  • Improved the code dealing with the time left before another Fish Flingers competition begins.
  • Fixed a path-finding issue with the portals in Pest Control.
  • You can no longer rest while the fishing trawler is sinking.
  • Scarab swarms in Pyramid Plunder have had their stats reduced to bring them back into line with how they were originally.
  • We've updated Kolodion in the Mage Arena to add/change the types of creature he can change into.


  • Optimised the code for cooking on a range or stove location.
  • A blade wall trap in the Rogues' Den is now working properly again.
  • Improved the code dealing with storing items in your bank via the pack yak.
  • Removed some mouse cursors appearing when you couldn't click to do anything.
  • Players should now be able to keep moving while drinking Sanfew serums, which is now consistent with other potions.
  • Adjusted some of the advisor system to better cope with demo worlds.
  • Fixed several typos/grammar problems.
  • You'll now get a more sensible message when trying to enter certain worlds from the lobby.
  • The pools at Oo'glog no longer reduce any stat boosts you already had, such as Prayer.
  • Prevented Quick Chat from interfering with the height of the chatbox.
  • The Haunted Mine now correctly extinguishes all light sources.
  • Added a few more lines to the game spam filter.
  • 'Zookeeper' should now be consistent throughout the game.
  • Removed an unnecessary right-click option on POH servants before they're hired.
  • Fixed a problem where you'd remove the adjacent item from your bank by mistake.
  • You must now continue to wear the Falador shield reward when performing the associated emote.
  • Winelda will now recognise players who already have a limpwurt root in their inventory.
  • Updated some of the Pest Control core code and also some code used in the Troll Stronghold, though it should not cause any gameplay changes.
  • Chinchompas now have a confirmation screen on release in case you accidentally clicked to release them.
  • Prevented the crafting of silver sickles on Entrana.
  • Fixed a quest link on the Adventurer's Log.
  • Private chat 'loading' status message should update quicker.
  • The lobby will now notify you if you receive a message in a tab you don't currently have open.


  • If you are not owed Dungeoneering experience when leaving partway through a dungeon, you will not get the warning about leaving.
  • Forcing a tile to flip over in a Dungeoneering puzzle room will no longer result in a warning each time.
  • Stopped a 2x2 NPC from standing in the door of a dungeon and preventing you from progressing.
  • Moved some mining rocks that could on occasion prevent the particular puzzle in the room from being completed.
  • Updated the login screen to show the correctly increased members' bank space after the release of Dungeoneering.
  • Fixed the Smithing code that meant you could only smith some ores by clicking on the furnace first.
  • In Daemonheim, using a vial on a water source will now fill all empty vials. Also, when smelting ores, it will attempt to smelt all of a particular ore in your inventory rather than just one.
  • You can no longer put logs into a cooking range in Daemonheim if you don't have the Firemaking level to light them.
  • You can now correctly set Dungeoneering as an objective on free worlds.
  • Corrected some of the Smithing messages when in Daemonheim.
  • Increased the Ranged strength of poisoned sagittarian arrows to match the normal version.
  • Frostbite/Hailstorm daggers now have wield options instead of wear.
  • You shouldn't be able to have two rings of kinship at the same time.
  • The quick (right-click) option on the Runecrafting altars in Daemonheim are actually quicker now.
  • Poisoned promethium arrows were incorrectly listed as tier 1 items instead of tier 10.
  • Super restore potions now restore your Dungeoneering level.
  • Improved the description for the scroll of life Dungeoneering reward.
  • Corrected the combat animations for forgotten warriors.
  • Adjusted the Advisor interface to correctly deal with Dungeoneering.
  • You should now correctly receive combat XP when fighting Astea Frostweb.
  • Adjusted the options on several items when speaking to the smuggler in Daemonheim.
  • Removed the level 25 duplicate Dungeoneering level-up messages.
  • Tidied up some old Woodcutting code that isn't used any more.
  • Improved the sounds when sliding down the ice after leaving a dungeon in Daemonheim.
  • Dungeoneering should no longer override Quick Chat menus in some circumstances.