Temple Trekking

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Template:Dangerous minigame

Beginning a trek.

Temple Trekking is a members-only minigame, introduced on 28 March 2006, in which players must escort victims of vampyre rule from Burgh de Rott through Morytania to Paterdomus. On your way you must pass through Morytania's many dangers and obstacles, being sure your companion makes it to the temple alive. One must find a way across bogs and rivers, and fight dangerous packs of monsters lurking in Morytania, some unique to this minigame. Should a player die, their gravestone will appear at the starting point of the trek. Temple Trekking requires completion of In Aid of the Myreque.

Burgh de Rott Ramble is the reverse route in which the player escorts potential Myreque recruits from the Paterdomus to Burgh de Rott, leading them through the same obstacles and monsters. Burgh de Rott Ramble requires completion of Darkness of Hallowvale, and was introduced on 13 March 2007.


The difficulty of either minigame is determined by whether the player chooses weaker or stronger people (called followers) to escort and whether the player chooses to take easier or harder paths through Morytania. Escorting weaker followers means more time and effort in healing and defending the follower when a monster attack event occurs. Taking harder paths means the monsters will have higher combat levels and come in greater numbers when a monster attack event occurs.

A journey succeeds if the player and follower reach the destination, whereupon the player receives a reward. A journey fails if the player or follower is killed. If the player teleports out of the minigame, enters the lobby or gets disconnected they can speak to their follower at the start point and choose whether to abandon or continue the journey where they left off.

During this minigame the player can train their companion to make them stronger in combat or to unlock their abilities. For each successful trip the player is given a reward token, which the player can exchange for an item reward of choice. Unique rewards are also unlocked when your companion reaches a certain level, or if the sum level of all your followers reach a certain number. In some events, some unique items are obtainable as well.

Several events are likely to occur on each journey. There are three types of events: friendly events in which the player and follower can be healed and have their defences raised; combat events in Multicombat area in which monsters attempt to attack the player and follower; and puzzle events, which typically involve overcoming terrain obstacles, that the player must solve. All combat and some puzzle events are dangerous.

These two minigames provides opportunities to cross-train in most skills. Combat experience (including Prayer) is gained during battle events. Monster drops and minigame rewards provide some of the staple materials used in Crafting, Cooking, Farming, Fletching, Herblore, Runecrafting, and Smithing, while Tomes of experience can be awarded for Agility, Firemaking, Fishing, Mining, Slayer, Thieving, and Woodcutting. Players can also pick up pieces of Lumberjack clothes and earn the Constructor's outfit, which are found only in this minigame. Also, you gain the ability to gain two cosmetic items, the Rambler's backpack and the Walking stick, and the ability to unlock two new shortcuts routes: An option to teleport once you reach the swamp gates straight to the Nature Grotto, and an option to travel from Hair of the Dog's trapdoor straight to Mort'ton.

Since the player loses if the follower is killed, one basic tactic in most combat events is for the player to shield the follower from the monsters. This means the player's body will typically be a meat-shield between fairly strong melee enemies and the follower. There are two practical strategies to achieve this:

  • Wear high-defence melee armour. This helps protect the player from the monsters' attacks. This strategy means that the player should typically use melee, as the melee armour will interfere with using ranged or magic.
  • Use protection Prayers. Most monsters attack with melee, so Protect from Melee or Deflect Melee can be used. Giant Snails attack with ranged, so Protect from Missiles or Deflect Missiles can be used. When using prayer, any combat style can be used against most monsters, except Vyrewatch which must be meleed (unless using Blisterwood). For magic, Ancient Magicks could be quite useful in some events, as some spells can affect a group of monsters.

Players are allowed to take Summoning familiars into the minigame. A beast of burden helps store food and items obtained in events, while a combat familiar could fight alongside the player since the minigame is multi-combat.

Note: This is a dangerous minigame. If you die, you will need to return to the starting place to retrieve your items; if you played Temple Trekking, you must return to Burgh de Rott to retrieve your items; if you played Burgh de Rott Ramble, you will need to return to the Paterdomus Temple.

Requirements to start

The following Quests must be completed to play this minigame:

Getting there

Temple Trekking starts at the town of Burgh de Rott, by the northern gate. Start the minigame by reading the noticeboard nearby.

Burgh de Rott Ramble starts on the east side of the River Salve just outside the temple. A player can start at either side.

There are several ways to reach Canifis or Burgh de Rott quickly, where the minigame may be started. Some of these include (roughly in the order of effectiveness):

Alternatively, you can use either the "Legacy of Seergaze" or "Darkness of Hallowvale" quest recommendation from Drill Sergeant Hartman in Burthorpe to quickly teleport to either the starting point of Temple Trekking, or the entrance to the Myreque Hideout in Burgh de Rott, respectively.

People to escort

The Noticeboard

There are a total of six people that can be escorted - three people for the journey to the Temple and three for Burgh De Rott. You can choose who to escort by using the noticeboard at the start point at Paterdomus or in Burgh De Rott. Each of the three people on each journey has a different difficulty - easy, medium and hard. For Temple Trekking, two are villagers and one is an adventurer, and for Burgh De Rott Ramble two are adventurers and one is a villager.

By being escorted, the follower will gain experience and levels. As they do so, they will gain new abilities and become more adept in combat. Their examine information and appearance will also change after receiving some new abilities. It will also allow the player to unlock certain rewards - some rewards require all of the followers to have reached a certain level.

Temple Trekking
Name Image Difficulty Notes

Smiddi Ryak

File:Smiddi.png Hard Smiddi is hard to accompany, but can lead to the greatest reward. She will only attack monsters that attack her. Otherwise she will try to stick with you or walk around. Some food is necessary because she has a low Constitution level. It will be best to have a plan before trekking.

