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The prices are real-time market prices. For further information, or to update outdated prices, see Grand Exchange Market Watch/Smithing.

Smithing1bar is a calculator that aims to compute the profit (or loss) of smithing items (such as armour and weapons) that require 1 bar of any metal.


  • It is assumed that the bars are bought from the Grand Exchange, and the smithed items are sold at the Grand Exchange.
  • Each metal bar makes:
    • 10 dart tips or unfinished crossbow bolts.
    • 15 nails or arrowheads.
    • 5 throwing knifes.
  • Smithing dart tips requires the completion of The Tourist Trap quest.



Profit 1 is calculated by buying Bars. Profit 2 is calculated by buying ores (This does not include the Experience gained from smelting.)

(Profit 1:)Each Bronze bar costs   191.

(Profit 2:)Each Bronze bar costs   112 When smithing the bars yourself.

Image Item Level XP Sale Price Profit 1 per XP Profit 2 per XP
Bronze dagger Bronze dagger 1 12.5


  −11.76   −5.44
Bronze hatchet Bronze hatchet 1 12.5


  −12.4   −6.08
Bronze mace Bronze mace 2 12.5


  −11.68   −5.36
Bronze medium helmet Bronze medium helmet 3 12.5


  −10.96   −4.64
Unfinished bronze bolts Unfinished bronze bolts 3 12.5


  1.52   7.84
Bronze sword Bronze sword 4 12.5


  −11.76   −5.44
Bronze wire Bronze wire 4 12.5


  4.8   11.12
Bronze dart tip Bronze dart tip 4 12.5


  4.72   11.04
Bronze nails Bronze nails 4 12.5


  7.52   13.84
Bronze arrowheads Bronze arrowheads 5 12.5


  1.52   7.84
Bronze limbs Bronze limbs 6 12.5


  −12.56   −6.24
Bronze throwing knife Bronze throwing knife 7 12.5


  8.32   14.64


(Profit 1:) Each Iron bar costs   270.

(Profit 2:) Each Iron bar costs   216 when smelting the bars yourself.

Note: Profit 2 only counts the Experience from smithing the bars. It does not include the experience from smelting bars.

(this calculator uses the 100% rate. This means using the Blast Furnace, a Ring of forging or Superheat Item.)

Image Item Level XP Sale Price Profit 1 per XP Profit 2 per XP
Iron dagger Iron dagger 15 25


  −10.28   −8.12
Iron hatchet Iron hatchet 16 25


  −10.32   −8.16
Iron spit Iron spit 16 25


  −10.4   −8.24
Iron mace Iron mace 17 25


  −9.68   −7.52
Iron medium helmet Iron medium helmet 18 25


  −9.92   −7.76
Iron bolts (unf) Iron bolts (unf) 18 25


  −3.6   −1.44
Iron sword Iron sword 19 25


  −9.76   −7.6
Iron dart tip Iron dart tip 19 25


  −0.8   1.36
Iron nails Iron nails 19 25


  −1.2   0.96
Iron arrowheads Iron arrowheads 20 25


  −0.6   1.56
Iron throwing knife Iron throwing knife 22 25


  −0.8   1.36
Iron limbs Iron limbs 23 25


  −9.12   −6.96
Oil lantern frame Oil lantern frame 26 25


  −10.08   −7.92


(Profit 1:) Each Steel bar costs   882.

(Profit 2:) Each Steel bar costs   742 when smelting the bars yourself.

Note: Profit 2 does not include the Experience gained from smelting the bars.

