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A Cursor in RuneScape, if turned on in the Graphics options menu, are by default a simple brown-coloured mouse pointer. However, when hovering certain options (such as eating food) in the game, a "bubble" appears over the cursor, inside which is an image that shows what action will be performed if the user were to click on that option.


Cursor Action
File:New cursor.png
Default cursor
Link cursor for hovering over links
Use an item (or special attack).
Attack a monster.
Pick an item up from the ground / desk.
Talk to an NPC.
Enter an area such as a Runecrafting altar or the Stronghold of Security, or go through a portal. Also happens at hovering on the "Exit" word link everywhere, including bank PIN and logging out.
Eat any food.
Drink any drink.
Read a book.
Search in some crates, sacks, your bank, etc.
Climb up a ladder or a flight of stairs.
Climb down a ladder or a flight of stairs.
Climb a rope, or a ladder with both up and down ways.
Open a door or some drawers, open a casket, or select a tab in your bank.
Equip an item.
Recharge your Prayer points at an altar, or bury a bone.
Chop down a tree.
Attempt to catch a fish.
Needs image
Cook food using a fire or stove.
Perform any type of Crafting, such as spinning wool or using a pottery oven. Possibly as a glitch related to firing clay products hovering over a Dwarf multicannon to fire it also makes this icon appear.
Smelt an ore at a furnace or make an item on an anvil.
Mine a rock.
Craft a rune.
Deposit an item to a tool leprechaun.
Use a Dairy Churn.
Other actions such as closing a door or following another player.
Climbing over obstacle (until 14 September 2011) *
Needs image
Climbing over obstacle (since 14 September 2011)
Adding logs to the pot boiler for the Rag and Bone Man quest. Also appears when hovering over a Beacon and choosing "Light" option on logs.
Enchanting jewellery using the magic skill.
Charging orbs using the magic skill.
Casting the Low Level Alchemy and High Level Alchemy spells using the magic skill.
Casting the telegrab spell using the magic skill.
Casting the superheat item spell using the magic skill.
Casting the teleother spells using the magic skill.
Casting the teleblock spell using the magic skill.
Casting the binding spells using the magic skill.
Casting the attack draining spells using the magic skill.
Casting the defence draining spells using the magic skill.
Casting the strength draining spells using the magic skill.
Casting the crumble undead spell using the magic skill.
Casting the slayer dart spell using the magic skill.
Casting the strike spells using the magic skill.
Casting the bolt spells using the magic skill.
Casting the blast spells using the magic skill.
Casting the wave spells using the magic skill.
Casting the Surge spells using the magic skill.
Casting the Iban blast spell using the magic skill.
Casting the God spells using the magic skill.
Casting the cure plant spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook.
Casting the monster examine spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook.
Casting the cure other spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook.
Casting the stat spy spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook.
Casting the fertile soil spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook.
Casting the energy transfer spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook.
Casting the heal other spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook.
Casting the vengeance other spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook.
Casting the rush spells using the magic skill with the Ancient Spellbook.
Casting the burst spells using the magic skill with the Ancient Spellbook.
Casting the blitz spells using the magic skill with the Ancient Spellbook.
Casting the barrage spells using the magic skill with the Ancient Spellbook.
Adding a spider web to a piece of furniture in the 2009 Hallowe'en event.
Operating a Winch during The Blood Pact.
Untying Ilona during The Blood Pact and Zanik during Another Slice of H.A.M.
Charging a Dormant Construct during the Magical Construct puzzle and Lodestones during the Stomp boss in Dungeoneering, or when teleporting an urn.
Throwing a Firecracker or Confetti.
Needs image
Clearing rubble during Do No Evil, some skill plots in a Clan Citadel.
Building a stall during Do No Evil, repair ways to Beacon Keepers and several things in Daemonheim, amonst other things.
Set up any attack stone or ballista.
Building via a Clan Citadel's customization interface.
Examining the areas of a Clan Citadel via its map.
Teleporting via a Clan Citadel's map.
Needs image
Wishing someone a merry Christmas using the Christmas spirit jar.
Throwing a Waterballoon at someone

* - this old cursor still used during pit-fall hunting and while jumping over broken plank bridge within Daemonheim.


  • Previously, the Twirl emote was called Spin, and hovering a mouse over it caused the crafting cursor to appear, due to the similarity of name to Spinning wool in crafting. Because of this, Jagex renamed the emote Twirl.
  • When picking a noted item from ground, the cursor will show "Misc" icon. However, when picking an unnoted item from ground it shows its own icon. This might be a glitch.
The previous appearance of several cursors.
The previous appearance of several cursors.
  • In a hidden update on 2 November 2010, the Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting, Beacon/Pot Boiler (Fire), and Churning (Cooking) cursors received graphical updates.
  • The new firemaking cursor is missing a pixel at its tip, making it seem more rounded than the other cursors.
  • The Wind Rush spell does not have a cursor, unlike other combat spells.
The previous appearance of the default cursor.
The previous appearance of the default cursor.
  • The cursor was changed when the new surface graphics were released (i.e., the more metallic borders on the minimap) to a metallic silver colour.