When enemies engage Smiddi it is sometimes possible to get them to switch focus to you by moving to the space the enemy occupies. This has a chance of making an enemy reposition itself. If you attack, when it moves, it will often switch its attention to your character.

  • At level 20, Smiddi can let out a Scream - a Special Attack which stuns enemies within a short distance.
  • At level 60, she can use the special attack Raspberry which lowers the Defence of the enemy.
  • At level 92, Smiddi can use A&E. It allows her to cast Heal Other spell. Additionally, she gains the ability to foresee upcoming events, to run, to set fires, and to chop trees.
  • At level 99, Smiddi's Heal Other spell will both heal for more and damage her for less.
Jayene Kliyn File:Jayene.png Medium

Jayene is a medium-level villager to accompany and will help you get one of the medium rewards. She is reasonably tough and can take a few hits. She can also try to defend herself and fight off other monsters within the event area.

  • At level 25, Jayene will gain +1 Attack speed.
  • At level 50, Jayene will receive Twin fire - which lets her fire two arrows at once.
  • At level 75, Jayene can gain the ability to use a dark bow. She will also tell players what is on the trail chosen and help by lighting fires.
  • At level 99, players gain the Ouroboros pouch which acts as unlimited druid pouches.

Dean Vellio

File:Dean.png Easy Dean is easy to accompany and because of this, he can only help you get to the lower rewards. He has a lot of health and a high defence rating, so he can take a lot of punches as well as dish them out.
  • At level 25, players unlock a cosmetic reward: the Rambler's backpack.
  • At level 60, Dean will receive a Special Attack - Butcher.
  • At level 75, Dean will gain +1 Attack speed.
  • At level 80, Dean will gain the ability to use an abyssal whip. His appearance and examine information will also change significantly. He can hit quickly, and often over 250 - if you are below 120 combat, expect him to deal more damage than you. Dean will also warn you on what you should expect on the examined trail.
Burgh De Rott Ramble
Name Image Difficulty Notes
Rolayne Twickit File:Rolayne.png Hard Rolayne knows how badly his people are suffering under the rule of the vampyres, having previously escaped himself. Now he's had a taste of freedom he's returned to try and relieve the plight of others so they may experience the same. He's far too frail to be useful as a fighter but what he lacks in hardiness, he makes up for in determination. Weak Melee fighter, but helps you with lighting fires and chopping logs.

Rolayne presents a difficult challenge by being both extremely weak and very aggressive. He will often run to the opposite end of the battefield and attack enemies that are not actively engaged. The easiest way to keep him alive is to attack every enemy at least once and position yourself so they can all attack you. If an enemy cannot reach you and Rolayne attacks them, they will switch their attention to him. This can be fixed by attacking that enemy so it switches its focus to you.

  • At level 20, Rolayne unlocks the ability to run, and warns you about what lies ahead on the paths.
  • At level 40, players unlock a cosmetic reward: the Shepherd's Walking stick.
  • At level 80, Rolayne begins to deal double damage.
  • At level 99, the NPC is able to cast Wind Strike.
Zachory Bragg File:Zach.png Medium Zachory is not yet a great sorcerer, and needs your help to become one. He is not a difficult adventurer to accompany, but is by no means simple.

Attacks with Water Bolt.

  • At level 25, Zachory gives the option to retrieve a set of Constructor's boots from the Temple Trekking interface. This is part of the constructor's outfit.
  • At level 59, Zachory is able to use Fire Blast in place of his regular spell.
  • At level 79, Zachory can cast Entangle on opponents, making it a little easier to manage the enemies. He will now wear enchanted robes with wizard's boots, a mage's book and a saradomin staff. He also is able to warn the player what lies ahead on the paths.
  • Once players get Zachory to level 99, they unlock a Trapdoor Shortcut shortcut in Canifis to Mort'ton.


File:Pazuzu.png Easy Pazuzu is a powerful spell-caster intent on bringing salvation to the people of Burgh de Rott. She could probably do the ramble herself, though, so don't expect a significant reward.

Attacks with Earth Blast.

  • At level 20, Pazuzu unlocks the abilty to use Bind.
  • At level 66, the NPC can cast vulnerability.
  • At level 75, Pazuzu equips a Staff of Light and can cast Fire Wave. She also wears Ahrims magic armour. She also is able to warn the player what lies ahead on the paths.
  • Once players get Pazuzu to level 85, they can unlock the Constructor's gloves from the Temple Trekking interface.


Once you have chosen someone to escort, you will need to choose which path to take. There are three paths, each a different difficulty, the main difference being the combat level of the monsters faced. This will only be the difficulty of the next event faced. Choosing the best path will be dependent upon combat level, available gear and which character is being escorted.

After each encounter, players will be given the option of changing the path that they are currently taking. If players find themselves having a hard time, they can take an easier route for instance or take a harder route when things are too easy.

Your follower will be able to predict the events by left clicking on "Continue-x" tile. This ability becomes available after the NPC gains a certain level. You can tell your follower has gained this ability because they will run along with you as opposed to walking behind. In some followers it is also accompanied by a significant change in appearance.

