Glorious Memories

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Glorious Memories (#148)
File:Glorious Memories.png
Release date 1 April 2009 (Update)
Members only? Yes
Quest series Fremennik quest series
Official difficulty Master
Official length Medium
Developer Matthew H
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Official description

Over the seas around Rellekka peace reigns, proud nations brought together by masterful diplomacy. People can be harder to please than nations, though, especially where sour recollections are rife. Manni the Reveller is planning a birthday feast for Chieftain Brundt, but the plan is jeopardised by an incident long past that can't be entirely forgotten.

See old friends in new ways as you delve into their past and help them settle their differences. To save the chieftain's birthday celebrations you'll have to find the secrets they don't remember and confront the monster they want to forget.

Development team

  • Developer: Matthew H
  • Graphics: Kavi M, Mark C, Samantha H, Daniel J, Matthew S
  • Quality Assurance: Andrew E, Chris E, Chris L
  • QuestHelp: Ian D
  • Audio: Chris J


Start point: Speak to Manni the Reveller inside the Rellekka Longhall. Speak to Manni the Reveller inside the Rellekka Longhall.
Members only: Yes
Official difficulty: Master Master
Description: When you've settled all the conflicts you can find, and brought together warring nations across the northern seas, it's time to kick back and have a party, right?

If only it were that simple. Peace between sovereign states is one thing, but Manni the Reveller still can't bring everyone together for Chieftain Brundt's birthday feast.

Length: Medium
  • 41 Hunter
  • Be able to defeat a level 156 opponent who attacks with Melee and Ranged and survive in a multiway combat area with foes of around level 90
  • Lunar Diplomacy is needed for the additional reward.
Items required:


Optional: Enchanted lyre, Teleport to House with home in Rellekka, or a Rellekka tablet, charged Ring of wealth for Miscellania teleports.

Enemies to defeat: Nial Swiftfling (Level 156)

You need to be on the Standard spellbook or the Lunar Spellbook, with 96 Magic for Spellbook Swap, to complete the quest. You cannot use an Enchant diamond tablet instead.



File:Relleka Longhall.png
Location of the Rellekka Longhall

To start the quest, travel to Rellekka and speak to Manni the Reveller, found in the longhall. He buys you a beer and requests that you invite Mawnis Burowgar of Neitiznot and King Vargas of Miscellania to Chieftain Brundt's surprise birthday feast.

You do not need to talk to both of them, as they both lead you forward in the progress of the quest.

Travel to any island and talk to either King Vargas or Mawnis Burowgar. Both the kings are annoyed with the chieftain. King Vargas says he "wouldn't go to his feast, even if I could fit through the doors.", while Mawnis Burowgar says he's not going and that "you're entering a world of trouble here." He suggests that you talk to Brundt if you want to know why.

The Chronicles Of Rellekka

The Leader

Return to Rellekka, and speak first to Manni, who decides to reveal the secret to Brundt.

After talking to Brundt, you find out that the chieftain is angry with them too. A cutscene plays, where Brundt recollects his past, explaining the reason for all the animosity.

15 years ago, he had set out on an adventure, with Prince Vargas, Young Mawnis, Nial Swiftfling, and Asleif Hamalsdotter, for a tablet. They travel far and wide, and eventually find the fabled tablet, but somehow they wake up to find themselves next to the Fishing Guild, with the tablet missing. Disoriented, they argue among themselves over their failed adventure and the tablet, where the cutscene then ends.

You ask the chieftain if you can help. He says that he doesn't care about the tablet, he just needs to know which 'friend' stole it and has lied to him ever since. He also gives you cave directions, which leads to the cave that they found the tablet in. Unfortunately, the directions are incomplete, so you need to talk to Vargas and Mawnis to get the other two instructions.

The directions read:

To reach the creature's cave:
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Search the coast for unusual signs.

The Kitsch

In Vargas's embellished version of events, his killing blow hits high.

Make your way to Miscellania, and talk to King Vargas. You persuade him to tell you his side of the story, as another cutscene plays.

