Gold ore
- This article is about the ore used in smithing. For the Gielinor Games gold ore, see Gold ore (Gielinor Games).
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Release date | 8 May 2001 (Update) |
Members? | No |
Quest item? | No |
Tradeable? | Yes |
Equipable? | No |
Stacks? | No |
High Alch | 90 coins |
Low Alch | 60 coins |
Destroy | Drop |
Store price | Not sold |
Examine | This needs refining. |
Weight | 2.2 kg |

Gold ore is a type of ore that can be obtained through Mining gold rocks in various places throughout RuneScape. Gold ore can be mined with a Mining level of 40 or higher, granting 65 Mining experience.
It can also be smelted through the Smithing skill at level 40, granting 22.5 experience (or 56.2 with goldsmith gauntlets), to form a gold bar. The gold bar can then be crafted to make various pieces of jewellery, or smithed to make a gold helmet (requires Between a Rock... quest) or a golden bowl (requires Legends' quest). However this is not advised for those seeking to make a profit as bars sell for less than ore.
Dropping monsters
Levels 1 to 99
Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity 'Rum'-pumped crab 91 2 (noted) Common Bloodveld 76,81 1 Common Harpie Bug Swarm 46 1 Common Mummy 84,96 1 Common Pyrefiend 43,48 1 Common Yeti 93 1 Common Gnoeals 84, 93 1 Uncommon Greater demon 92 1 Uncommon Lesser demon 82 1–3 (2 or 3 noted) Uncommon Tribesman 32 1 Rare TzHaar-Hur 74 1 Very rare
Levels 100 and above
Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity Living rock protector 120 3 (noted) Common Living rock striker 140 3 (noted) Common Mummy 103,125 1 Common Mutated bloodveld 126, 146 3 Uncommon Greater reborn warrior 128 4 Rare Skeleton heavy 132 1 Rare Skeleton hero 149 1 Very rare Waterfiend 115, 134 3–8 (noted) Very rare
Obtaining the Ores
A good place to mine gold is in Arzinian Mines, after the quest Between a Rock.... The Arzinian Mines are hidden in the mines south of Keldagrim. There are 168 gold rocks in this mine and you can use the ferrymen to take your gold ore to the bank, for a price of 6 gold ores (or 3 if the Ring of Charos is worn). If the player has made some progress in the Keldagrim quest series, they may use the watchtower just north of the ferryman as a shortcut to the bank rather than paying the gold for the ferryman to bank them. If the quest is not done, it can still be obtained from the dwarven mines. It is located just outside the mining guild, but it is a very unpopular place to get it because there are only two gold ore rocks. One of the better gold mines is located inside the Dungeoneering entrance at the Al Kharid mine. It requires 75 Dungeoneering to enter, and contains 11 gold rocks. A good place to mine gold for people who do not have these high levels is at the mine west of the town of Nardah. It has 5 gold ore rocks. Not many people use it and it is in the desert so bring some waterskins. There is also a mine right next to Rimmington with two gold ore rocks and one north of Al Kharid, also with two gold ore rocks.
Members with 80 or more Mining can mine concentrated gold rocks in the Living Rock Caverns at a very good speed rate. Aggressive high level (120+) monsters may attack unprepared players, so it is advisable to bring some kind of armour. Farli's camp near the exit of the cave has a pulley lift that acts as a deposit box. The unofficial world for mining concentrated gold is World 77 and World 88 although World 84 tends to be more populated in the Living Rock Caverns.
The Crafting Guild
There are seven gold rocks here, as well as some silver and clay. The disadvantages to this method are that it can be quite crowded at times, and that it is a long walk to the nearest bank (Falador East for F2P, West for P2P). However, bank run times can be shortened by using any of the following methods:
Free to Play
- (Requires being in a clan) Use Lumbridge home teleport to teleport to Lumbridge castle. Run up the stairs and bank your ore. Then, use the Clan vexillum teleport to return to the Clan Camp which is just slightly east of the Crafting Guild. The total trip takes about 90 seconds, less if you use the cellar.
- The same method above can be used, except with the Ring of kinship. The Ring of Kinship's teleport animation is shorter than the home teleport, and the teleport spawn is closer to the bank than Lumbridge's. When done banking the ores, players can use a Clan vexillum to teleport back to the Clan Camp and walk to the Crafting Guild. The only disadvantage is they must carry a pickaxe in their inventories, decreasing their inventory total load by 1 space. This is good for skillers, who do not carry their pickaxes anyway.
