Seers' Village achievements

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Seers' Village achievements
File:Seers' Village Tasks.png
Release date 20 January 2009 (Update)
Area(s) Seers' Village, Camelot, Catherby, McGrubor's Wood and Coal Trucks
Members only? Yes
Reward Headband
Lamp XP rewards 1,000
Taskmasters Seers, Stankers, Sir Kay
Levels required
Total level: 1164
20 ---- 60
22 48 73
70 92 76
40 40 80
70 61 75
83 85 60
14 ---- 49
---- ---- 46
13 ----


The Seers' Village Tasks are the Tasks based on certain tasks in or around Seers' Village and was released on 20 January 2009. To start the tasks, talk to any Seer in Seers' Village, Stankers by the coal trucks or Sir Kay in Camelot.

Rewards were significantly updated on 10 February 2009. The rewards were improved in response to complaints from players.

Skill Boosts

Some skills may not be listed in the side bar that are required for completion of these tasks! (check all quest requirements)

Easy Tasks

Listen to audio.
Easy task complete! (link)
Task Description Quest start / required Skill level Other requirements and details
Mack Rolled Catch a mackerel. None 16 A big fishing net is required to catch a mackerel. The net may be bought in Catherby, and the mackerel must be caught in the Catherby fishing spots.
Grand Candle Buy a candle from the candle maker. None None 3 coins required; Candle shop is in Catherby. A black candle is not counted.
Reflax Actions Pick 5 flax. None None The Flax Field is located south of Seers' Village.
Another String to Your Bow Spin 5 bow strings. None 10 Use the house north-east of the Seers' Village altar.
A Seer-ing Light Pray at Seers' Village altar. None None The altar in fenced area with Yew trees may be used. Alternatively, there is another in Camelot.
Why? Walk clockwise around the Mysterious statue. None None The statue is located east of the seers village bank. Players must walk (not run) around the statue. You must start at the south end of the statue and you cannot stop until you have made a cycle, or you have to start again.
Jute Alors! Plant jute seeds. None 13 The patch north of McGrubor's Wood must be used. At least 3 seeds are required to plant.
Stir, Galahad Have Sir Galahad make you a cup of tea. None None Sir Galahad may be found in his house west of McGrubor's Wood.
La Morte D'Arthur Take the poison chalice to King Arthur. None 20 helps Poison chalice may be obtained from Stankers at the mine near the Coal Trucks. After buying 1 Poison chalice teleport to camelot and use the Poison chalice on King Arthur at the ground floor in camelot castle.
Bunch of Flours Fill five pots with flour from Sinclair Mansion.

Start Murder Mystery

None In the kitchen in Sinclair Mansion find the barrel full of flour; fill a single pot five times, emptying after each refill to reuse the pot.
Sinclair Swirling Use the churn in Sinclair Mansion garden. None 21 A bucket of milk can be obtained by using a bucket on the dairy cow in the garden. Players can alternatively obtain a bucket of milk by purchasing from the Milk seller for 12 coins. The churn is just north from the stall.
Happy Hour Give five locals a glass of cider in the Foresters' Arms. None None Cider may be bought in the underground bar in Miscellania after the Royal Trouble quest, or from the Grand Exchange(if purchasing from the grand exchange the Cider (4) which is a keg of cider, is typically much quicker (but more expensive) to purchase from the grand exchange rather than the individual mugs. Make sure to use the keg on beer glasses to get 5 separate mugs of Cider. It may also be brewed at the breweries in Keldagrim and Port Phasmatys.


  • When buying a candle, make sure it is a WHITE candle, as black candles will not complete the task.
  • To save time, 5 flax can be picked first and spun later, or done at the same time.
  • Buy cider from the bar under Miscellania, in the dungeon, not south of, (Fairy code: C-I-P) for 2 coins each (after the Royal Trouble quest.) Buying from the Grand Exchange is quicker, but much more expensive, provided you have a teleport.
  • The cider may be used on the same person 5 times, without having to run around.
  • When walking around the statue make sure that your run is off, to make the task easier. It is more difficult to go around the statue without pausing if you are running.
  • Also when walking around the statue, start at one corner then click on the corner diagonal to it; continue this process to make it a lot easier.
Seers' headband equipped.


  • Seers' headband 1. When worn, it allows you to:
    • Use in place of Light source.
    • Be given an extra log when cutting normal trees anywhere (However, you only get experience for one).
  • At all times:
    • Talk to Geoffrey in the flax field to claim 30 free flax per day.
    • Coal trucks will now hold 140 coal.

