Corrupt dragon equipment

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File:Corrupt dragon set equipped.png
A player wearing corrupt dragon equipment

Corrupt dragon equipment is a set of armour and weapons that shares the same stat bonuses as the corresponding pieces of regular Dragon equipment. The items are nearly identical to their regular counterparts, except for two key points: They are available to both pay-to-play members and free-to-play players, and all pieces of this equipment can only be worn for thirty minutes before they crumble to dust. The corrupt dragon weapons have the same special attacks as their normal Dragon weapon counterparts, but the special attacks are available only on members' only servers.

Corrupt dragon equipment is only popular among high-levelled F2P players, and is rarely used by members, due to regular dragon equipment being a much better option. Corrupt dragon is the only kind of Dragon equipment that F2P has any access to, which means that Corrupt dragon serves as a sort of "demo" of the Dragon equipment available to members.

Compared to Rune equipment in terms of melee defence, a full set of Corrupt Dragon has +25 more defensive bonuses in stab, +37 more defence in slash and +49 more in crush. This is especially useful against the Gravite 2h Sword, which uses crush as its most powerful attack style. Comparing it to Rune against Ranged, it has +26 more in total defensive bonuses and because corrupt dragon is composed of a Chainbody, Med helm and Square shield, it has less conductivity to magic in contrast against Rune.

To obtain this equipment, players must engage revenants to potentially receive a piece of this equipment as a drop, or they buy it from other players or on the Grand Exchange.

This equipment is not recommended for training, due to the 30 minute time limit and the high cost. It can be used for aesthetic reasons should a player choose to do so, however the 30 minute time limit still applies, even if not in combat. Where this equipment excels, however, is in F2P PvP situations, where the boosted stats can give a player the edge they need to defeat an opponent.

Keep track of the amount of time you wear this: once it's about to disappear, it is possible to cast high-level alchemy on it to save some of the money used, which is more effective for parts such as the chainbody or plateskirt.


Image Armour GE Price Dragon armour price
Corrupt dragon chainbody 236,674 coins (update) 2,997,875 coins (update)
Corrupt dragon helm 78,955 coins (update) 60,107 coins (update)
Corrupt dragon platelegs 89,329 coins (update) 162,026 coins (update)
Corrupt dragon plateskirt 76,786 coins (update) 161,707 coins (update)
Corrupt dragon sq shield 148,693 coins (update) 331,980 coins (update)


Image Weapon GE Price Dragon weapons price
Corrupt dragon battleaxe 3,226,154 coins (update) 133,991 coins (update)
Corrupt dragon dagger 65,114 coins (update) 17,356 coins (update)
Corrupt dragon longsword 855,211 coins (update) 60,564 coins (update)
Corrupt dragon mace 143,231 coins (update) 30,054 coins (update)
Corrupt dragon scimitar 2,646,043 coins (update) 68,256 coins (update)
Corrupt dragon spear 156,717 coins (update) 40,021 coins (update)


Corrupt dragon equipment was released to both members and non-members, with the release of PvP worlds on the 15th of October, 2008. At that time, player killing did not result in killers being able to get their victims' items. Instead, other items were dropped, including corrupt dragon equipment on occasion.

With the release of the player killing Wilderness in February 2011, killers could once again get their victims' items. At this time, corrupt dragon equipment became an occasional drop of Revenants in the newly released Forinthry Dungeon.


  • The corrupt dragon items initially had the same descriptions as their non-corrupt counterparts, but this was changed to "This item degrades while worn, and will turn to dust." This was most likely due to players complaining about not being told that it degrades.
  • Corrupt dragon equipment are all rusted.
  • Currently, there are no corrupt dragon platebodies, full helms, two-handed swords, halberds, hatchets, pickaxes, boots, claws or defenders. Note that all spears (other than the corrupt dragon spear), halberds, claws, and metallic boots of any type are members only, and that defenders are untradeable, and are obtained in a members only area, making it extremely unlikely that any of these member-only pieces, especially the defender, will ever be released.
  • The corrupt dragon chainbody and helm are rusted versions of the Dragon platebody and full helm.
  • Putting corrupt dragon equipment in the bank will "freeze" the degradation but will not reset the time left on that item.
  • Once you equip any item it will become degraded (shown by (deg) on the end of the items name) and untradeable, it is best to note these items as not to equip them accidentally.
    • Also, there is a 20-30 second delay on each of the corrupt dragon equipment put in for accidental equipment. After that delay is finished, the item will become permanently degraded, shown by (deg). There have been reports by some players that several pieces of the more powerful corrupt dragon equipment, such as the battleaxe, do not have a delay at all, and instantly changes to (deg) and becomes untradeable when it is put on. This is to prevent players from using it for 10–15 seconds, selling/trading it, then buying it back to get more free time off of it. It should be noted that this delay is decreased drastically if the player engages in combat with the corrupt dragon weapon/armour.
  • Corrupt Dragon is the best melee armour available for Free players, but few free players use it. Most F2P users prefer to use rune, as it does not degrade, and it is a lot cheaper.
  • The animation of red dust swirling the player can be seen when a piece corrupt dragon equipment turns to dust, similar to the white dust swirling when a Bunyip heals a player.
  • No quests are required to wear this equipment, unlike normal dragon equipment, of which most pieces have quest requirements.
  • All the Corrupt dragon weaponry is much more expensive than regular Dragon equipment. A Corrupt dragon scimitar, for example, is worth around 30x a Dragon Scimitar's price.
  • If you accidentally use a corrupt dragon item, have a trusted friend kill you in the wild, while you have it in your inventory and don't use it, the less time you use it the more money you get.

Template:Equipment class

Template:Revenant items

fi:Corrupt dragon equipment nl:Corrupt dragon equipment