The Ice amulet was a reward from the 2008 Christmas event. Players could acquire this item by speaking to the Head snow imp. The amulet was used to call snow imps which were used to help a player locate Jack Frost. To do this, a player operated the amulet while wearing it.
When players tried to operate the amulet near places with ice upon the ground, a message would appear: You feel that this isn't the place to have a familiar or pet out. They might slip.
If a player attempts to cast High or Low Level Alchemy on the item, a message will appear, which reads: You cannot cast alchemy upon your follower!
After the event, if players attempt to operate the amulet, they will get the message: (Snow Imp's Name) has gone back to the Land of Snow and can no longer answer your calls. However, if you are in the Land of Snow featured in the 2008 Christmas event and Myths of the White Lands, while on snow you can summon your imp from the event if you are wearing the ice amulet.
In the 2009 Christmas event, when you first operate your Ice Amulet in the Land of Snow, you receive the message: "You attempt to summon (Imp's name), but he doesn't respond. Perhaps he is already close at hand."
In the 2009 Christmas event, players can only summon Snow Imp in the Land of Snow. This is because the Snow Imp exclaimed that the wardrobe that teleports players to the Land of Snow is imp-proof.
The Ice amulet will be partially hidden when worn with a Void knight top.
The Ice amulet can not be used in the Fist of Guthix minigame.
Some players like to wear this amulet with trimmed rune armour due to the similarities in colour.
A snow imp being summoned in the Land of Snow, well after the 2008 Christmas event.It is impossible to initiate a duel with another player while he or she has an ice amulet in his or her inventory.