Black plateskirt (h4)

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Black plateskirt (h4)
Release date 4 August 2010 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Lendable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
High Alch 1,152 coins
Low Alch 768 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A plateskirt with a heraldic design.
Weight 9 kg
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Black plateskirt (h4) is a possible reward from level one Treasure Trails. It has the same stats as a Black plateskirt. It is one of the pieces in the Black heraldic armour set 4 (sk).


Hover over image for type
 Attack bonus
0 0 0 -21 -7
 Defence bonus
+21 +20 +19 -4 +20
Other bonuses Slot

0 0 0% 0