Living Rock Caverns

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"Lrc" redirects here. For the monsters of the Living Rock Caverns, see Living rock creature.
The unofficial worlds for this area are 88, 84 and 77.
Living Rock Caverns
Kingdom Asgarnia
Members Area Yes
Main Music Living Rock
Levels 1
Strongest Monster Living rock patriarch
Quests None
Inhabitants/Race Living rock
Multicombat? No
File:Living Rock Caverns map.png
Click the map to view a larger version (opens on a new page).


The Living Rock Caverns are a members-only area that was added on 17 September 2009. The area was designed for players with high levels in Fishing and Mining.

Players can enter the caverns from the north of the Dwarven Mine under Falador and Ice Mountain, by climbing the rope attached to the crevice just south of the north-eastern entrance ladder and east from the Keldagrim Mine cart.

There are no quest or skill requirements necessary to enter this area. However, it is a dangerous area, as aggressive level 120 and 140 Living Rock Creatures guard the resources, so training skills here may very well be interrupted regularly and dangerous. Protection prayers can be used to avoid most damage. It is also possible to lure the creatures at each resource, so that the resource can be gathered without being attacked, and some resource areas even have safe spots. However, combat is considerably more difficult to avoid if travelling between the resource and bank deposit.

Since the creatures can only attack one player at a time, you will be attacked less often if you are part of a group. For players of low combat or wishing to spend a long time in the cavern, it may be advised to train with other players on the unofficial Living Rock Cavern worlds 77, 84 and 88 where being attacked is a lot less likely.

Getting there

The Living Rock Caverns are found below the Dwarven mine beneath Ice Mountain, near Falador. Defensive armour is recommended, as the Living Rock Creatures are aggressive and high-levelled. There are several main ways to get there:

The image on the RuneScape home page on the day of its release.


Farli's Camp

In the central part of the cavern Farli has set up camp. There is also a handy pulley lift. Players can use this device to deposit items directly into their bank, just like a deposit box. Players can deposit all of an item quickly by using an item with Farli's lift and pressing the 'all' option in the chatbox, or four on their keyboard. Topside, the lift's ropes face east/west. Bottomside, they face north/south. This is where Farli resides and where you will appear when you enter the dungeon from the Dwarven Mine. Here is also a rope that you can climb back up to the Dwarven Mines. A Summoning mini-obelisk is just outside the entrance to the caves; a little east by the two iron rocks. Don't worry too much about being attacked here, as there seems to be a small, invisible barrier around the encampment that temporarily makes any of the creatures attacking you unaggressive as long as you stay within its bounds. However you can still be attacked by range if you had startled a Living Rock Striker.


Mining in the Living Rock Caverns requires levels 73, 77, and 80 for living rock remains, concentrated coal rocks, and concentrated gold rocks respectively. The concentrated gold and coal rocks are special rocks that can yield up to two ores at a time, and when wearing Varrock armour, can yield up to three ores at a time. Mining double ores provides double experience, like the extra ore using the Varrock armour. If you double-mine coal or gold while you have 1 space left, you get double experience, and the extra ore appears on the ground. There are 4 concentrated gold rocks and 8 concentrated coal rocks within Living Rock Cavern. The concentrated ores run on a timer, not giving out a specific amount of ore but collapsing and reopening at random. This action does however coincide with the stomping and fist pounding of the Living Rock Creatures in the cavern.

A collapsed mineral deposit. It cannot be mined until the slab of stone blocking access to the minerals is cleared.

The unofficial worlds for mining here are 77, 84 and 88, these can be useful for avoiding taking too much damage from the various creatures that live in the dungeon, especially for lower level players. However, the large number of players moving about can make some of the worlds unplayable for those with lower-end bandwidth due to lag / game stuttering. Mining with graphics in "Safe Mode" or "SD" (Standard Detail) may help (See Graphic options).

A player mining living rock remains.

Other "rocks" found in the cavern are the remains of the Living Rock Creatures. These are found directly after a kill. The remains are minable by other players after a one minute delay. The remains contain between 5 and 20 living minerals which can be traded, sold, or used for bait when fishing Rocktail. Players receive 25 mining experience for mining Living rock remains.


Two types of fish can be caught in the Living Rock Caverns: Cavefish and Rocktail. There is nowhere in the cavern to cook them without making a fire.


Cavefish requires a fishing level of 85 and give 300 experience per catch using a fishing rod and fishing bait. Cavefish heals 200 life points each (up to your maximum life points) and give a +2 boost to either Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged or Magic. Cavefish requires a cooking level of 88 to cook for 214 experience. You stop burning these at 94 cooking with the cooking gauntlets from the Family Crest quest.


Rocktail requires fishing level of 90 and gives 380 experience per catch using a fishing rod and living minerals. Rocktail heals 230 life points and can heal up to 100 points higher than a player's maximum life points, making it among the best single-bite foods in the game. Rocktail requires a cooking level of 93 to cook for 225 experience. You stop burning these at 95 cooking with the cooking gauntlets from the Family Crest quest.

Eating the fish raw using the Bunyip's Swallow Whole scroll does not currently give the special bonuses.


The caverns are home to the Living Rock Creatures. There are several Living rock protectors (level 120, uses melee) and Living rock strikers (level 140, uses range at a distance and always melees up close). The Living rock patriarch (level 200, uses melee) randomly spawns every hour or so and always drops 8 uncut diamonds, 3 runite ores, 125 blood runes and 125 mud runes, and is the main attraction in the cavern. All of the Living Rock Creatures are aggressive (except the Patriarch) and the whole cavern is a single way combat area. The Living rock protectors will not attack unless players stands within one space of them. The Living rock protectors and strikers can be quite effective training at a high combat level due to their high life points and excellent drops (especially if the player can mine the remains at 73 Mining). These creatures can be given as a Slayer task from Kuradal in the Ancient Cavern.

Whilst killing monsters, it is best to note that they should be mined upon death. Many players do not realise this and leave the remains alone, therefore adding up to the respawn time of the killed monster. It is best, even though on most worlds they are usually empty, to find a good spot. At least 72 Mining would be recommended so you can make them respawn much faster.

This area is perfect to train your combat skills, due to the amount of lifepoints they have. This area is also perfect to get drops, as they drop a large number of noted ores, gems and runes (especially the mud runes). Charm seekers will be discouraged as they have a low drop rate of charms, and drop green ones the most.


  • There was a bug after the "The Void Stares Back" Update on 6 October 2010 that caused the rope to enter Living Rock Caverns to be unreachable. Jagex soon added a portal to the side of the rope for players to enter Living Rock Caverns, while they fixed the bug.
  • This area has unusual fishing spot sizes. Cavefish fishing spots are 1x1 like most other fishing spots throughout the game, while the rocktail fishing spots are 2x2.
  • Farli is not coded as an NPC but rather as an object, this is shown by the fact that when right clicking on him his name is shown in blue which is the same colour as objects are shown as, rather than the yellow that NPC are shown as.
  • If a player at the southern central cavefish spot is attacked by a living rock protector, the living rock protector may end up "moonwalking" on top of the player. This means the living rock protector never actually "attacks" the player until the player moves from his/her current spot, as the living rock protector is restricted from moving northwards by a lit torch scenery object.
  • Depending on if you mine the remains, the Living rock protectors and strikers have the longest respawn rates for non-boss monsters.
  • There is currently a glitch where the cavefish fishing spot sometimes spawns inside the rocktail fishing spot, but you can still fish the cavefish or the rocktails at the location, and there is also twice the amount of bubbles appearing where this happens.


Music unlocked:

nl:Living Rock Caverns fi:Living Rock Caverns