- Players can use an Explorer's ring 3 to teleport to the cabbage patch, then run to Draynor village bank, teleport back to the cabbage patch from Draynor bank, and run back to the crafting guild, or the Bank Deposit on the Port Sarim docks. (it is by a boat in Port Sarim, by the monks on the dock.)
Pay to Play
- Using a Ring of duelling to teleport to Castle Wars, banking and using the Balloon transport and one Oak log to fly back to the Crafting Guild, or alternatively using a Skills Necklace.
- There is a shortcut (requiring level 26 Agility) north of the Crafting Guild that goes under the Falador wall, allowing you to quickly access a bank to deposit your gold ore.
- Another method would be to use a Glory amulet to teleport to Edgeville, bank, then use a Skills necklace, teleport to the crafting guild. When you are out of charges, use a Combat bracelet to teleport to Warrior's Guild (or Games necklace to teleport to Burthorpe) and run to the fountain in the basement of the Heroes' Guild to recharge your Glory Amulet. Then use the Fairy ring system to go to the Legend's guild to recharge your Skill Necklace and Combat Bracelet.
An alternative place to mine gold is the Brimhaven north-west mine. If the Fairytale II - Cure a Queen and Holy Grail are completed, it is very easy to get to a bank. Slightly north of the rocks is a watchtower that you can walk under, as is done during the Holy Grail Quest. Blowing a Magic Whistle under it will result in the player being teleported to the King Fisher Realm. From here, run north across the bridge and use the Fairy Ring to teleport to Zanaris to bank the ores. Repeat to get back to the mining spot using the Fairy Ring Code BJR. There is also another mining spot farther south, which is close to the entrance to the Brimhaven Dungeon. Players that completed Deadliest Catch unlocked a bank deposit box to the south of the Brimhaven Dungeon that is even closer.
Also, gold ore can be acquired from the ore shop at the Blast Furnace in Keldagrim in quantities of up to 100.
There are also several gold ore rocks in TzHaar City, near the bank, and some right outside the city entrance.
Players may also obtain gold ore by looting certain Implings from the Impetuous Impulses activity; however, the implings do not always give gold ore, so this is not the most reliable way to obtain it.
There is a gold ore spawn in the Bank vault in the Varrock West Bank; however, it is no longer possible to use Telekinetic Grab to take it. There is also a spawn in level 28 Wilderness at the eastern ruins.
Goldsmith Gauntlets
Gold ore is often smelted with Goldsmith gauntlets to level Smithing easily and fairly quickly. The gauntlets yield 56.2 experience (2.5 times the normal) per smelt, which is 6.2 points more per smelt than rune ore. As gold rocks are relatively uncommon and difficult to mine (with the exception of concentrated gold ore), many players purchase large amounts from other players to smelt. Goldsmith gauntlets can be obtained after completing the Family Crest quest. Without the gauntlets, it is possible to smelt about 1,250 gold bars per hour while running at max efficiency, and with the added exp from the gauntlets, you can gain up to 70,000 Smithing exp per hour.
Gold Ore in the Economy
The cost of gold ore temporarily skyrocketed from about 460 coins to 620 coins after the release of the quest Rocking Out, which requires level 69 smithing without the use of temporary boosts. Gold ore is worth significantly more than gold bars.
Generally, gold ore can be expected to rise during the "Summer Spike" between June and August, or the time when many players get out of school/work and return to RuneScape, thus placing more demands in the Grand Exchange. Players can count on all gold objects rising as much as 25 percent in the summertime, and slowly backing down in the Northern Hemisphere's autumn and winter.
Gold ore decreased from about 600 coins to 250 coins after the release of the Living Rock Caverns and the Concentrated gold rocks. The reason for this is because mining gold became the better way to reach 99 Mining. At one point in time gold ore was worth over 1,500 coins each, but then the price dropped down to about 500 coins in a few days.
Ultimately, gold ore is one of the most traded and overall most important commodities in RuneScape.
Respawn rate
Gold ore, like all other mined rocks, respawns at a rate inversely proportional to the number of people in the rock's RuneScape world. If the world is empty, the ore respawns in 2 minutes; if it is full (with 2000 players), it respawns in 1 minute. Thus the respawn rate of gold ore is
- minutes,
where x is the number of players in the world.
A table of respawn rates is given below.
Players | 0 | 200 | 400 | 600 | 800 | 1000 | 1200 | 1400 | 1600 | 1800 | 2000 |
Respawn time | 2:00 | 1:54 | 1:48 | 1:42 | 1:36 | 1:30 | 1:24 | 1:18 | 1:12 | 1:06 | 1:00 |
Standard Metals and Ores |
Quest items |
Dungeoneering |
Other |