  • Easy route: In order to evade any combat events, players must kill at least 1 monster in the event. The monsters on this path are around level 80. Rune armour should be a minimum for combat events on this route. If monsters appear there will be at least 2.
  • Medium route: In order to evade combat events, the player must complete at least 33% of the event first. Monsters will be around level 110. Prayer may be useful for certain events depending on the player's level, so choosing pure defence armour or prayer armour will be at the player's discretion. If monsters appear, there are at least 3.
  • Hard route: There is sometimes no way to evade any event. The monsters are around level 140. Prayer will be important to surviving this route at any level, so having Prayer boosting gear is recommended. Escorting a weak follower is not recommended for this route but it is possible. If escorting a "hard" NPC certain events, such as the Giant Snake and Giant Snail events, are particularly difficult. In these events, and a few others, multiple monsters will attack your follower extremely fast and can deliver a significant amount of damage in a very short period of time. If monsters appear there are at least 4.

Supplying your follower

Followers can hold 28 items of food in their backpack, also called the Follower Inventory. It will retain items from one trip to the next, even after logout, and is shared between all followers. So anything given to one is available to all followers, regardless of difficulty and location.

It is a good idea to fill the follower's pack before starting a trek, while talking to them, and before agreeing to escort them.

To fill the pack, trade the desired food. The trade will be accepted immediately. It is not possible to see what is already in the pack, only how many more items can be given. The follower inventory can only be filled with food. If a player tries to trade the follower something else it gives the following message: 'You can only trade food to trek NPCs.'

After giving food to the follower it is recommended to then return to the bank to retrieve additional food for the trip. Once ready, restart the dialogue and agree to escort it to Burgh De Rott.

You cannot take the food you have already given your follower.

The follower can be given untradeable foods, such as the Baron Shark .

During the events the follower can be resupplied with food. For this reason, it is advantageous to allocate one inventory slot for a sack filled with a food, such as cabbages, allowing for the healing and food replenishment of the follower as much as 10 times per inventory slot.

Your follower will also have a Druid pouch.

Recommended Equipment

The following items are recommended:

Weapons and Armour

  1. Blisterwood weapons may be used after some progress in the quest Branches of Darkmeyer is made. There are weapons for each combat style. These weapons are the most effective against vampyres and faster than the Ivandis flail.
  2. Ivandis flail requires completion of: Legacy of Seergaze. It is the only way to harm and kill the Vyrewatch before doing The Branches of Darkmeyer quest. The more experience with the flail, the better.
  3. Rod of Ivandis requires In Aid of the Myreque.
  4. Other silver weapons for fighting vampyres, like Darklight or Silver bolts (p++).
  • > Salve amulet (e) > Salve amulet many of the combat encounters are undead. They boost melee accuracy and strength against undead monsters by 20% and 15%, respectively.
  • Dragon halberd can be very useful to melee monsters safely, especially if they get stuck behind obstacles.
  • & A high Melee defence and Prayer bonus setup is recommended. Veracs or Proselyte will conserve both prayer and food.
  • Snelm for fighting Giant snails.


  • Druid pouch or Ouroboros Pouch to defend against Ghasts. Stock up before starting. It can be used to protect your food from turning into rotten food. One tip to prevent the rotting of food if you don't have a druid/ouroboros pouch is to drop the food in your inv, and occasionally pick it up and drop it again so it doesn't dissapear.

Food for personal healing and to heal the follower. Remember that the follower can accept any type of food mid-trip. Lobster, Swordfish or Monkfish is generally recommended, depending on your combat level, expertise and whether you use Prayer, or not.

  • Recommended to bring low level food, such as cabbages or potatoes, so you don't have to kill the snails for their meat. Cheese wheels are also effective for the campsite puzzle.
  • Combat potion can help you deal damage to normally hard to kill Juvinates. Also it may be worth it to bring a Super defence potion to help tank monsters to avoid damage done to your follower. In general it could be advisable to bring super set or extreme set, to speed up kills with the hard characters. If doing low/medium, you wont be needing cb boosts because they should do all the fighting.
  • Enhanced excalibur its special attack gradually heals 200 Life points (over 10s.) and boosts defence with 15%. Can be useful while tanking and/or distracting enemies to avoid killing your follower. Completing the elite Seer's Village Tasks will make your enhanced excalibur double its healing effect to 400 Life points over 20 seconds.
  • Use Prayer, Prayer potions are optional, but recommended for players who intend to make significant use of prayers. In this case a Holy wrench & the Reverence Aura might also be helpful, as it will increase the amount of prayer restored when using a prayer restoring potion.
  • Inventory: Enough open space to pick up items quickly during events.
  • Beast of burden familiars and combat familiars are very useful as noted above.
  • Snelm for protection against the giant snails' ranged attacks.
Items in your Toolbelt
  • Necessary: Bronze hatchet* used to cut trees, to complete the Bridge and Campsite event, see Puzzle events.
  • Necessary: Tinderbox* to make fires at the Campsite event, see Puzzle events.
  • Optional: Hammer to repair/build bridges, see Puzzle events. This item is optional, since a hatchet works as well.
  • Optional: Chisel can be used to craft Snelms
  • Optional: Knife to skin Swamp snakes and to trim swamp trees. This item is optional, since the river event has a backpack with a knife for players who don't have a knife already.

(*) Note that at a certain combat level your companion will do this for you.


During treks it is recommended, but not necessary, to have full prayer points. Certain monsters in the events can hit hard (so Protect prayers come in handy). Also, you need prayer points to collect items for druid pouches, if you need any. The Paterdomus temple and Nature Spirit altar are quite close by to the start of each route. Prayer potions can be used too. However, higher-level players who have brought the correct equipment should have little need of prayer though it does make it safer and easier for lower-level players.

Silver weapon

Vampyre Juvinates can only be harmed by relatively weak silver weapons, or the strong Blisterwood weapons. A Rune defender or Dragon Defender will greatly increase accuracy against Juvinates if using a one handed weapon.

