Pure melee guide
The different types of melee pures
Obsidian Pure
Also known as an "Obby Mauler". The idea of a Obsidian Pure is to stay at a very low Attack and Defence level while maximizing their Strength level in order to hit as high as possible at a very low combat level. The Obsidian Pure usually uses a faster weapon such as a slayer's staff or rune knife before switching to the Tzhaar-Ket-Om and Berserker necklace to finish their opponent off.
One of the main disadvantages of the Obsidian Pure is that most players never get over 70 ranged or magic due to that they will stop being melee based.
Obsidian pures often train with red topaz machetes, runecrafting staves, or slayer´s staves on Rock Crabs. Their low attack and defence level make them a very good training option for a pure.
5/10 Attack. This allows the use of the steel or black scimitar while training, as well as making your attacks more accurate, making getting 55 slayer easier.
20 Attack. Also known as the "Corrupt Pure", these pures are designed to use corrupt PvP weapons to deliver devastatingly high hits at a low level. Due to the cost of these weapons after the re-introduction of the wilderness, these pures have become far less common.
40+ Defence. Also known as the "Obsidian Tank", these accounts train strength and defense to permit them to hit very high as well as receive very few hits.
The counter to any Obsidian Pure is an account with defense. Even 10 defence can shut down an Obsidian Pure with 1 Attack.
1 Defence Pures
The "Classic" pure. The 1 Defence pure is the most common type of pure. The idea of the 1 Defence pure is to be able to deal as much damage as possible in a very short amount of time, thus forcing your opponent to eat and limit his ability to hurt you. There are many different kinds of 1 Defence pures, although the most common ones are 40/45 attack pures in F2P, and 50/60 attack pures in P2P
Variants of the 1 Defence pure
- 1 attack pures: Using a Tzhaar-ket-om (obsidian maul) or a red topaz machete, these "Tank Maulers" have high Strength and Defence, while having only 1 Attack.
- 40 attack pures: Any rune weapons or a brine sabre. Some players combine this with a maple shortbow and 50 Ranged for blue dragonhide chaps.
- 45 attack pures: Gravite weapons. Gravite 2h Swords are common.
- 50 attack pures: Granite mauls. Rangers would use magic shortbows.
- 60 attack pures: Dragon daggers, dragon scimitars, dragon 2h swords, dragon claws, dragon longswords.
- 70 attack pures: Barrows weapons, abyssal whips and saradomin swords.
- 75 attack pures: Godswords.
- 78 attack pures: Vesta longswords and statius warhammers.
- 80 attack pures: Chaotic mauls, rapiers, and longswords. By far the most powerful 1 Defence pure.
- 99 attack pures: These are pures that have maximized all offensive bonuses. These pures are uncommon due to the sheer amount of work required to max out a pure. Even though they can use all melee weapons they are not as effective as the 80 attack pure since other players at similar combat levels usually have high defence levels and are capable of hitting as high as the 99 attack pure, thus making the 99 attack pure ineffective.
99 Defence Pure
Another type of pure is the 99 Defence pure. Typically this kind of pure has 99 defence and 1 in all other combat stats, excluding constitution. Their primary goal is to have very high defence levels at a very low combat level. This type of pure is useful against other pures with high strength and low defence because this allows them to hit small amounts of damage constantly and at the same time preventing the opponent from doing significant damage.
A way to train a 99 Defence pure:
First of all, buy a set of iron armour and equip it. Also buy either an iron longsword, an iron scimitar or an iron dagger. These are the weapons you will be using on your journey towards 99 Defence.
NOTE: Do not buy a poisoned iron dagger since you will not get experience from the poison effect.
Level 1-20 Either chickens, goblins, or cows. When you reach level 20 it´s recommended to buy Mithril armour. The player can buy Steel armour at level 5 and Black armour at level 10 but this is not necessary. Some food is needed.
Level 20-30 Now you can move on to monks, which are found in various monasteries. One good spot is the monastery near edgeville, although it may be crowded. Food is not needed since the monks will heal the player upon request. When the player reaches level 30 it´s recommended to buy Adamant armour.
