Tasks set

The Tasks set is speculated to be the name of the complete set of equipment rewarded by completing each set of tasks. According to Mod Mark, "The plan with Achievement Diaries is to eventually release a full set of equipment, making up the 'Achievement Diary set'. Since the name of Achievement Diaries has been changed to 'Tasks', it is assumed that this set is now called the Tasks set. Similar to the Barrows gear, the full set will give you access to some special abilities." The future task rewards should include an amulet/necklace, a weapon, ammunition, and an aura.
The current components of the current Task set are listed below.

Current Components and Their Abilities

Ardougne cloak 1 2 3 4
When worn
Easy rewards:
- Unlimited teleports to the monastery south of Ardougne
- More of the drops from Tower of Life creatures are noted
- Reduced chance of being caught when stealing from the stalls in Ardougne market
Medium rewards:
- A daily teleport to the Farming patch north of Ardougne
- If you use the lever in Ardougne to teleport to the Wilderness, you'll receive 10 seconds of immunity
- Even more of the drops from Tower of Life creatures are noted
- Reduced chance of being caught when picking pockets in Ardougne
- Chance of receiving more runes from Ourania Altar
Hard rewards:
- After thieving from the chests in Ardougne Castle or under the chaos druids' tower, you will be teleported to East Ardougne's northernmost bank instead of to a random location
- Yet more of the drops from Tower of Life creatures are noted
- Reduced chance of being caught when picking pockets or stealing from stalls anywhere in RuneScape
Elite rewards:
- Unlimited teleports to the Farming patch north of Ardougne
- Operate cloak to restore all of your Summoning points once per day
- Replaces junk from the Fishing Trawler with more useful items
- Small chance of making two rune crossbow limbs at a time when smithing one in Yanille
At all times
Easy rewards:
- Receive 200 death runes when trading a cat to the citizens of West Ardougne
- A 10% Prayer boost when entering Castle Wars
Medium rewards:
- Ability to toggle the ring of life to Ardougne
- Wizard Cromperty will give you 100 noted essence per day
Hard rewards:
- Wizard Cromperty will give you 150 noted essence per day
- Ability to toggle the Watchtower Teleport to inside Yanille
Elite rewards:
- Bert will deliver 120 buckets of sand to your bank per day
Varrock armour 1 2 3 4
When worn
Easy rewards:
- Chance of smelting two bars at once when smelting ores up to and including steel in Edgeville
- Chance of mining two ores at once when Mining ores up to and including coal
- Greater chance of receiving skull sceptre parts in the Stronghold of Security. (The skull sceptre offers 10 charges rather than the usual 5.)
Medium rewards:
- Chance of smelting two bars at once when smelting ores up to and including mithril in Edgeville
- Chance of mining two ores at once when Mining ores up to and including mithril
- Chance of smithing at a slightly faster rate
Hard rewards:
- Chance of smelting two bars at once when smelting ores up to and including adamantite in Edgeville
- Chance of mining two ores at once when mining ores up to and including adamantite
Elite Rewards:
- Five free bolt enchantments per day (up to and including ruby bolts)
At all times
Easy rewards:
- Zaff's apprentice, Naff, will sell you up to 16 battlestaves per day
- Toggle Varrock Teleport spell between market square and south of the Grand Exchange (talk to Rat Burgiss)
Medium rewards:
- Zaff's apprentice, Naff, will sell you up to 32 battlestaves per day
- Toggle Varrock Teleport spell between market square and south of the Grand Exchange (talk to Rat or Reldo)
Hard rewards:
- Zaff's apprentice, Naff, will sell you up to 64 battlestaves per day
- Toggle Varrock Teleport spell between market square and south of the Grand Exchange (talk to Rat, Reldo or Vannaka)
- Access to bank area in the Cooks' Guild
Elite rewards:
- Zaff's apprentice, Naff, will sell you up to 80 battlestaves per day