  • Blisterwood weapons are the best choice, since there is one for each combat style, allowing the player to safe-spot Vyrewatch and Juvinates (if using Blisterwood stakes (ranged), or Blisterwood staff (magic) (also has +2 Prayer bonus), or faster hits if using the Blisterwood polearm (melee).
    • Ivandis flail is recommended if the player doesn't have access to Blisterwood weaponry, since it acts as both a silver sickle(b) and Rod of Ivandis, thus allowing the player to deal with both ghasts and juvinates.
    • Rod of Ivandis will perform capably, and using its special with Guthix balance potion allows the player to finish off Juvinates at slightly below 50% health. This does not use any charges however if its special is used and the Juvinate is killed using the Rod a charge will be used up.
    • Silver sickle (b) (prevents swamp decay if players are ejected from the game into the swamp)
    • Silver bolts used with your best crossbow (iron+)
    • Other silver weapons, such as Darklight/Silverlight, or Wolfbane are fast and have a prayer bonus, but will not perform as well, or a Blessed hatchet (which can be used as a hatchet for repairing the bridge during the bridge puzzle event, although it can not be used to obtain logs, therefore a Dwarven army axe is preferable)


There are 3 different types of events that might happen when you're moving forward - friendly events, combat events, and puzzle events. The specific event and difficulty of completing may depend on the difficulty of the route taken, although most events are possible regardless of difficulty.

Once an event occurs, the player and follower are pulled into the event area. The player will start in front of a section of path with blue stones. Right-clicking will display an Escape option, which completely abandons the trek and leaves the player wherever they have reached on the map, often in the middle of Mort Myre Swamp. At the opposite end of the area is the path that allows the player to "Continue-trek", once the event is completed. In combat events on the easy and medium routes, there are paths that evade-event that when used will skip the event and continue trekking, adding no reward and increasing the chance for another event. On the medium route, 33% of the monsters must be killed before being able to use Evade-event.

Friendly event

Abidor Crank event

A man named Abidor Crank will appear as an event and heal you and the follower, above maximum health if applicable and buff defence. He also turns all Rotten foods into Stews. Getting this event adds nothing to the end reward.

Combat events

Try to position enemies so that your follower may train.

In combat events a certain number of enemies will attack the player and the escort. For most of the combat events, the monsters give a few seconds before attacking. This is the player's chance to position themselves between the follower and the monsters. All combat events are multi-way combat. Combat events provide the majority of the end reward when completed.

