King Black Dragon

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This article has a strategy guide here.

The King Black Dragon (often abbreviated to "the KBD") is a monster that players may fight in his lair in the wilderness; at the time of release he was the strongest monster available to kill. He was the second dragon ever created by one of Kerapac's fellow dragonkin. One century later, he was released into the wild due to the failed experiments, but the Queen Black Dragon was held in captivity due to her being more close to dragonkin. Recently, the King Black Dragon has regained a lot of popularity, as new items such as the Dragon rider gloves were added to his drop table and a teleport straight to his lair was added.

The King Black Dragon was the highest level monster in the game until 7 September 2004 when it was replaced by the Kalphite Queen. Afterwards, it was the highest level monster in the Wilderness, but it was soon replaced by the Chaos Elemental. Afterwards, it was the highest level dragon but was replaced by the mithril dragon. It is now the highest level dragon in the Wilderness, as well as the second highest level chromatic dragon next to the Queen Black Dragon. The King Black Dragon is still the highest level monster in RuneScape Classic.

The King Black Dragon can also be killed for Slayer if a player's task is black dragons. The bonuses of the slayer helm and the dragon slayer gloves apply on this monster if on a Black Dragon task. If players enter by the Wilderness, and currently have Black dragons to kill and dragon slayer gloves, the player will gain a decent sum of damage bonus (the black mask/slayer helm effect, dragon slayer gloves effect and 10% boost when coming from the Wilderness). This boost can be increased with a Dominion Marker.

The King Black Dragon has similar charm types as demons and Waterfiends. The drops are somewhat similar to that of mixed boss monsters, though a little bit rarer and less in quantity.

The King Black Dragon is often killed by high-level players looking for profit or charms. This is primarily due to the fact that the average value of the King Black Dragon is anywhere from 15,000 coins to 30,000, and the fact that it is much more easier to kill than any of the God Wars generals.

Getting there

There are two ways that player's can reach the King Black Dragon's Lair.

  • Northwest of the Edgeville lodestone is an Artefact. Activating it teleports the player to the lair.
  • There is a ladder in level 42 of the Wilderness, near the western part of the Lava Maze. Wilderness Obelisks may be useful in reaching it. Players using this method may want to bring an antipoison for the poison spiders that they will encounter. Entering the lair via the Wilderness will give players a 10% damage boost against the King Black Dragon. Players must be wary of player killers, although the chance of encountering one is slim.
File:King Black Dragon location.png
The king black dragon location


The King Black Dragon uses melee when fighting and also uses 4 different types of dragon breath attack that have fairly devastating effects, which makes him a well-rounded and difficult foe. His 4 dragonbreath attacks consist of the following:

  • Regular dragonfire. (All adult dragons use this)
  • Shock-like breath that can reduce your stats. It is suggested that you have 75 defence or higher and good magic defence armour. All stats will be lowered by 1 or 2 points. Super restores should be used but are not required.
  • Ice breath that can stop players from moving or attacking for approximately 5 game ticks.
  • Poison breath that will deal 88 poison damage. You should bring at least 1 anti poison potion if you want to kill him.

All of these breath attacks can deal heavy damage to unprepared players. Unlike other adult dragons, there is no possible way to negate any form of attack except the melee and regular dragonfire. The breaths can deal various damage, though using an Anti-dragon shield and a dose of Antifire or Super antifire will take the damage from the special breaths down to 100.

Suggestions for Fighting

An anti-dragon/dragonfire Shield is essential as all dragons can deal well over 500 life points of damage to a player not wielding one (unless you use a super antifire). Using an antifire potion in conjunction with an Antifire shield or a Dragonfire shield completely protects the player from the dragon's basic breath.

There are no specific levels required to fight this monster, but for players who wish to Melee in a team, having a combat level in the mid 80's should be enough and for players who wish to fight using Ranged in a team, having a Ranged level in the mid 60's will suffice for two to three kills if in a two man team with 70+ defence and using ruby bolts (e). If not then ranged level 85+ is recommended. It is also recommended for players to stand on either side of each other. This way the KBD will have to turn constantly to attack someone. (You can not use dwarf cannon, it will be destroyed)


100% drop

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Dragon bones Dragon bones 1 1 Always 2,104
Black dragonhide Black dragonhide 1 1 Always 7,765


Template:Charm:King Black Dragon


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Rune longsword Rune longsword 1 3 Uncommon 18,916
Rune battleaxe Rune battleaxe 1 3 Uncommon 24,735
Dragon dagger Dragon dagger 1 4 Rare 17,356

Arrows and Runes

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Blood rune Blood rune 15, 50 2 Common 2,925–9,750
Death rune Death rune 7–50 2 Common 1,295–9,250
Law rune Law rune 15,45,50 3 Uncommon 2,235–7,450
Mithril arrow Mithril arrow 250 3 Uncommon 5,750
Rune arrow Rune arrow 50 3 Uncommon 9,500
Runite bolts Runite bolts 25 3 Uncommon 16,975