Experience lamps:

  • Antique lamp - 1,000 experience in any chosen skill, above level 30.

Medium tasks

Listen to audio.
Medium task complete! (link)
Task Description Quest start / required Skill level(s) Other requirements and details
Fleeing the Scene Use the Sinclair Mansion to Fremennik agility shortcut. None 48 Head north just outside the fence of the mansion, at the agility shortcut log and walk past the river. Skill boosts such as summer pies WILL work. Note that the shortcut is behind the mansion, do not enter the mansion grounds.
It's a Slightly Magical Stick Talk to Thormac the Sorcerer about making mystic staves. Scorpion Catcher None Thormac is a non-player character who lives at the top of the Sorcerer's Tower south of Seers' Village.
King Coal Transport a full load of coal to Seers' Village. None 30 Alternatively the coal can be taken from your bank into the nearest coal truck you can deposit into, this negates the need for 30 mining. A full load is 120 coal, even when wearing the Seers' Headband 1. The fastest method is to carry the coal to the coal trucks in the small building close to Seer Village's bank.
I Can Seer My House From Here Find the highest point in Seers' Village. One Small Favour None The highest point is at the top of the house with the Spinning wheel. Finishing One Small Favour is not required, but you must do about 3/4 of it.
Mastering the Elements Defeat each type of elemental in the Elemental Workshop.

Elemental Workshop I (You only need the battered key)

None Defeating the Earth Elemental from mining will also count. So will killing a Fire elemental near the Dust devils in the Smoke Dungeon .
It's Only a Model Teleport to Camelot. None 45 The Camelot teleport tablets do not work for this task; neither will a P.O.H. portal.
Sniper Training Kill one guard on each tower of the Ranging Guild using a longbow. None 40 All 4 archers must be defeated in one go (i.e. must kill each archer before going down ladder). Bring a half dozen good foods to heal like Lobster or better or a Prayer Potion to restore your prayer if using Protection from Range Attacks.

While the final blow to each archer must be done with a regular longbow (the one just called "Longbow"; Willow, Yew, etc. do not work), which means at most iron arrows, you can "soften them up" with any longbow+arrow combination you wish. (If using a shortbow, ensure you're on long-range attack style.) Poison arrows are allowed. Do not speak to the advisors or the non-recommended archers may vanish.

Note: A Dark bow will not work in place of a longbow, however, it is possible to complete the task using the Dark bow, if you switch to a longbow while the finishing shots are about to kill the tower guards.

Arch Archer Have the Ranging Guild competition judge congratulate you for acquiring over 1,000 Archery tickets. None 40 Bring some coins for the entrance fee (200 coins per game). Players with a high Ranged level with good bonuses, may likely play about 15 games before obtaining 1,000 tickets so bring 3,000 to 4,000 gp with you to pay for the multiple tries it will take. Lower-level players may have to play closer to 30 games, so bring 6,000 gp. (Tip: You can buy 1,000 tickets from the GE for a very low cost, talk to the judge and complete the task that way.)
What, No Cuddly Toy? Buy something from the ticket exchange in the Ranging Guild. None 40 The Coif is the cheapest at 12 tickets.
Familiar Fire Familiarity Use a familiar to make a fire from maple logs within Seers' Village. None 46 , 45 A pyrelord or a forge regent can be used.
At Least It Doesn't Need Walking Get a pet fish from Harry. None 10 Tiny net (bought from Harry, at a cost of 10 coins each) - You must first fill a fishbowl with water, use seaweed with the water-filled fishbowl, and then talk to Harry or you won't receive the option to buy the tiny net.
All Your Bass... Catch and cook a bass in Catherby. None 46 , 43 Use a big net to catch the bass, and the range next to the bank. You cannot burn the bass.


  • The "Killing one guard in each tower" task will only be completed if a regular wood longbow is used. You can use only bronze or iron arrows. Protection prayer may be used.
  • The "Killing one guard in each tower" task must also be completed without leaving the tower. If the player leaves at any time, the previous kills will not be counted.
  • Longbow and Bronze arrows are both on sale at Dargaud's Bows and Arrows inside the Ranging Guild.
  • It is possible to bring the coal from Seers' Village bank to the closest coal truck, if you already have 120 coal. This will save the time taken to mine the coal.
  • If mining the coal yourself, time can be saved by wearing Varrock armour 1 or higher
  • Archery tickets may be bought or traded with a friend.
  • The Seers headband 2 can be obtained from Stankers, however you will need to trade in your first headband to get the second headband.
Seers' headband 2 equipped.