Monster Name Notes
Any kind of silver weapon (listed above) is necessary to damage juvinates, though the best weapon to kill them is any of the three blisterwood weapons. They are not particularly strong, not hitting any harder than 100, but can take a long time to kill, especially on harder routes. When they get low on health, they disappear. They can, however, be changed into human form by using the special attack of the Rod of Ivandis/Ivandis flail and then using a Guthix balance potion on them, however sometimes they will die instantly. Curing them will give you a variety of items (steel-adamant, level-2 clues etc.). This method can save a lot of time, but wastes some inventory space for the potions and items you may get. They will not attack your follower. It is recommended to avoid this event if you do not have a Blisterwood weapon.
You need Druid pouches to fight ghasts, otherwise you can't do anything against them while they just rot your food. Some followers also carry druid pouches with them, so pouches are not always needed, but it's still recommended to have some just in case. They hit slow, but can deal a lot of damage. They are much stronger than the level 30 ghasts you would find normally. Protect from Melee prayer is recommended when fighting more than one. Because they attack so slowly, prayer can be conserved by turning it off between attacks. Only hidden ghasts will attack your follower. Using a Druid pouch on the hidden ghast will reveal it, drawing its attention to you. They drop the same items as normal ghasts from the swamp. Pouches can be recharged in the event by using the cast-bloom option of a silver sickle near some rotten logs/branches (this will use some prayer points), picking the items up and placing them in your pouch. If you have no druid pouches, or prayer points left, the only option is to evade the event (if possible) or escape.Note: You may refill your pouches in most events (any with logs/branches); not just the Ghasts event.
Riyl, Asyn, or Fiyr varieties depending on the route. This event only occurs at Mort'ton. They come in big numbers and immediately start attacking you and your follower. They hit very fast and can end your trip quickly if they start piling on your follower.You are given little time for positioning your follower. They are often lined up single file, however they are also notorious for passing through players. Once they are lined up, you may wish to attack each one to assure they do not pass through you. A salve amulet/salve amulet (e) can be used to increase damage. Having a quick means of killing, such as a Dragon dagger for its special, will be useful for taking care of shades that attack your follower. There will be also 3 NPCs in this event, each inside a different house. The shades will try and open the doors to attack them, and kill them. If you manage to keep them alive by distracting these shades, go talk to them after the event to get a blessing.Each blessing can have a different effect, however the effects are random. There can be 2 or 3 people giving the same blessing in one event, including:
  • Recharge your Prayer points. (If you have boosted prayer points it will remove the boost)
Swamp snakes
Giant snakes can hit up to 180, attacking quickly and often in packs. Death could come quickly without Protect from Melee up. They are also extremely large in terms of game dimensions, so may sometimes get stuck easily behind obstacles. Because of this, a Halberd or range weapon is useful to use to conserve prayer and/or food. They can also easily stack on the same tiles that one swamp snake is already on. When starting a snake event, just get between the follower and the snakes the simplest way possible and stay still, letting them come to you. Moving too much on this event is the worst thing to do. Any snake that gets to your follower must be killed first. This is one of the hardest events in Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble to come across, so stay calm and carefully try to divert all the snakes' attention to you. One effective tactic is the same as that descibed in the main article for the Nail Beasts, using an Abyssal whip vine's Special attack to attack multiple snakes simultaneously.Once killed, they leave behind a corpse, using a knife on these provides 2-5 snake hides. These can be used to craft Snakeskin armour. If a snake manages to attack your follower and is subsequently killed by you, it will drop bones instead of a corpse. This will never happen if all the snakes are attacking you. There is a glitch where a snake will be on top of another snake, will have a yellow dot on the minimap, but sometimes won't appear on the game screen and won't have a right click option until you move. This can potentially kill the follower, as when you move to make it appear, it will then attack your follower. Another glitch occurs randomly when a swamp snake spawns outside the map, making it harder to kill. The most recent glitches are the snakes still take one point of poison damage, even after they're dead and when you try to skin the snake for its hides, the snake will come back to life and attack you (you still get snake hides both times you skin it). These glitches are yet to be fixed by Jagex.
Giant snails
Use an accurate Magical Ranged attack that hits up to 180. Wearing a Snelm will greatly reduce the damage taken from them. Use Protect from Range on hard routes when taking multiple attacks. A snail needs only be hit once to distract it from your follower. They heal rapidly. It is HIGHLY recommended that you use the 'Protection from missiles' prayer, even if you are wearing a Snelm, as you can still take damage very quickly. They drop Snail shells, redeemable for 600 coins in Dorgesh-Kaan, Perfect snail shells give 600 coins and 500 Crafting experience. It is recommended to skip this event while traveling with hard companions.
Nail beasts
Shrieking beasts that attack with a flurry of claws and bites, hitting up to triple 40 (so up to 120 total damage each flurry). The time between flurries is quite long. They have low defence and life points and don't usually threaten your follower, but will need to be killed if they do. See the main article on Nail Beasts for an effective tactic for fighting these creatures. Nail beasts only appear in this minigame and it is the only monster to drop Nail Beast Nails and talon beast charms. Nail beast nails can be used for herblore to make sanfew serum, and talon beast charms can be used to make Talon beast pouches for summoning. They also drop Big bones, Long, Sharp Claws and Sabre-like teeth, used in the Fur 'N Seek Wish List. Their charms yield the highest summoning experience of all summoning pouches, so it is very beneficial to collect all the charms and not skip this event, unless necessary, since this event does not occur often. It is recommended to skip this event when traveling with hard companions.
A large graveyard with a great number of skeletons of level 15 and 75, with a Tomb in the middle section. The tomb can be used to unleash 2 blasts of holy power, killing all skeletons close to it. The strategy is to make all skeletons attack you and lure them towards the tomb, then activating this tomb to unleash the power. All skeletons that are stuck against the fence or inside the Tomb area are instantly killed by the power. Defeat all skeletons to continue your path. There is currently a glitch which prevents prayer experience to be gained from more than a few dropped bones when many skeletons are killed at once, and a bonecrusher is used. This has yet to be fixed. This event only occurs during the Burgh de Rott Ramble, not during Temple Trekking.
Swamp Creatures
Appears only on a hard route, and only during a Burgh de Rott Ramble (Paterdomus to Burgh de Rott). It is actually 5 parts, a level-140 Head and 4 level-99 Tentacles. The Tentacles can hit anywhere on the boat, but will usually only attack your follower when directly in front of one. Poisoning one part poisons all parts. If the head is near death and a tentacle is still alive, it will return to full health. For this reason it is necessary to kill all tentacles before attacking the head. The Head can hit very hard, but hits very slow. Protect from melee is recommended for this event. The tentacles get weaker every time you kill one of them, with a visible message. The monster will not attack your follower. Curiously enough, very little combat experience will be granted from attacking the head of the monster. NOTE: You CANNOT retrieve arrows or bolts in any way in this event. Any that you use will be lost.
Appears only after Legacy of Seergaze, and can be killed only with a Flail of Ivandis or any of the three Blisterwood weapons. They can hit quite high and fast. Drops a Vyre corpse which can be cremated in a manner similar to Shades of Mort'ton, but if the Vyrewatch is not over land when it dies, the corpse will be lost in the swamp. Vyrewatch no longer flee when low on health, and vyrewatch and juvinates will attack your follower. It's possible to use the Ivandis flail's special attack after a Vyrewatch reaches half health which will freeze the Vyrewatch for a period of time. Using a dose of Guthix Balance potion on a frozen Vyrewatch will deal a random amount of damage. Freezing and applying Guthix balance is not required to kill the Vyrewatch, and it's generally a better idea to just kill them by attacking with Blisterwood weapons or your flail. The drops in this event will disappear. If you want the Vyre corpses for cremation don't leave them on the ground too long. Vyrewatch will attack your follower.

Puzzle events

Puzzle events will require you to do a certain thing to pass the event and get to the continue trek option. Normally there won't be any monsters to fight and if there are, they are just required to be beaten to complete the puzzle, and they're not hard to kill, as their level is always the same no matter the difficulty level. After a certain level, your follower might assist you in these events by starting a fire, or cutting logs for you.

Name What to do
In the Bridge event you must repair a bridge before you can cross the river. In one version of this event Undead Lumberjacks will rise up out of the river and attack; in the other there are no enemies. To repair the bridge you will need a hatchet, or a hammer, even if your follower cuts down the trees for you. If you do not have a hatchet in your inventory look around for a Backpack and search it to find a Bronze Hatchet. Chop down the trees to get logs or kill the Lumberjacks to get planks. You must either have a Hammer in your inventory/toolbelt or be wielding a hatchet to repair the bridge. Simply click on the gap in the bridge, with the required items in your inventory/toolbelt, and you will repair one section of the bridge. This needs to be done three times.In the variant with the Undead Lumberjacks you can use logs, planks, or both to repair the bridge.The Undead Lumberjacks now drop quite a variety of items (eg. arrows, Guthix balance potions, charms). They always drop 1 regular plank and occasionaly Lumberjack Clothing pieces.

