Treasure chest
- This article is about contruction hotspot. For quest item, see Treasure chest (Carnillean Rising).
- For thievable chests in the Thieving skill, see Thievable chests.

The Treasure chest is a hot spot found in the costume room of a player-owned house. Treasure chests are used to store Treasure trail rewards, either bought or discovered by players themselves. However only certain rewards may be stored, and in some cases a complete set is required.
The following Treasure trail rewards cannot be stored:
- Gnomish firelighters
- God pages (also known as Torn pages)
- Purple sweets
- Any composite bows
- Third age armour
- Animal Staves (Dragon , Cat , Wolf , Penguin , and Bat )
- Other common items that may be found elsewhere
Note that you cannot store Item sets from the Grand Exchange in the Treasure Chest even if all of the components can be stored within the Treasure Chest.
Treasure chests
Image Type Level Materials required Details Flatpack GE price File:Oak treasure chest.gif Oak treasure chest 48 2 oak planks Certain rewards from Level 1 Treasure Trails Exchange:Oak treasure chest coins (update) File:Teak treasure chest.gif Teak treasure chest 66 2 teak planks Certain rewards from Level 1 and 2 Treasure Trails Exchange:Teak treas' chest coins (update) File:Mahogany treasure chest.gif Mahogany treasure chest 84 2 mahogany planks Certain rewards from all level Treasure Trails Exchange:M'gany treas' chest coins (update) For a list of all storable rewards, see below.
Note that when upgrading the treasure chest you must remove all stored items before removing your existing chest. This can be difficult if you have many rewards and not much room in your bank.
Storable rewards
Level 1
Set Amount Head Chest Legs Gloves Boots Other Black heraldic armour 1 4 or
Black heraldic armour 2 4 or
Black heraldic armour 3 4 or
Black heraldic armour 4 4 or
Black heraldic armour 5 4 or
Gold-trimmed studded leather 2 Fur-trimmed studded leather 2 Gold-trimmed wizard's robes 3 Trimmed wizard's robes 3 Trimmed black armour 4 or
Gold-trimmed black armour 4 or
Highwayman mask 1 Blue beret 1 Black beret 1 White beret 1 Trimmed amulet of magic 1 Pantaloons 1 Wig 1 Flared pants 1 Sleeping cap 1 Bob the Cat shirt (red) 1 Bob the Cat shirt (blue) 1 Bob the Cat shirt (green) 1 Bob the Cat shirt (black) 1 Bob the Cat shirt (purple) 1 Elegant clothes (red) 2 or
Elegant clothes (green) 2 or
Elegant clothes (blue) 2 or
Beret Mask 1 Black cane 1 Spiked helmet 1
Level 2
Set Amount Head Chest Legs Gloves Boots Other Red straw boater 1 Orange straw boater 1 Green straw boater 1 Blue straw boater 1 Black straw boater 1 Adamant heraldic armour 1 4 or
Adamant heraldic armour 2 4 or
Adamant heraldic armour 3 4 or
Adamant heraldic armour 4 4 or
Adamant heraldic armour 5 4 or
Gold-trimmed dragonhide armour 2 Trimmed dragonhide armour 2 Ranger boots 1 Trimmed adamantite armour 4 or
Gold-trimmed adamantite armour 4 or
Red headband 1 Black headband 1 Brown headband 1 Trimmed amulet of strength 1 Elegant clothes (black)/(white) 2 or
Elegant clothes (purple) 2 or
Wizard boots 1 Adamant cane 1 Sheep Mask 1 Bat Mask 1 Wolf Mask 1 Penguin Mask 1 Cat Mask 1 Pith helmet 1 Ranger boots 1 Ranger boots 1 Ranger boots 1 Ranger boots 1
Level 3
Level 4
Set Amount Head Chest Legs Gloves Boots Other Black Dragon Mask 1 Frost dragon mask 1 Bronze dragon mask 1 Iron dragon mask 1 Steel dragon mask 1 Mithril dragon mask 1 Ornate amulet of fury 1 Ornate dragon armour 4 or
Spiky dragon armour 4 or
Armadyl vestments 6 Bandos vestments 6 Ancient vestments 6 Armadyl rune armour 4 or
Bandos rune armour 4 or
Ancient rune armour 4 or
Armadyl blessed dragonhide 4 Bandos blessed dragonhide 4 Ancient blessed dragonhide 4
- When you place an item in the chest, it says "You place the costume in the treasure chest.", even if it is not a costume, for example Gold-trimmed rune armour.
- Although the black crossbow cannot be found anywhere else outside the Grand Exchange and trading other players, it is not storable in the treasure chest.
See also