Opal bolt tips

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Opal bolt tips
File:Opal bolt tips 1.png File:Opal bolt tips 2.png File:Opal bolt tips 3.png File:Opal bolt tips 4.png
Release date 31 July 2006 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Stacks? Yes
High Alch 4 coins
Low Alch 2 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine Opal bolt tips.
Weight 0 kg
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Opal bolt tips are attached to the tips of bronze bolts, which can then be enchanted. Once opal bolt tips have been attached to bronze bolts, the bronze bolts become opal bolts.

Opal bolt tips can be created through the Fletching skill. A player must have a Fletching level of 11 and take a cut Opal and use a chisel with it to make 12 Opal bolt tips, granting 1.5 Fletching experience.

Attaching opal bolt tips to the bronze bolts requires a Fletching level of 11. For each opal bolt tip attached to a bronze bolt, a player is granted 1.6 Fletching experience.

Dropping monsters

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Dagannoth (Chaos Tunnels) 88 1–13 2Common
Dagannoth Supreme 303 1–3 2Common
Dagannoth (Lighthouse) 74, 92 12 3Uncommon
Dagannoth (Waterbirth Island) 88, 90 12 3Uncommon
Rock Crab 13 5 3Uncommon

fi:Opal bolt tips