- Varrock's estate agent offers half price housing costs
- Bork's drops are more generous
- Access to the log storage boxes near the Fired Up beacons
Explorer's ring 1 2 3 4
When worn
Beginner rewards:
- Replenish 50% run energy once per day
Easy rewards:
- Replenish 50% run energy twice per day
- 30 free (no runes needed) Low Level Alchemy casts per day (21 Magic required)
- 10% chance of an extra Air, Fire, Earth or Water rune per essence
Medium rewards:
- Replenish 50% run energy three times per day
- Free unlimited teleports to the cabbage field north of Port Sarim
Hard rewards:
- 27 free (no runes needed) Superheat Item casts per day (43 Magic required)
- 15 free (no runes needed) High Level Alchemy casts per day (55 Magic required)
At all times
Beginner rewards:
- Ability to perform the Explorer Emote
Easy rewards:
- No rewards for this difficulty level
Medium rewards:
- No rewards for this difficulty level
Hard rewards:
- 50% chance of not using runes when casting Bones to Bananas, up to 10 times per day (15 Magic required)
- Daily food hamper from the Cook in Lumbridge castle (may contain plain pizzas, lobsters, tuna, and/or swordfish)
Falador shield 1 2 3 4
When worn
Easy rewards:
- Operate shield to restore 25% of your Prayer points once per day
- Ability to perform special shield emote
Medium rewards:
- Operate shield to restore 50% of your Prayer points once per day
- 10% increase in Farming experience when using patches north of Port Sarim
Hard rewards:
- Operate shield to restore 100% of your Prayer points once per day
- Ability to trade Mole skins for White lily seeds with Wyson the gardener
Elite rewards:
- Operate shield to restore 100% of your Prayer points twice per day
- Operate shield to locate the Giant Mole while in its lair
- Chance of getting a Mole nose as a drop from the Giant Mole
At all times
Easy rewards:
- No rewards for this difficulty level
Medium rewards:
- No rewards for this difficulty level
Hard rewards:
- No rewards for this difficulty level
Elite rewards:
- Receive 20 extra Prayer points when using the altar in the White Knights' Castle
- Ability to convert the altar in the White Knights' Castle to Zaros
Seer's headband 1 2 3 4
When worn
Easy rewards:
- Headband counts as a dim light source, not needed to be worn, inventory works.
- Chance to get an extra log from normal trees
Medium rewards:
- Headbands counts as a medium light source, not needed to be worn, inventory works.
- 10 more Woodcutting experience per log when cutting maple trees
- Significant speed increase when using the Spinning wheel in Seers' Village
Hard rewards:
- Headbands counts as a bright light source, not needed to be worn, inventory works.
- Visit the Lady of the Lake while wearing this item and she will enchant the Excalibur, boosting its bonuses and special attack effect
Elite rewards:
- No rewards for this difficulty level
At all times
Easy rewards:
- 30 free flax per day from Geoffrey
- Coal trucks will hold 140 coal
Medium rewards:
- 60 free flax per day from Geoffrey
- Coal trucks will hold 168 coal
Hard rewards:
- 120 free flax per day from Geoffrey
- Coal trucks will hold 196 coal
- Option to toggle Camelot Teleport spell to teleport you to the middle of Seers' Village
- Cheaper enchant for mystic staves from Thormac (27,000 coins instead of 40,000)
- Slight Prayer boost (+2) from Seers' Village altar
Elite rewards:
- 200 free flax per day from Geoffrey
- Stankers arranges for 200 coal that you mine to go directly from his coal trucks to your bank each day
- Increased chance of enchanted crossbow effects occurring
- Increased effectiveness of the Enhanced Excalibur's special attack
Fremennik sea boots 1 2 3 4
When worn
Easy rewards:
- Operate the boots to contact the Fossegrimen for a reduced recharge of the Enchanted lyre
Medium rewards:
- One free lyre teleport per day
- Broken pier shortcut between Miscellania and Etceteria
Hard rewards:
- Ability to change the lyre's teleport location to Waterbirth Island. While the location may be changed without the boots, they need to be worn while teleporting.