Level 30-85(combat level 40) You can now move on to other monsters which have very low defence levels and high constitution levels, but it is also possible to stick with monks. Another option is player-killing/staking which might be more fun but not as fast experience. When you reach levels 40 it´s recommended to buy Rune armour and at level 60, Dragon armour, if the player can afford it.
Level 85-99 When your combat level reaches 40 (when your defence level reaches around 85) you can play Pest Control. This is the fastest experience as the player can use the commendation points earned through the mini-game on defence experience.
It is recommended to use super sets if P2P or just strength potions if F2P as this gives your combat levels a healthy boost which is very helpful.
It is also recommended to use an amulet of power an amulet of glory or an amulet of fury since they all offer good offensive and defensive bonuses.
Completing the quest The Knight's Sword is very helpful since it allows the player to use blurite swords which have better stats than all iron weapons, although if P2P, a red topaz machete is also very good option which doesn´t require any quests.
Initiate Pure
This is a common build seen in the pure world. This build was made because the time between 2001, when RSC was released, is long enough that players have accumulated defence levels. However if someone quests their defence to obtain culinaromancers gloves, it means they aren't pures because they trained defence purposely. If you get more than 5 defence, these quests for Initiate pures, What Lies Below and Nature Spirit, will get you over 20 defence. All can range from 1 attack to 99. Also they have 20 defence and use initiate armour which gives a bonus to your prayer. They can also use pvp armour, culinaromancers gloves 9, and have access to more places than a pure would. While using PvP armour, this build has the highest and best offence per defensive level. They can also wear mystic robes, which are the most common magic robes.
Rune Pure
Attack level varies here also and there are many versions of this type of pure. Either they have 40 defence and use regular rune armour or they can have 45 defence and use a berserker helmet and barrow gloves if they have completed Recipe for Disaster, some people think it's not worth the time or have levelled their defence up without doing the quests needed to stay at 45 defence and settles for gloves which are easier to acquire. 40 Defence in F2P offers the advantage of wearing the best non-degradable F2P armour, and the 200+ defence stats will help greatly in survival. This build also has access to pvp armour, Fighter torso, Rune defender, Rune berserker shield, agile armour, Infinity robes, Hand cannon, Vengeance, and Ancient Curses. Because of this, the rune PKer build is the second most common. It takes time to build up a good rune PKer, but if you stick with it and quest your defence right, it has unbelievable bonuses for its combat level. It is also called "Zerker".
5 Defence pure or "Steel" Pure
The 5 Defence pure or Steel pure is very similar to the 1 Defence Pure, only with the obvious added advantage of 5 Defence. Since this only raises combat level by 1-2, 5 Defence may be worth getting to equip steel armours and some basic defence against attacks. Though weaker than black armour, it is useful since you have little to lose on death. Another benefit of this is that it will still allow you to have very powerful attacks at a low level, whilst having increased tolerance to attack. Steel pures also have access to the steel defender (+1 str bonus) and the mask of dragith nurn (+1 to all attack bonuses and +1 to all defence) Most people become steel pures because their accounts are years old, giving plenty of time to rack up some accidental defence levels.
10 Defence pure or "Black" Pure
The 10 Defence pure or "Black" pure is similar to the 1 Defence Pure but with the addition of 10 Defence. 10 Defence allows the use of black/white armour, offering a boost from Steel, Iron and Bronze, therefore again adding more resistance to attack. The disadvantage is that black armour can be hard to buy and replace if lost, and the gained 2-3 combat levels that could have been spent on Strength. 10 Defence also allows the use of the hardleather body, combat/druid robes from Fist of Guthix, and the ability to use Korasi's sword. Many older pure accounts have 10 defence because over the many years they have played they have accidentally gained several defence levels (which can cause quick leveling if the player has a high strength level and the accidentally hits (relative to their tiny defence level) huge damage, before the player realises they are gaining defence xp)
In late 2010, there was an unknown occurrence going around. People who botted their stats weren't getting banned, however, their recently trained stats got reset. Many people botted their defence level to purposely get reset to 10 defence. This allowed them to have 10 defence with Ancient curses(28 defence), Hand cannons(25 defence), RFD gloves "Barrows"(35 defence) and Vengeance(40 defence). Also these accounts are able to access lands/places that 1 defence pures cannot access. The isles of Rellekka are an example, along with other places. Being 10 defence with all these powers allow them to arguably be the most powerful pure out there. The only thing that can be argued is they cannot wear Ancient Warriors´ armour. However, the player could easily just train his defence level to 20. It is unknown if these players will ever be banned, or un-reset.
