Explorer's ring 3

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Explorer's ring 3
AKA? Lumbridge Ring
Release date 14 July 2008 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Value 350 coins
Destroy You will need to obtain a new ring from Ned in Draynor if you destroy this one.
Store price Not sold
Examine A Lumbridge explorer's ring.
Weight 0 kg
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Detailed image of explorer's ring 3
Detailed image of explorer's ring 3

The Explorer's ring 3 is a reward from the beginner, easy and medium Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks. It is obtained by talking to Ned in Draynor Village, and may be retrieved by speaking with him again - charges on the ring will be unaffected if lost, unless the recharge time is passed between losing it and retrieving it.

Hover over image for type A player teleporting with the Explorer's ring 3.
A player teleporting with the Explorer's ring 3.
 Attack bonus
0 0 0 +1 0
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 0 0
Other bonuses Slot

0 0 0% +1


From Explorer's ring 1 and 2

When worn
  • 10% chance of crafting an extra air, earth, fire, or water rune for each essence at the respective altars. For each extra rune crafted, the base experience per essence for that rune is awarded again.
Operate ring

Explorer's ring 3 only

Operate ring
  • Replenishes 50% of your run energy three times daily
  • Cabbage-port: teleports players to the cabbage patch south of Falador
    • Can be used up to level 20 Wilderness
    • Is not interrupted by combat like Home Teleport spells (can be used in combat)


  • The ring received a small, hidden graphical update on the update of Court Cases 9 June 2010.
  • Ned calls the cabbage-port the dual cabbageway - a reference to a type of road used today (the dual carriageway).
  • The cabbage teleport only teleports to a specific cabbage patch in the cabbage field.
  • The Explorer's Ring 3, along with the other versions, are currently the only rings that provide a prayer bonus to date.
  • Cabbage-port is useful for mining on Crandor. There are a lot of rocks on Crandor and it is not a popular mining spot. Players with cabbage-port and who have completed the Dragon Slayer quest can mine on Crandor and use cabbage-port to go to the Entrana Deposit Box in Port Sarim.
  • The explorer ring 1, 2 and 3 resemble each other and appear to be made of bronze, silver and gold respectively; however, the explorer ring 4 looks more different.
  • the inventory icon disappears when using low-alchemy until after you exit.

Template:Prayer items Template:Task Template:Teleporting Equipment fi:Explorer's ring 3 nl:Explorer's ring 3