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Rune sq shield Rune sq shield 1 3 Uncommon 22,884
Rune platebody Rune platebody 1 3 Uncommon 38,859
Dragon helm Dragon helm 1 3 Uncommon 60,107
Dragon rider boots Dragon rider boots 1 5 Very rare 2,338,742
Dragon rider gloves Dragon rider gloves 1 5 Very rare 3,755,057

Ores and Bars

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Adamant bar Adamant bar 1, 5 (noted) 3 Uncommon 2,175–10,875
Rune bar Rune bar 2 (noted) 3 Uncommon 26,058
Silver ore Silver ore 100 (noted) 3 Uncommon 9,200
Gold ore Gold ore 50 (noted) 3 Uncommon 11,400
Runite ore Runite ore 3 (noted) 3 Uncommon 32,013


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 1000–3000 2 Common Not sold
Yew logs Yew logs 50 (noted) 2 Common 24,700
Magic logs Magic logs 10 (noted) 2 Common 14,030
Black dragon tail-bone 1 3 Uncommon <ref>Tail-bone drops only during the Fur 'n' Seek wish list.</ref> Not sold
Last riders 1 5 Very rare <ref>Last Riders is dropped for everyone in the room when Dragon rider gloves or boots are dropped, unless the player has one in the bank or inventory.</ref> Not sold
File:Kbd heads.png King Black Dragon heads 1 4 Rare Not sold
Starved ancient effigy 1 4 Rare Not sold
Spin ticket 1 4 Rare Not sold
Court summons 1 4 Rare Not sold
Clue scroll (hard) 1 4 Rare Not sold
Clue scroll (elite) 1 5 Very rare Not sold
Draconic visage Draconic visage 1 5 Very rare <ref>Estimated at 1/4,754 using gathered Adventurer's Log data as of 18 September 2012.</ref> 4,299,605
Dragon kite ornament kit (or) Dragon kite ornament kit (or) 1 5 Very rare 614,109
Dragon kite ornament kit (sp) Dragon kite ornament kit (sp) 1 5 Very rare 542,231

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Rare drop table drops

This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.



File:KBD stamp.gif
A stamp featuring the King Black Dragon from a postbag
  • There is currently a graphical glitch that does not allow the player to see the King Black Dragon's drop when it drops along the edge of the rock in the middle.
  • The King Black Dragon can talk, as seen in A Tail of Two Cats. During the final cutscene he is visited by Bob the Jagex Cat. During the chat between the King and Bob, a range player attempts to solo the King, is unable to damage him, and is killed in one hit as he had no visible fire protection.
  • Each head is used for a specific type of dragonfire. The middle head is used for the shocking dragonfire, the one that seems to have ice around it does freezing and the pale green head uses poison.
  • The King Black Dragon received a graphical update, along with more refined drops that a player would expect from a high level monster. Before the update, it dropped low-level runes and other various items like iron arrows. After it was updated, it dropped rune armor and the dragon helm more frequently along with new drops.
  • When the King Black Dragon uses its corrosive breath, a belch can be heard.
  • If the King Black Dragon freezes you with his ice breath, you will be able to eat. However, you cannot move (as with other ice spells and binding spells), but unlike the freezing/binding spells, you are unable to fight back. This may be a glitch.
  • Despite being able to poison players, the King Black Dragon can be poisoned. This may be an oversight from Jagex.
  • Flametongue, a King Black Dragon that fought during the God Wars, shows that the King Black Dragon may not be the only of his kind.
  • A while after the Queen Black Dragon was released, when you killed a King Black Dragon, the Adventurer's log said: "I killed a King Black Dragon, the biggest, meanest dragon around." After it's graphical update the adventurer's log was also changed to "I killed a King Black Dragon, which was once the biggest, meanest dragon around."
  • The King Black Dragon, Queen Black Dragon and Mithril dragons are currently the only dragons where they will show on your Adventurer's log.
  • In a letter in the Postbag from the Hedge, the King Black Dragon makes references to "The Kin", possibly referring to the Dragonkin.
  • The King Black Dragon has a unique melee, dragonfire and death animation unlike the metallic and chromatic dragons.
  • It was revealed in the April 2011 BTS that the Kalphite Queen and the King Black Dragon were due to be married on 29 April 2011, to coincide with the wedding of Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton in the United Kingdom. However this turned out to be a marketing ploy by Diango.
  • The examine text "The biggest, meanest dragon around" wasn't true after Queen black dragon was released, as the Queen black dragon is much, much bigger than KBD. His examine was changed due to this, to 'Was the biggest, meanest dragon around.'
  • According to the Third dragonkin journal the King Black Dragon is a failed project of a Dragonkin to copy the Queen Black Dragon that had been created by Kerapac.
  • According to the Last riders book, Hannibus rode the King Black Dragon.


Preceded by Title Succeeded by
Black Dragon Strongest monster in RuneScape Kalphite Queen

no:King black dragon nl:King Black Dragon fi:King Black Dragon