You see all the adventurers, except for Nial, at the bottom of an ice cave, where they encounter a horrifying monster, a Gnoeal. Vargas manages to fight and kill the horned ape-like creature, but is cursed in the process by some kind of magic, which renders him into his current form: a Yeti.

Following the cutscene, he says he also doesn't remember Asleif helping him. Vargas, using the pen you made for him in Throne of Miscellania, writes down what he remembers of the directions to the cave.

The directions, after the addition, read:

To reach the creature's cave:
From Rellekka, head east.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Search the coast for unusual signs.

The Pointer

Next, travel to Neitiznot, and speak with Mawnis Burowgar. He too, offers to tell you his side of the story.

Nial, now transformed into a yeti, attacks the Gnoeal.

In this cutscene, you see the same ice beast as before, and Nial is again part of the adventuring group. The Gnoeal spits green goo at Nial, who takes the brunt of the attack. Asleif asks if anyone else is hurt, and Mawnis says a little bit landed on Vargas. Vargas then melodramatically screams "It hurts, it hurts!". Nial, suffering the most damage, is corrupted and transforms into a yeti. He eventually kills the Gnoeal, but then turns on Brundt. Asleif realises that Nial is "quite out of his mind", and they all flee.

The completed cave directions.
The completed cave directions.

Following the cutscene, Mawnis says he has barely heard from Brundt since and suggests that Vargas may have forgotten large elements of the story and inflated his own role. He writes for you what he remembers of the directions to the cave.

The directions, now complete, read:

To reach the creature's cave:
From Rellekka, head east.
At the foot of the mountains, turn north across the ice.
Search the coast for unusual signs.


Foot Tracks

Before starting your search, prepare for battle with a level 156 monster, which attacks with Melee and Ranged. Also be prepared to fend off melee and mage attacks. If you should choose to melee him: take your best weapon and armour, a few Prayer potions, and 5-20 pieces of good food, preferably Monkfish or higher.

Follow the instructions on the directions, which lead to the Rellekka Hunter area. Fairy ring code DKS conveniently teleports you just south-east of the area.

Head to the north-western corner of the hunting area's upper platform, and inspect the tracks of an ape-like creature you find there.

If you are unable to see the footprint tracks, try switching to HD or lowering the brightness in the graphics settings.
The mound of ice, before you dig out the cave entrance with a pickaxe.

Choose the 'Inspect Tracks' option for each print, and follow the footprints to the ice mound to the east of where you started. Dig out the mound of ice with the pickaxe in your toolbelt to create a cave entrance and try to climb down it into the icy passageway. The Hunting expert stops you and warns it's dangerous down there, but proceed anyway.

Once inside the Rellekka Hunter Area Dungeon, dash to the far southern wall. Yetis and Gnoeals will attack you. Low-levelled players may want to turn on Protect from Magic to prevent damage from the Gnoeals. Look for a tunnel to the west along the southern wall, and enter inside it. The passageway is marked with the red exclamation-mark dungeon icon on the minimap.

Fighting Nial Swiftfling.

Upon entering the chamber, you are attacked by Nial Swiftfling's yeti form. Nial attacks with melee and ranged and is reasonably powerful, so keep track of your health. Nial is also able to knock you back when he roars (like the Ice Troll King during Fremennik Isles), and will do so every three to four hits. When Nial says "Grrr," right before pushing you back, switch to Protect from Magic prayer to negate the damage.

If you die while fighting the Nial, a Gravestone does appear. If you kill the yeti and die at the same time, you will have to kill it again to receive the items necessary to finish the quest.

When defeated, Nial's drops a Herb pouch, Nial's throwing axe, Unfinished astral rune, Yeti hair, and some Big bones.

If after you have killed Nial and picked up his items, your quest diary still says "Mawnis has given me his part of the directions to the cave. Once I've investigated there, I need to speak to his sister, Freygerd, in Jatizso," go back in the cave, kill Nial again, and pick up everything he drops. You will get a few of the same items. Now, that passage in your quest diary should be crossed out and you may go talk to Freygerd on Jatizso.


