Skeletal hand

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Skeletal hands appear in the Meiyerditch Dungeon, together with Mutated bloodvelds and Zombie hands. Even though it's not aggressive by itself, at any time when you are in the dungeon, one might fall from the ceiling or crawl from underground and start attacking you. The Meiyerditch Dungeon can only be accessed during and after the Legacy of Seergaze quest.

Skeletal hands may be killed instead of Crawling hands and Skeletons for Slayer tasks, yielding more experience and better drops. Attacking skeletal hands will occasionally cause skeletal hands hanging from ceiling or buried in the ground to appear and attack you. They can deal considerable damage for their level, so food or Protect from Melee may be helpful.

Tip: Use Salve Amulet or Salve amulet (e)with a slashing weapon to increase damage inflicted on these opponents.

A buried skeletal hand.


100% Drop

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bones Bones 1 1 Always 105


Template:Charm:Skeletal hand

Weapons and armour

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Black sq shield Black sq shield 1 2 Common 583
Black kiteshield Black kiteshield 1 2 Common 2,759
Steel scimitar Steel scimitar 1 3 Uncommon 130
Exchange:Mystic gloves (light) Mystic gloves (light) 1 4 Rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Tomato seed Tomato seed 3 2 Common 3
Limpwurt seed Limpwurt seed 3 2 Common 441
Sweetcorn seed Sweetcorn seed 3 2 Common 9
Whiteberry seed Whiteberry seed 1 3 Uncommon 24
Poison ivy seed Poison ivy seed 1 3 Uncommon 31
Jangerberry seed Jangerberry seed 3 3 Uncommon 6
Strawberry seed Strawberry seed 3 3 Uncommon 276
Belladonna seed Belladonna seed 3 4 Rare 87


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Cosmic rune Cosmic rune 3 2 Common 330
Death rune Death rune 3 3 Uncommon 555
Blood rune Blood rune 1 4 Rare 195
Mist rune Mist rune 3 4 Rare 846
Smoke rune Smoke rune 3 4 Rare 843
Dust rune Dust rune 3 4 Rare 24
Steam rune Steam rune 3 4 Rare 111


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Gold bracelet Gold bracelet 1 2 Common 215
Sapphire bracelet Sapphire bracelet 1 2 Common 578
Bracelet of clay Bracelet of clay 1 3 Uncommon 655
Castle wars brace (3) Castle wars brace (3) 1 3 Uncommon 915
Emerald bracelet Emerald bracelet 1 3 Uncommon 794
Ruby ring Ruby ring 1 3 Uncommon 1,115
Ruby bracelet Ruby bracelet 1 4 Rare 1,260
Diamond bracelet Diamond bracelet 1 4 Rare 5,821
Diamond ring Diamond ring 1 4 Rare 3,419
Exchange:Forinthry brace (5) Forinthry brace (5) 1 4 Rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Exchange:Dragon bracelet Dragon bracelet 1 5 Very rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Grimy ranarr Grimy ranarr 1 3 Uncommon 3,508
Grimy toadflax Grimy toadflax 1 3 Uncommon 2,724
Grimy kwuarm Grimy kwuarm 1 3 Uncommon 2,902
Grimy irit Grimy irit 1 4 Rare 1,496
Grimy avantoe Grimy avantoe 1 4 Rare 2,877
Grimy dwarf weed Grimy dwarf weed 1 5 Very rare 7,525


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Fishing bait Fishing bait 10 2 Common 90
Steel nails Steel nails 20 2 Common 920
Black nails Black nails 10 2 Common 150
Coins 750 4 Rare Not sold
Mithril bar Mithril bar 1 4 Rare 1,526
File:Crawling hand corpse.png Crawling hand corpse 1 5 Very rare Not sold
Starved ancient effigy 1 5 Very rare Not sold


  • When this monster falls from the ceiling and emerges from the floor, it could be a reference to Wallmasters and Floormasters from the Legend of Zelda series.
  • It is unknown how these drop corpses as they appear to have no flesh whatsoever.

nl:Skeletal hand Template:Undead