  • Seers' headband 2. When worn, this allows:
    • Functions as a medium Light source.
    • Extra log given when cutting normal trees anywhere (you only get experience for 1).
    • Ability to get 10% more experience (110 experience instead of 100) from cutting maples.
    • "You will also find your fingers are more nimble on the spinning wheel in Seers' Village." (timed 33.6 seconds per 28 flax, from 50.5 seconds previously)
  • At all times:
    • Talk to Geoffrey in the flax field to claim 60 free flax per day.
    • Coal trucks will hold 168 coal.

Experience lamps:

Hard tasks

Listen to audio.
Hard task complete! (link)
Task Description Quest start / required Skill level(s) Other requirements and details
At Home on the Range Teleport to the Ranging Guild None None Combat bracelet with at least one charge is required
See Yew at Five Cut five sets of yew logs None 60 The logs must be cut from the Yew trees found in the Seers' Village area, otherwise it will not count. Also, using the Inferno Adze will only count cut logs if they are not incinerated.
The short of It String a magic shortbow in the Seers' Village Bank None 80 By using a spicy stew, this can be done at 75 fletching. Also at Level 77 with a dose of a Fletching potion.
Prayer of Attorney Enter the Seers' Village courthouse with your Piety prayer turned on King's Ransom and Knight Waves Training Grounds



The Seers' Village courthouse is located south of the bank. Entering the courthouse and then turning on piety will not work, players must first enable piety and then walk in.
Beware of the Dog Use the fairy ring in McGrubor's Wood Started Fairytale II - Cure a Queen None Fairy ring code A-L-S
Twisted Fire Starter Burn a magic log in Seers' Village None 75 You can use a tinderbox or a pyrelord; using a bow doesn't work. However, spicy stew can be used in order to reach 75. Pyrelord's hidden bonus doesn't work however
Alch-oholic High Alch a magic shortbow in the Seers' Village bank None 55 It is easier to high alch the bow you made to check off another achievement rather than buy another. It is also possible to use explorer ring 4 for this task
Gonna Need a Bigger Boat Catch five sharks in Catherby None 76 Alternatively: level 71 if you use Admiral pie, or level 73 if you use Fish pie or Fishing potion. Note: Catching two sharks at once only counts as one in the task.
Gonna Need a Bigger Range Cook 5 sharks in Catherby using the Cooking gauntlets Family Crest 80 Either range can be used. Note: Burnt sharks do not count toward the five, and they do not have to be cooked all at once. Also you may use a chef's delight if you have a cooking level of 76 or higher (it's possible at level 75 with a chef's delight (m)) but you may not use the assist system for cooking the shark, bring extra raw sharks just in case you burn some. NOTE: Sharks become impossible to burn with Cooking gauntlets at level 94 Cooking.
Water Palaver Charge five water orbs in one go None 56 The player must use the standard Magic spellbook and cast a Charge Water Orb on the water obelisk using 150 Water rune, 15 cosmic rune and 5 unpowered orbs. On the way there are level 64 poison spiders, their poison can halt your orb making, resulting in orbs being made but the Achievement not being completed. Therefore bring an anti-poison potion. If you have less than 70 Agility you will need the Dusty Key which can be obtained in the dungeon. It's recommended to bring a mithril grapple and a crossbow for the next task.
Island Hopper Use the grapple shortcut to get from the water obelisk island to Catherby shore None




This should be attempted after charging the 5 water orbs. You'll need a mithril grapple. Using the new hidey holes for the grapple and cross bow does work.
Seers' headband 3 equipped.


Experience lamps:

Elite tasks

Listen to audio.
Elite task complete! (link)
Name Task Quests
It's a Trap, No, Wait, It's a Pie! Bake an Admiral pie from scratch in the Seers' Village/Catherby area.
- Fish salmon and tuna
- Farm a potato
- Make pastry dough and pie shell
- Make raw admiral pie
- Bake pie



Every step of the task completed gives a message, so if there is no message the ingredient will not count. All of the steps mentioned in the tasks description must be completed inside the area. The only items you are allowed to bring from elsewhere are potato seeds, flour, some water, a pie dish and the tools to fish with. Note that the water and pie dish can be found in the house north of the cooking range in Catherby which was also Caleb's old house.
The Salmon can ONLY be caught in the lake north of Seers bank. Note that you can fetch flour out of Sinclair Mansion if you have none and don't want to leave the area. You can pick a Potato from the Sinclair Mansion garden, but it will not count. Also note that the Lunar Bake Pie spell will not work and a range must be used.
Make a Bolt For It Fletch a Diamond-tipped enchanted crossbow bolt within the Seers' Village area. None




