Wild dog

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Wild dogs can be found in the Brimhaven Dungeon, except in the Iron and Steel dragons area. They are unpopular and considered a pest due to their tendency to interrupt players who are about to attack other monsters. They are quite sensitive to your presence, as they can detect you about 4-5 squares away, and have a maximum hit of 68. They will ignore players with a combat level of 127 or higher. Prior to the introduction of Summoning, such a level could not be achieved and therefore they attacked all players.

While Wild Dogs can be very annoying, they can be killed for their bones. Then, a player can use the Bones to Peaches or Bones to Bananas spell on the bones, thus extending the player's stay at the Brimhaven Dungeon. This is especially useful if the player's current Slayer task is dogs. If you are below combat 127 there is only one way to make them become unaggressive to you, and that is to simply stay in one area for a long enough time (contrary to popular belief that has nothing to do with how many you kill).

Wild dogs are known to drop Green charms fairly often.

Using Karamja Gloves 4, players can deal double damage whilst attacking Wild dogs in the Brimhaven dungeon. However, these gloves require a minimum of 85 Runecrafting and 95 Summoning to obtain.


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bones Bones 1 1 Always 105
Starved ancient effigy 1 4 Rare Not sold
Spin ticket 1 4 Rare Not sold


Template:Charm:Wild dog