File:Freygerd's location.png
Freygerd's location.

Exit the dungeon, and head to Jatizso. Speak with Freygerd, who is wandering around on the west side of the island, near the city gates and west of the anvil and weapons shop. After being informed that you found her husband and laid his soul to rest, she feels relieved. She says she wants to move back to Neitiznot, to feel closer to her husband, but King Gjuki Sorvott IV has threatened her with an emigration tax.

Enter the city, and go to the checkerboard-floored building west of the bank, where you can find the king. You have a delightful chat with the king, where you manage to convince him to not implement any new taxes. Return to Freygerd, and tell her the king has given her special dispensation.

Give her Nial's throwing axe as a parting gift and she tells to send her regards to her brother, Mawnis Burowgar.

Yeti And Back

Travel to Miscellania, and speak with King Vargas again. You two talk about the mountain daughter's Herb pouch you found in the cave. You think it might be useful, and you tell Vargas you will try to find Asleif. Head to the Mountain Camp. A quick way to get there would be using the ring of slaying teleport to Rellekka Slayer Caves. (alternatively Fairy Ring Code AJR)

Before heading up the path to the mountain daughter, take a pole and a plank from the goat pen behind Jokul's tent, just north of Hamal. Alternatively, you can use a staff (such as a Dramen staff or Earth staff) instead of the pole. Now, head up to the shining pool. Climb the tall tree, use the pole or staff on the clump of rocks to vault over them, and use a plank on the flat stone to reach the small island in the middle of the lake.

Call for Asleif by choosing the Listen-to Shining pool option on the bubbles escaping from the lake. The spirit of Asleif Hamalsdotter finally appears to you. Talk to her, explaining her the situation involving her and the adventure. When you tell Asleif that Vargas has no memory of her caring for him, she tells you he has always been like that and only remembers what suits him.

The transformation from yeti back into a human.

Finally, ask if she can cure Vargas. She says she can try and starts to give you instructions:

If you have lost your yeti hair, you don't have to kill Nial again: The weaker yetis in Rellekka Hunter Area Dungeon also drop yeti hair.

After creating the cure, return to King Vargas and hand him the Yeti Curse cure potion. He turns back into a human and agrees to attend the feast. He also takes the Herb pouch as a remembrance of Asleif.

Brundt Remembers

The grand feast, with the reunited friends.

If you haven't already done so, travel to Neitiznot to tell Mawnis of his sister's imminent return to the island.

If you skip speaking with Mawnis, he will still be upset towards Brundt, and the feast will not start.

Finally, return to Rellekka, and talk to Brundt the Chieftain. You show him the Unfinished astral rune, which helps him recall more from the failed adventure.

You impatiently watch a cutscene, where Brundt remembers an additional member of their adventuring group called the Mysterious Mage, who turns out to be a much younger Baba Yaga of the Moon Clan. Talk to Manni the Reveller after Brundt's cutscene for a final, celebratory cutscene.

Congratulations, Quest complete!


The following are rewarded to you upon completion of the quest:

The Complete Saga..

Baba Yaga teleports the adventurers out of the Trollweiss Dungeon.
Baba Yaga clears off everyone's memory before teleporting away.

To claim the additional rewards, speak with Baba Yaga in her chicken-leg house on Lunar Isle.

You must talk to her about the astral rune. Make sure you have the Unfinished astral rune with you. She tells you it is her lucky rune and asks if she can have it back. She also offers to tell you a story. Tell her you want to know the bits the other adventurers don't remember.

In this cutscene, you again see the adventurers in the dungeon, fighting Nial. The Prophecy Tablet is on the ground, behind Vargas. Baba Yaga picks up the tablet and then casts the Tele Group Fishing Guild spell to save them from Nial. In front of the guild, Brundt asks Baba Yaga to give him the tablet, but she refuses. She casts the Cure Other spell on Vargas, hoping it will help him, and then casts a spell that clears the memories of the group. The spell shows birds circling around the adventurers' heads, much like the stun emote when you unsuccessfully pickpocket an NPC. She then teleports away.