It is now easier to obtain a full set of lumberjack clothes, as until a player has received a full set, dropped set pieces will always be of a type not yet owned by the player.[1]

Click on a spiny bush to get a Branch. Use these sticks to feel firmness of the bog. Continue over the marsh walking on firm ground. If you walk on soft ground you will "eventually climb out". NOTE- bring more than one stick because they get stuck in the bog at times. The bog event is often confused with the river (see below). It is possible, however rare, to receive a bog which is impossible to cross, but make sure you have checked all along the bog's length for other firm spots before giving up. It is possible to play through this event a bit quicker: After using the branch on a bog spot, using the branch on the next bog spot as soon as the message appears in the chat box telling you that the spot is soft or firm. You do not have to wait for the first animation to end before starting the next probe. It is recommended to skip this event if possible, due to its trial-and-error nature.
If you find a river without a bridge use a Knife to cut 3 vines from the smaller trees, then wind the vines together to make a Long vine. Throw the Long vine to the larger tree's branch and swing over the river. If you do not have a Knife, search the nearby backpack to find one.
3 to 5 starving adventurers (Marv, Hank, Wilf, Sarah and/or Rachel) will be seated around a dead campfire. To continue, they must be fed or they turn into Ghasts, which must be killed to continue. Most foods work, but in the event there are 5 snails, a Bronze hatchet, a Tinderbox, and 2 dead trees which will provide everything needed to cook and feed them. Priority for feeding them is: ghastly!!, very sick!, very sick, sick!, sick. When rewards are calculated, this event counts as a combat event. Having pineapples, cheese wheels (and a knife), basket, or a sack filled with food makes the campsite event considerably easier and also allows you or your companion to have snail meat. Interestingly enough, if you manage to provide one of the campers with food just as they are about to become a Ghast, they heal anyway. This event can be annoying if a camper turns into a ghast, and you are not currently equipped for killing a ghast. If this is the case, you must get your follower to make the ghast solid with his/her druid pouch, thus putting him/her in potential danger, or abandon the trek/ramble completely, as there is no path to evade this event.
The strange reeds around the Nature Grotto are on fire. Help out the Nature Spirit by taking in the power of pure water and dousing the flames. It is possible to play through this event quickly by rapidly click each set of burning reeds without waiting for the water-throw animation to play out. Doing this repeatedly can easily cause several fires to go out in the time that the animation for one takes. It is still a requirement, however, that all the fires be put out - you cannot "get ahead" of the fires to prevent them from spreading... all fire sites will always light.

Follower's predictions

Easy route:

  • "Do you see that river down ahead this way? It looks like we'll have to get over it if we go that way." - River puzzle event.
  • "Oh no! I can see a fair few ghasts this way. We should be careful." - Ghasts combat event.
  • "I can see some sort of vampyric creatures down there. They won't give in without a fight."' - 'Either Juvinates or Vyrewatches combat event.
  • "What in the name of Guthix is this? I can see injured people ahead in the way!" - Campsite puzzle event.
  • "That's the town of Mort'ton up ahead and it looks like it's in trouble. We should be ready to fight if we head that way." - Shades combat event.
  • "There is something moving around ahead and I fear it heard the hiss of a snake..." - Swamp snakes combat event.
  • "Did you see that? There seems to be some sort of broken bridge ahead." - Bridge puzzle event.
  • "I can see strange dark shapes slinking around in the myre ahead. Tread carefully if we go that way." - Nail Beast combat event
  • "What's this? There's a group of snails ahead!." - Giant snails combat event
  • "There seems to be a strange man up ahead." - Abidor Crank friendly event.
  • "It looks like that nature spirit's grotto is surrounded by ghasts ahead!" - Grotto puzzle event.
  • "So Close! I can see the Morytania gates, but there are enemies blocking the way!" - Either Juvinates or Vyrewatches combat event. (Temple Trekking only)

Medium route:

  • "The nature spirit's grotto is this way, and it looks like he's under attack!" - Grotto puzzle event.
  • "Watch out. There are spectral beings floating around that way." - Ghasts combat event.
  • "It looks safe ahead, but there is a bit of water we'll have to traverse if we want to go this way." - River puzzle event.
  • "It's difficult to see, but I think there are people ahead. It doesn't look good." - Campsite puzzle event.
  • "I can just about make out a graveyard down there. It looks like it could be an ambush." - Skeleton Graveyard combat event.
  • "You'll need to be handy with repairs to head this way, if we are to cross the river." - Bridge puzzle event
  • "I can see Mort'ton, and the villagers look to be in trouble!" - Shades combat event.
  • "I can't see properly, but there are some slimy trails on the floor." - Giant snails combat event.
  • "There doesn't seem to be much moving this way, except perhaps the floor!" - Bog puzzle event.
  • "The curse of Morytania is strong that way. There are vampyric creatures lurking ahead" - Either Juvinates or Vyrewatches combat event.
  • "Be careful if we go this way. I can see some things sneaking around." - Nail beasts combat event.
  • "There's something moving up ahead, but I can't make it out properly." - Abidor Crank friendly event.
  • "Tread carefully this way. I'm pretty sure snake slithered across the Myre in the distance." - Swamp snakes combat event.
  • "Well that's the exit of the swamp, but it's not without danger. There are creatures ahead!" - Either Juvinates or Vyrewatches combat event. (Temple Trekking only)