Elite rewards:
- Deal more damage to the Dagannoth Kings, and they will drop some noted items
- Access to a new area in the Jatizso mine, where an NPC will turn your ores into bank notes
At all times
Easy rewards:
- Peer the Seer will bank items for you
Medium rewards:
- Improved rate of approval gain on Miscellania and Etceteria
Hard rewards:
- Advisor Ghrim buys flatpack items at 10% of material cost and puts the money into your Miscellania coffers
- An honorific in front of your Fremennik name
Elite rewards:
- Talk to Olaf the Bard to toggle lyre teleport destination to Jatizso or Neitiznot
- Further improved rate of approval gain on Miscellania and Etceteria
Karamja gloves 1 2 3 4
When worn
Easy rewards:
- No rewards for this difficulty level
Medium rewards:
- No rewards for this difficulty level
Hard rewards:
- Operate the gloves to teleport to a secret gem mine beneath Shilo Village
Elite rewards:
- 25% chance of receiving double tickets in the Brimhaven Agility Arena
- Double damage against Wild dogs in Brimhaven Dungeon
- Access to a Brimhaven Dungeon shortcut to the Red dragons
At all times
Easy rewards:
- A gift of 40 pineapples per day from Dell Monti, north of the POH portal in Brimhaven
- Reduces boat fares to and from Karamja by half (15 coins)
Medium rewards:
- Increased Agility experience from redeeming tickets from the Brimhaven Agility Arena
Hard rewards:
- Free access to the Brimhaven Dungeon
Elite rewards:
- Once per day, if killed in the Fight Caves or Fight Pits, you will be resurrected on the spot
- A gift of 40 apples a day from Dell Monti, north of the POH portal in Brimhaven
- Lapalok awards extra Slayer points for completed assignments
- Once per day, the TzHaar banker will give you 8,000 TokKul
Morytania legs 1 2 3 4
When worn
Easy rewards:
- Ghasts bother you half as much. When a ghast attacks a player it will have a 50% chance to not attack the player.
- Bloom produces double fungi.
- 5% more rewards from Temple Trekking.
Medium rewards:
- Cannonballs are smithed twice as fast in the Port Phasmatys furnace.
- Haunted monsters/tools in the Abandoned mine will no longer attack.
Hard rewards:
- Greater chance of getting better keys while burning shades.
- 50% more experience for burning shade remains.
- Prayer drain while doing Barrows is halved.
- Double runes as a reward from the barrows chest.
- 10% more rewards from Temple Trekking.
- 50% chance of keeping a Blood altar teleport tablet when using it.
Elite rewards:
- 50% more prayer experience for cremating Vyre corpses.
- 20% chance of creating a 4-dose Prayer renewal instead of a 3-dose while making them in Morytania.
- 10% more slayer experience in the Canifis Slayer tower on a task.
At all times
Easy rewards:
- No rewards for this difficulty level
Medium rewards:
- You can teleport to the slimepit under the Ectofuntus 5 times a day.
- Razmire offers free planks daily
- The mushroom patch west of Canifis will no longer become diseased.
- Robin will give the player 13 bonemeal and slime in exchange for 13 bones daily (he does not accept noted bones).
Hard rewards:
- All ghosts will now talk to you without needing a ghostspeak amulet.
- Robin will give the player 26 bonemeal and slime in exchange for 26 bones daily (he does not accept noted bones).
Elite rewards:
- Robin will give the player 39 bonemeal and slime in exchange for 39 bones daily (he does not accept noted bones).
- Doubled amount mushrooms farmed from the Canifis mushroom patch.
Stats and level requirements
Note: These levels do not include quest requirements.
Total level: 1925
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Karamja gloves 4 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Varrock Armour 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -30 | -10 | +32 | +31 | +24 | -6 | +31 | +5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Explorer's Ring 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +1 | 0 | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Falador Shield 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -8 | -2 | +27 | +31 | +29 | -1 | +29 | +30 | 0 | 0 | +7 | 0 | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Seer's headband 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +3 | 0 | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Fremmenik sea boots 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -3 | -1 | +10 | +11 | +12 | 0 | 0 | +9 | +1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Ardougne cloak 4 | +6 | 0 | 0 | +6 | 0 | +6 | 0 | 0 | +6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +6 | 0 | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Morytania legs 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -10 | +14 | +28 | +22 | +30 | +20 | +28 | +25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0% | 6% | 3% |
Totals | +7 | +1 | +1 | -43 | +2 | +104 | +96 | +96 | +25 | +89 | +70 | +2 | 0 | +17 | 0 | 0% | 6% | 3% |