Proselyte, Adamant, or Turmoil pure
These pures have 30 defence. This type of account will have gained 7-8 combat levels from Defence levels, along with 5 combat levels from Prayer. These builds are powerful due to the use of curses. At 30 Defence, you have access to proselyte armour, adamant armour and defender, culinaromancers gloves 9, infinity robes, hand cannon (if completed Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf), and curses (if completed The Temple at Senntisten). These pures are usually around 11 combat levels higher than a 1 defence pure.
Granite pure or 50 Defence pure
A variation of berserker PKers, they are often berserkers who accidentally get more than 45 Defence because they didn't quest correctly. This has its advantages though. Battle robes and the staff of light allow you to save 50% of your runes, saving millions of coins when barraging rock lobsters for Magic xp and summoning charms. Granite armour, however, doesn't have any significant melee bonuses other than a higher range defence bonus.
100/90/10 LP pure
A rare type of pure, this pure trains without gaining Constitution experience. You can have 90 lifepoints if your account was made in Runescape Classic then transferred over to Runescape 2. You can have 10 lifepoints if you botted in Runescape Classic, and then were caught; this caused you to have all of your stats reset. This pure can be done with the help of exp lamps, soul wars, pest control, penguin hide and seek and quests which don't give Constitution experience. They can also be made in free-to-play by training magic without the use of combat spells .They have many combinations, ranging from 60 ranged and magic for dark bow and snare respectively, to 60/75 attack and 87/73 strength, peaking at level 50 combat.Though deadly, this pure often dies because of only 100 LP and 1 defence. So keep in mind: strike them before they strike you. Also, this pure doesn't last forever because of gain in Constitution experience with every successful attack.
Making your own pure
Which type of pure to choose
It is not always easy to know which type of pure you want to have, but to start out with a 1 Defence pure is recommended since you can always get Defence up later if you are not satisfied, which you cannot if made, for example, a rune pure. In terms of combat style, choose according to your wants. If you think you will need swift, fast damage it is best to train a Ranged pure. For powerful, accurate attacks Melee is the right choice. And finally, Magic is the most worthwhile if you think you will be mostly chasing after opponents. You may also wish to combine 2, or utilise all 3 to be prepared fully. It should however be noted that the more combat styles you choose to specialise, the more LP you will gain as a result of training. The only 2 exceptions is Magic with "curse" training, alchemy spells and teleports, and Ranged using cannon or range guild at 40+. Summoning is a very rarely used skill when training a pure as they soon become Summoning tanks if defence is obtained as well. With a low combat level gain and the ability to use powerful creatures in combat and to regain precious Constitution, summoning may be useful. However, summoning should only be considered by few - it costs a lot of money to power-level summoning.
Things to remember
- Some pures do require questing your defence up for example, most berserker pures quest up their defence from the Recipe for Disaster quests and other quests such as Holy Grail and Dragon Slayer
- To get the maximum strength bonus on a Zerker Pure you will have to complete Recipe for Disaster in order to get a pair of culinaromancer's gloves 10, which are the gloves that provide the highest Strength bonus in-game.
- To be able to complete the quest you will have to do a lot of different subquests and some of these do give defence experience.
- A thing to remember is patience. Pures require time, effort and hard work to be effective. Also, keep your eye on your remaining Constitution, especially if you're a 1 Defence pure. Pures with a low Defence level can easily be killed by higher-levelled monsters and players.