Hard route:

  • Mort'ton is under attack and it doesn't look good! It'll be a tough fight this way into the town - Shades combat event.
  • "Looks like we've got a fight on our hands if we head this way. I can see Filliman ahead and he's in trouble!" - Grotto puzzle event.
  • "Careful! I can see vampyric creatures skulking around up ahead." - Either Juvinates or Vyrewatches combat event.
  • "There are some massive snakes moving around ahead; should be an interesting fight." - Swamp snakes combat event.
  • "There's a river this way and I can't see a clear way across it, I'm afraid" - River puzzle event.
  • "Nasty! Do you smell that? There's definitely a bog this way. Even though I can't see it, I can smell it!" - Bog puzzle event.
  • "Nail beasts! You don't see them much these days. We'll be in for a big fight if we choose to go this way!" - Nail beasts combat event.
  • "Ghasts! We'll need to have our wits about us to get past these." - Ghasts combat event.
  • "Hmm, it looks to be empty. No, wait... There is a man walking around up ahead." - Abidor Crank friendly event.
  • "There's a nice-looking bridge this way... Well, it would be nice if we could cross it!" - Bridge puzzle event.
  • "Careful this way, too; it's a strange graveyard. I've heard the dead still stir in the area." - Skeleton Graveyard combat event.
  • "It looks like some wandering adventurers have had a bad run in with ghasts up ahead. They might need our help." - Campsite puzzle event.
  • "There's a swamp boat this way that I'm sure will speed up our journey." - Swamp Creature combat event.
  • "It's the gate out of Mort Myre, but getting out alive will be a challenge." - Either Juvinates or Vyrewatches combat event. (Temple Trekking only)


File:Dean says thanks.png

After successfully completing a trek, the follower will give a Reward token, which will be blue, yellow, or red tokens depending on the follower chosen, route chosen, how well events were handled and the amount of damage that the follower takes. The reward amount is determined by how many monsters are fought and what level they were, and how many puzzle events were completed. This is further explained below. You can exchange your token for rewards by left clicking on the token. Note: You do not receive a reward token when your follower does all the attacking, when every event is evaded, or when your follower teleports out due to low health.

If your inventory is full upon arrival of the destination, your reward will be sent to your bank. If your bank is full it wil be dropped on the ground.

Possible rewards:

Item Amount received Exceptional Reward
Blue token Yellow token Red token
Pure Essence 50-150 70-210 100-300 666
Bowstring 30-90 40-120 70-210 241
Silver bar 55-165 75-225 120-360 152[sic]
Herbs; all kinds. 10-30 low herbs
(Guam to Harralander)
3-11 medium herbs
(Ranarr to Kwuarm)
2-7 high herbs
(Snapdragon to Torstol)
Coal and
Iron ore
Watermelon seeds 2-8 4-12 5-15 26
Raw sharks 8-24 10-30 18-54 80
XP Tome 1100 - 1650
2035 - 3025
4015 - 5005

This table shows the max reward possible on any trek for each item. In terms of coins, the best reward one can get is spending a red reward token on herbs and receiving seven grimy torstols.

Item Max amount Max Profit Exceptional Reward Exceptional Profit
Pure Essence 300 Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 666 Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Bowstring 210 Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 241 Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Silver bar 360 Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 152[sic] Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Herbs; all kinds. 30* 100
Coal and Iron ore 120 and 60   44,520 145   69,455
Watermelon seeds 15 Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 26 Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Raw sharks 54   28,026 80   41,520

*Blue token 10-30 low herbs, Yellow token 3-11 medium herbs, Red token 2-7 high herbs.

Experience Tomes

A Tome of Learning can be chosen as a reward. Unlike most experience tomes, the skill is predetermined and not selectable. These tomes give some experience in one of the following specific skills: Agility, Thieving, Slayer, Firemaking, Fishing, Woodcutting, or Mining. The colour of the tome depends on the colour of the token.

Item Level Xp
Blue tome Level 1 Random amount of experience (1100-1650) in a defined skill.
Yellow tome Level 2 Random amount of experience (2035-3025) in a defined skill.
Red tome Level 3 Random amount of experience (4015-5005) in a defined skill.

Additional Rewards

Follower Rewards

In addition to the rewards received from completing a trek, rewards are also gained through getting the followers to reach a certain level. These rewards can be claimed by using the noticeboard at the start point for the Treks. Rewards for a single followers can be claimed from the respective follower's noticeboard tab. Rewards for your followers' total level can be obtained on the Rewards tab.

  • Constructor's outfit - An outfit that when worn gives a bonus to Construction experience received. The pieces are obtained separately as follows:
  • Rambler's backpack - Obtained by training Dean Velio to level 25. This is a cosmetic item worn in the cape slot.
  • Walking stick - Obtained by training Rolayne Twickit to level 40.
  • Ouroboros pouch - Obtained by training Jayene Kliyn to level 99. the pouch acts as unlimited Druid pouches.
  • Shortcut from the swamp gates to the Nature Grotto - Obtained by training the companions to a total level of 100 or higher.
    Shortcut from the swamp gates to the Nature Grotto
  • A Trapdoor Shortcut in Canifis to Mort'ton - Obtained by training Zachory Bragg to level 99. This shortcut uses the same trapdoor behind the tavern in Canifis. In order to use this shortcut, the option must be toggled on in the character interface by clicking on Zachory Bragg's level 99 description. The shortcut places the player's character next to the swamp boat in south-eastern Mort'ton.
    File:Burgh de Rott-shortcut.jpg
    A trapdoor shortcut in Canifis to Mort'ton
  • Burgh de Rott Teleport - unlocks a teleport to Burgh de Rott on the games necklace. Obtained by training the companions to a total level of 500 or higher.
  • Ghast familiar - A familiar that prevents food decay in Mort Myre Swamp, gives Prayer experience for damage, makes ghasts non-aggressive in Morytania and restores 100 prayer points when the special move is used. Obtained by training the companions to a total level of 594, with an additional cost of 50,000 coins.


