Elite Dark Ranger

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The Elite Dark Ranger is a monster found in the Black Knights' Fortress Dungeon. The dungeon is only accessible during and after While Guthix Sleeps. It uses ranged attacks thus armour with a good ranged defence bonus is helpful, however Elite Dark Mages and Elite Dark Warriors are in the same area and may attack you too. During Nomad's Requiem, a mage, ranger and warrior are sent to kill Nomad, but he defeats all of them with great ease.

Wearing full Elite black armour or the full Dagon'hai robe set will make this Ranger not aggressive.

When fighting this monster, you might want to bring 2 fighting styles, as he uses protection prayers against any type of combat.


Black Knights' Fortress dungeon


Weapons, Armour, and Ammunition

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Steel arrow Steel arrow 2 Common Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Mithril arrow Mithril arrow 2 Common Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Mithril bolts Mithril bolts 2 Common Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Adamant bolts Adamant bolts 3 3 Uncommon 474
Black dart Black dart 3–4 3 Uncommon 2,439–3,252
Black kiteshield Black kiteshield 1 4 Rare 2,759
Exchange:Black d'hide vambraces Black d'hide vambraces 1 4 Rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Exchange:Black d'hide body Black d'hide body 1 5 Very rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Exchange:Black d'hide chaps Black d'hide chaps 1 5 Very rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Apple pie Apple pie 3 3 Uncommon 417
Mushroom & onion Mushroom & onion 1 4 Rare 382


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Ruby bolt tips Ruby bolt tips 1–5 3 Uncommon 115–575
Crossbow string Crossbow string 3 (noted) 4 Rare 888
Exchange:Bow string Bow string 1 (noted) 4 Rare Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Black dragonhide Black dragonhide 1 5 Very rare 7,765
Clue scroll (medium) 1 5 Very rare Not sold


Template:Charm:Elite Dark Ranger

Rare drop table drops

This monster drops items from the rare drop table.
The ring of wealth improves the chances if equipped but is not required to access the table.

See also