Guam potion (unf)

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Guam potion (unf)
Release date 10 September 2007 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 1 coin
Low Alch 1 coin
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine I need another ingredient to finish this guam potion.
Weight 0 kg
[view] [talk]
A close-up view of an unfinished Guam potion
A close-up view of an unfinished Guam potion

A Guam potion (unf) also known as an Unfinished Guam potion is an item involved in herblore. As the name implies, it is a potion based on Guam that still requires a secondary ingredient to make it into a usable potion.

Members can make an unfinished Guam potion by using a clean guam on a vial of water.

Level Potion Secondary Ingredient XP
1 Attack potion Eye of newt 25
31 Super fishing explosive Rubium 55