Many of the monsters faced in this minigame will drop items, and these can be useful or valuable. Some of these drops can only be obtained by taking part in the minigame. These include:


  • Before the 13 March 2007 update it was required you travel back to Burgh de Rott to collect the reward and restart the game. Now, the player has the option to escort mercenaries from the Paterdomus to Burgh de Rott for a reward in the same fashion if Darkness of Hallowvale is completed. This allows the game to be endlessly repeated with rewards at each end of the trip.
  • Before 24 April 2007, Wildblood seeds were given instead of Watermelon seeds, the maximum amount being 55.


On 17 August 2011, the minigame received a major overhaul. A great deal was changed with this update. Previously, there were many more followers that could be selected (see below), and the follower would not take part in combat, unless attacked. There was also no levelling system for the followers. The treks were started by talking to the NPC. A few new followers were added with the update.

The trails themselves functioned differently - the player would select the difficulty before the trail and would have to complete the whole trail at that difficulty. Two new events were added - the graveyard of skeletons and the nature grotto fires, which previously did not exist.

The rewards system was also slightly different before this update - previously, players could not choose rewards, they were received at random by turning in the reward token at Hiylik Myna at Paterdomus or Cornelius in Burgh de Rott. A number of new rewards were added with the update, such as the constructor's outfit, the shortcut to the Nature Spirit's grotto, the teleport to Burgh de Rott and the Ghast familiar.

Additionally, the events received a major graphical update, as did the monsters, such as Ghasts and Vyrewatch.

The previous followers available, now removed from the game, were:

Initially, anyone who had tokens left over from before the update were unable to redeem them for the new rewards. This was fixed the next day with an update. [2]

In an update on 4 October 2011, following adjustments were made to improve this minigame further:

  • Players will now receive 25 Ghastly Attack scrolls instead of 15.
  • Attacking an enemy that is fighting your companion will now pull threat away from him/her.
  • "Hard" companions now receive slightly more experience for completing an event.
  • Ranger and mage companions’ accuracy has been increased.
  • Trekkers will now eat at below 50% health instead of 25%.


  • Followers seem to be Guthixians as when they speak about the event on the easy path for the injured campers they say 'What in the name of Guthix'.
  • It is possible to let your companion do much, if not all, of the fighting leading to fast level ups. This is easier for the mages and ranger, but can still be done with the warrior provided you have food to sustain him. This tactic works well with the Easy and Medium NPCs at the easy and medium route difficulties for the Giant Snail, Ghast, Nail Beast, Giant Snake, and Shade events. All but the Ghast event, at the hard route difficulty, will be too much for any NPC to tank except Pazuzu and Dean, if they've reached their power up levels (Pazuzu 75, Dean 80).
  • If you have an aura active when you receive water-power from the Nature Spirit event it will turn blue and stay blue even after the effect wears off, but it will go back to normal when you swap weapons. The same applies for the charged Dragonfire Shield but the colour change appears to stay until logout.
  • The fire cape seems to be the only item that is too hot to be cooled by the water-power effect, and so the fire cape will not change into blue.
  • Despite being named differently from the Druid pouch, the message displayed after revealing a Ghast with the Ourobouros pouch remains the same.
  • During the Swamp Monster event a number of Internet memes occur, talking to your companion prior to killing the head results in him/her saying "What is this? I don't even...", and also in the dialogue he says "Tentacle alert".
  • During the Grotto puzzle event, some companions will respond with "Green guy needs a hand. Seems legit." when talked to before completing the event. This, too, is an internet meme.
  • It is not possible to cast the High Level Alchemy spell in the course of the minigame.
  • In the shades event it is possible to search the shelf and receive the diary of Herbi Flax from the quest Shades of Mort'ton.
  • Raising every follower to level 99 used to be one of the requirements needed to get the trimmed Completionist cape but with the addition of the Morytania task set, this is now a requirement for the Morytania legs 4 and consequently the regular Completionist Cape.
  • Oddly enough, in the reward token menu, you can choose silver bars as a reward, but the image is a bronze bar.
  • When a companion levels during a trek it still uses the old level up fireworks.
  • Companions still use the old graphics for armour, (Dean has old Bandos and Pazuzu has old mystic robes).
  • Currently when encountering a Ghast in an event if you make them visible using YOUR Ouroboros Pouch , they will not be hostile and simply stare in your general direction.
  • There used to be a glitch where after crossing the bridge on the nature's grotto event and activating the water power, the character would turn blue and then return back to normal for the rest of the event. This bug did not affect everyone and got patched on April 2nd 2012.
  • During the nature's grotto event, there is a glitch with the Dragonfire shield where after you recover from turning blue, the flame on the shield remains blue. This glitch is not visible to other characters. The glitch goes away when you either log out or change a visible piece of armour or weapon. If you re-equip the same piece of armour, the glitch remains.
  • Korasi's Sword is an effective way to protect the weaker followers as the special attack can hit up to three opponents at once. Using this special in the early stages of the shade event during the hard trek with Smiddi Ryak for example would potentially take the focus of three powerful shades that would otherwise pile and kill her in short order. This can also be very useful in the giant snake or giant snail events.

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