Image Item Level XP Sale Price Profit 1 per XP Profit 2 per XP
Steel dagger Steel dagger 30 37.5


  −22.99   −19.25
Steel hatchet Steel hatchet 31 37.5


  −22.21   −18.48
Steel mace Steel mace 32 37.5


  −22.27   −18.53
Steel medium helmet Steel medium helmet 33 37.5


  −20.91   −17.17
Steel bolts Steel bolts (unf) 33 37.5


  −8.05   −4.32
Steel sword Steel sword 34 37.5


  −20.77   −17.04
Steel dart tip Steel dart tip 34 37.5


  −5.12   −1.39
Steel nails Steel nails 34 37.5


  −5.12   −1.39
Steel arrowheads Steel arrowheads 35 37.5


  −6.32   −2.59
Cannonballs Cannonballs 35 25.6


  10.08   15.55
Steel limbs Steel limbs 36 37.5


  −20.77   −17.04
Steel knife Steel knife 37 37.5


  −9.39   −5.65


(Profit 1:) Each Mithril bar costs   1,526.

(Profit 2:) Each Mithril bar costs   1,462 when the ores are bought.

Note: Profit 2 does NOT count in the experience gained from smelting the ores to a bar.

Image Item Level XP Sale Price Profit 1 per XP Profit 2 per XP
Mithril dagger Mithril dagger 50 50


  −28.54   −27.26
Mithril hatchet Mithril hatchet 51 50


  −26.44   −25.16
Mithril mace Mithril mace 52 50


  −25.68   −24.4
Mithril medium helmet Mithril medium helmet 53 50


  −23.38   −22.1
Mithril bolts (unf) Mithril bolts (unf) 53 50


  −11.12   −9.84
Mithril sword Mithril sword 54 50


  −22.78   −21.5
Mithril dart tip Mithril dart tip 54 50


  −8.72   −7.44
Mithril nails Mithril nails 54 50


  −20.92   −19.64
Mithril arrowheads Mithril arrowheads 55 50


  −11.32   −10.04
Mithril limbs Mithril limbs 56 50


  −23.46   −22.18
Mithril throwing knife Mithril throwing knife 57 50


  −12.32   −11.04
Mith grapple tip Mith grapple tip 59 50

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(Profit 1:) Each Adamant bar costs   2,175.

(Profit 2:) Each Adamant bar costs   3,233 when buying the ores.

Note: Profit 2 does not count in the Experience gained from smelting the ores into a bar.

Image Item Level XP Sale Price Profit 1 per XP Profit 2 per XP
Adamant dagger Adamant dagger 70 62.5


  −28.62   −45.55
Adamant hatchet Adamant hatchet 71 62.5


  −24.18   −41.1
Adamant mace Adamant mace 72 62.5


  −23.25   −40.18
Adamant medium helmet Adamant medium helmet 73 62.5


  −18.18   −35.1
Adamant bolts (unf) Adamant bolts (unf) 73 62.5


  −3.28   −20.21
Adamant sword Adamant sword 74 62.5


  −17.09   −34.02
Adamant dart tip Adamant dart tip 74 62.5


  −2   −18.93
Adamantite nails Adamantite nails 74 62.5


  −13.44   −30.37
Adamant arrowheads Adamant arrowheads 75 62.5


  −2.88   −19.81
Adamantite limbs Adamantite limbs 76 62.5


  −13.28   −30.21
Adamant throwing knife Adamant throwing knife 77 62.5


  −5.92   −22.85


(Profit 1:) Each Rune bar costs   13,029.

(Profit 2:) Each Rune bar costs   12,775 when the ores are bought and the bars are smelted yourself.

Image Item Level XP Sale Price Profit 1 per XP Profit 2 per XP
Rune dagger Rune dagger 85 75


  −112.89   −109.51
Rune hatchet Rune hatchet 86 75


  −72.29   −68.91
Rune mace Rune mace 87 75


  −61.45   −58.07
Rune medium helmet Rune medium helmet 88 75


  −23.28   −19.89
Runite bolts (unf) Runite bolts (unf) 88 75


  −9.59   −6.2
Rune sword Rune sword 89 75


  −8.45   −5.07
Rune dart tip Rune dart tip 89 75


  −89.05   −85.67
Rune nails Rune nails 89 75


  −131.72   −128.33
Rune arrowheads Rune arrowheads 90 75


  −12.12   −8.73
Runite limbs Runite limbs 91 75


  −48.03   −44.64
Rune throwing knife Rune throwing knife 92 75


  −110.12   −106.73

See also