- Do not get frustrated if you find yourself taking a lot of hits. This is just a disadvantage of being a low defence pure. Shrug it off, and simply bring food. Alternatively, and if affordable, get level 43 Prayer. You'll find that the added benefits help greatly, and at a cost of only around 6 combat levels, it's a good choice.
- Some pures wear iron armour as they have 1 Defence requirement. But, if you are F2P, it may be worthwhile to get level 5 Defence and steel armour, because the defensive bonuses is greater than the offensive bonuses of rune 2h swords or scimitars. This in turn counters their weapon´s ability to hit, making them less likely to hit you. Although, if they have a high attack level, they can still hit you fairly often as they also can use prayer/potion boosts.
Training your pure
Training a 1 defence pure is very different from training an account with a high defence level, since 1 Defence pures often require quite a bit of food. Luckily, there are ways to avoid wasting food such as doing: Soul Wars or Pest Control. XP lamps are a good free-to-play alternative, although they are hard to come by.
Where to level your Attack and Strength
Levels 1-10 Attack and Strength
Note: The beginning of this guide is the same for members and free-to-play players.
The best places for a lower level pure would be chickens or cows. You can find chickens at the chicken coops in Lumbridge and cows in Lumbridge by the Al Kharid toll gate, or near the Crafting guild. If you are collecting cowhides, kill the cows near the Lumbridge windmill, as Beefy Bill will deposit any cowhides you receive (at 10% commision) so you can bank all of you cowhides for a profit. Killing men at Edgeville can be worthwhile and rewarding if you pick up earth talismans, worth around Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". each, along with a variation of grimy herb drops and the occasional Clue scroll (easy) . These are probably the best places to train a pure at a lower level.
Alternatively, you can train on the Varrock dummies until level 8 attack, receiving no Constitution experience.
Levels 10-30 Attack and Strength

If you are F2P go to a cow field in Lumbridge and get your Strength and Attack levels up to 30. If you are P2P you can head to the rock crabs next to Rellekka. To get them to auto-attack you just have to walk next to them and they will attack you.
There are many of monsters to train on on this level such as goblins, spiders. Check out the bestiary to find something you think seems fun to kill.
Levels 30-40 Attack and Strength
F2P should now go to the monastery and train on the monks that reside there. Pay-to-play players should continue killing rock crabs or if you have completed the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest you could go kill Experiments in the Experiment Cave which give 400 experience per kill.
Levels 40-99 Strength only
The rest of your journey is pretty much up to you now. P2P should continue hammering at rock crabs and experiments while F2P players should now start killing hill giants until level 60 Strength. At 60 Strength F2P players should say goodbye to their trusty hill giants and move on to flesh crawlers, but if you get bored from flesh crawlers, Fist of Guthix is also a good place to train. Flesh crawlers are particularly good for strength pures to train on as they hit very low damage, and although they can be quite accurate, they are easy to kill. They can be located on Floor two of the Stronghold of Security, in Gunnarsgrunn. Flesh crawlers provide 100 Strength experience and 33 Constitution experience. If looking for money while training on flesh crawlers they drop noted iron ore, nature runes, and fire runes, which are all stackable, therefore eliminating the need to return to a bank. For members they also drop high-level herbs, and more than 150k an hour can be earned. It is advised to pick up all stacks they drop if you have space in your inventory.
NOTE: Flesh crawlers of all levels give the same xp so try and kill the level 28 ones for minimal damage.
Monsters to kill for a pure
In the bestiary there are many of monsters for you to check out. See which one you would like to kill, try to keep to the low level monsters unless you are going to use protect from melee since you can end up losing quite a bit of food while training at high levelled monsters. Some monsters a Pure may train on with minimal damage:
- Men
- Women
- Cows
- Chickens
- Ducks
- Drakes
- Cockroach drones
- Seagulls
- Highwaymen
- Hill giants
- Monks
- Guards
- Muggers
- Goblins