Like with the previous task, each step needs to be completed within the area, and will give a "task updated" messaged when completed. Boosts do work.
The Long of It Fletch a magic longbow within Seers' Village. None



Like with the previous two tasks, each step needs to be completed within the area, and will give a "task updated" message when completed. Boosts do work.
Plentypotionentiary Make and drink an extreme ranging potion within the Ranging Guild. None



Keep in mind, again like the previous tasks, this item needs to be made from scratch within the area. Bring the ingredients for a normal ranged potion, make it inside the Ranging Guild, then add the Grenwall spikes. The task will be completed after you drink 1 dose of the potion. Like with the previous tasks, each step needs to be completed within the area, and will give a "task updated" messaged when completed. Boosts do work.
Moon Raker Cast Fertile Soil on a farming patch in the area. Lunar Diplomacy 83 Farming patches in the area are: Catherby Allotment patch, Catherby fruit tree patch and the Hops patch north west of Seers village. The allotment south of the ranging guild will NOT work. Boosts do work.
File:Seers 4 chathead.png
Seers' headband 4 equipped.


Listen to audio.
Congratulations! You have completed all of the Tasks in the Seers' Village set. (link)
  • Seers' headband 4 - Speak to Sir Kay in order to claim it. It provides, in addition to the previous rewards:
    • Enhanced Excalibur 's special attack now heals twice as much (400 LP over 20 seconds).
    • Talk to Geoffrey daily to receive 200 flax noted.
    • An increased likelihood that the special effect of an enchanted bolt occurs. This effect is always active regardless if the headband is equipped.
    • Each day, the first 200 Coal placed in the coal trucks will go directly to your bank.
  • Experience lamps:
    • 4 x Antique lamp - 30,000 experience in any chosen skill, level 83 or above.
    • Antique lamp - 25,000 experience in any chosen skill, level 70 or above.

(Total of 145,000 reward experience.)


  • When given the poison chalice, King Arthur replies, You chose ...poorly. This is an Indiana Jones reference to the Holy grail, specifically referencing a scene in the movie The Last Crusade.
  • "Twisted Fire Starter", a hard task is named after a line in The Prodigy's "Firestarter" song.
  • On the day of release, the spoilers were: Spoilers do not fit with the Seers' desire to predict the future more... esoterically. Please check back tomorrow.
  • If a player had completed the Holy Grail quest before talking to Galahad, the player will automatically exclaim: I've returned the Holy grail to Camelot and Galahad will congratulate the player. The same exchange could happen before the tasks, as a player-chosen interaction option.
  • The medium task to teleport to Camelot entitled "It's Only a Model" references a gag from Monty Python and the Holy Grail that juxtaposes the enraptured cries of "Camelot" by the Knights of the Round Table to the trusty servant Patsy's deadpan line "it's only a model."
  • La morte d'arthur is old French for "The death of Arthur". 'Le Morte d'Arthur' is the title of a 15th century book by Sir Thomas Malory, being a compilation of the legends of King Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot and the Knights of the Round Table much of which were taken from earlier French sources.
  • The task "All your Bass..." is a reference to an internet meme of Zero Wing's poor translation resulting in "All your base are belong to us."
  • The task mack rolled is a reference to "Rickrolling", where someone is tricked into watching Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up".
  • When talking to the Fish in the fish bowl, your character says "Just keep swimming...swimming...swimming..." This might be a reference to the movie Finding Nemo.
  • The task "Jute alors" is a play on words for the French expression "Zut alors", roughly translating to the exclamations "shoot" or "blast".
  • The task "It's a trap... no wait it's a pie" is a reference to when Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars Episode VI exclaimed "It's a trap!"
  • The task "Gonna need a bigger boat" is a reference to a quote from the 1975 movie "Jaws".
  • When collecting the Enhanced Excalibur at the Lady of the Lake while having the Excalibur in your PoH or lost, she'll tell you to show you're above the material needs by paying 500gp. When paid, however, she will say she is saving for a new dress, by this showing she herself is not above material needs.
  • The task "Moon Raker" might be a reference to the James Bond movie "MoonRaker".

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