Back in the present, Baba Yaga said she kept the tablet, thinking it might be useful, but soon lost hope of that. She exchanges the Unfinished astral rune for a Prophecy Tablet and an Antique Lamp. When you read the Prophecy Tablet, it says "And his/her name will be _______.", where the blank is replaced by your Fremennik name.

You may rub the lamp to gain 2,500 experience in any skill level 35 or higher. You can take the tablet to Historian Minas at the Varrock museum to receive 10 Kudos. The Prophecy Tablet will be stored in the Display case 48. This display case is located on the top floor in the museum with replicas of the four other tablets.

The following are rewarded to you upon completion of the quest:

Music unlocked

Required for completing

Completion of Glorious Memories is required for the following:


Listen to audio.
Glorious Recallation... 1 (link)
Meeting up
Listen to audio.
Glorious Recallation... 3 (link)
At the Guild
Listen to audio.
Glorious Recallation... 4 (link)
Yeti v. Gnoeals
Listen to audio.
The Feast (link)
The music that plays at the feast.
  • On the day of release, the spoiler read: "The spoilers have been written on some ancient and battered stone tablets, it'll take us at least a day to figure out what they actually say."
  • When you talk to Freygerd about Nial, a song called 'Nial's Widow' plays, as seen in the music interface. This song is unique because it is one of the only songs which is not listed in the track list, but has a name. You can only hear the song when you talk to Freygerd. Another song is Glorious Reunation, during Mawnis' cutscene.
  • When persuading King Gjuki Sorvott IV to let Mawnis's sister emigrate without taxing her, you say "Read my lips: no new taxes!" This is a direct quote of a campaign pledge made in 1988 by former U.S. President George H.W. Bush.
  • When studying the display in the Varrock Museum where the prophecy tablet is displayed, your Fremennik honorific will be used.
  • During cutscenes, if you try to talk to one of characters in the scene, Brundt the Chieftain will stop telling the story and say "Are you listening to me? Don't ask for a story and then interrupt me!"
  • When writing down his directions to the cave, King Vargas says "This pen you made is really handy, you know." This is a reference to Throne of Miscellania, when you make a giant pen so that Vargas can sign the peace treaty with Etceteria.
The snowy-house glitch.
  • At one time, it was possible to make your house appear to have been filled with snow by teleporting to it from the Rellekka Hunter Area Dungeon chamber that held Nial Swiftfling. However, when you ran to the far edge of your property, you seemed to float off the edge. And if you ran far enough, the cave disappeared and your house returned to its normal look. Jagex has since fixed this glitch.
  • You may be able to keep the Herb pouch after the quest, although Vargas asks to keep it. To keep it, walk away when King Vargas asks you to give the pouch to him.
  • After completing the quest, you can go back and talk to Brundt to watch again the cutscenes of the three stories he told during the quest. Baba Yaga will also show you her cutscenes if you ask her.
  • Kang Admi is one of the Himalayan names for Yeti. The literal translation is Snow Man.
  • Asleif's last name is Hamalsdotter, daughter of Hamal, which is a reference to how the Vikings would name their sons. E.g. Johnson, Erikson.
  • If the player has done Gunnar's Ground and cheers themselves at Gunnarsgrunn, instead of "cheers" the player says "skål" aluding to the quest's ending cutscene at the feast. The word skål that the reunited friends say in the final cutscene is Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish for cheers.
  • During the last telling of the story by Brundt your character references to Lunar Isle and the Moon Clan, even though your character doesn't know about those if you haven't done Lunar Diplomacy.
  • The songs played during the cutscenes are all called Glorious Recollection, yet they are significantly different from each other. However, this can be explained by them being untitled tracks, and the music player being stuck on the last track played.
  • When talking to Freygard, a non-unlockable music track plays called Nial's Widow.

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