Raw shark

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This article is about uncooked Shark. For the cooked form, see Shark.
Raw shark
Raw shark
Release date 27 February 2002 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 180 coins
Low Alch 120 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine I should try cooking this.
Weight 0.7 kg
[view] [talk]
A detailed image of a raw shark
A detailed image of a raw shark

Raw shark can be fished by members who have level 76 Fishing or higher. They require level 80 Cooking to cook and heal 200 life points each. Sharks are fished with harpoons, but they can also be fished bare-handed which requires a Fishing level of 96, a Strength level of 76, and some completion of Barbarian Training. Raw sharks can be caught at many net/harpoon fishing spots; some locations are the Fishing Guild, Catherby, Burgh de Rott, Rellekka, Jatizso, and north-west of the Elf Camp. However, sharks cannot be fished at the net/harpoon spots at Piscatoris - only raw swordfish and raw tuna can be caught there. Sharks can also be foraged by granite lobsters, a level 74 Summoning familiar. Sharks give 110 Fishing experience per catch and 210 Cooking experience when cooked.

The average catch of sharks per hour is 120-160 depends on level; with 76+ Fishing, it is 125-175 per hour. This gives an average of 13,000 to 17,000 Fishing xp hour. When wearing a Shark's tooth necklace you will receive an extra 5% exp when fishing these.

At level 90 Cooking, players usually burn 2-3 shark per inventory. Usually, players never stop burning sharks, even while wearing a skillcape; though, at level 94 cooking, they will not burn sharks if they wear Cooking gauntlets. By cooking sharks, players gain about 264,600 xp/hour, (5,880 xp per load of no burns, 28 fish take 1 minute and 20 seconds to cook, 45 cycles per hour so 264,600 xp).

Raw sharks can be offered to the Fremennik spirit Fossegrimen, who will then bless a lyre with two charges (four if wearing Fremennik sea boots) to teleport to Rellekka, although it may be cheaper to use a bass while wearing the Ring of charos (a).

Raw sharks are the tertiary ingredient to make a Bunyip pouch using the Summoning skill. To make a Bunyip, a player will need 1 green charm, a raw shark, 110 spirit shards, and level 68 Summoning.

While fishing with an harpoon and if the player's Agility level is at least level 76, you get a chance of getting two sharks; you will never catch more than one shark all the time, but the chance will increase until level 99 Agility. You can only get a maximum of two sharks at once and you get experience for only one of them.

Players may receive raw shark from opening a box of summoning ingredients, a possible reward from the Familiarisation Distraction and Diversion.

Price Changes

In September 2010, raw shark prices reached an all time low due to the update which placed Stiles on Musa Point, thus making it easier for free players to fish Lobster, Tuna and Swordfish in bulk. This caused an increase in supply of these fish, depressing the prices of these and other types of fish. Raw shark prices began to rise after this, due in part to the changes to the 'Make X' option.

Their prices again reached over 1,000 coins each prior to the return of the Wilderness, but depressed to record lows after free trade was released, with raw sharks fetching just under 400 coins.

With the elimination of all bots after the Bot Nuke of October 25 2011 they once more climbed back up to over 1500 coins. However, the high price of sharks was short lived and have since plummeted to near record lows of ~550 coins each.

Dropping monsters

Levels 1 to 99

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Mogre 60 1 2Common
Brine rat 70 1 3Uncommon
Ice troll runt 74 1–8 (noted) 3Uncommon
Ice troll male 82 2–8 (noted) 4Rare
Warped terrorbird 81,143 1–6 (noted) 4Rare
Ice troll female 82 2–8 (noted) 4Rare
River troll 14, 49, 79, 120, 159 2Common

Levels 100 and above

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Aquanite 114 1 2Common
Corporeal Beast 785 70 (noted) 2Common
Nex 1001 500 (noted) 3Uncommon
Waterfiend 115, 134 3–6 3Uncommon
Warped terrorbird 81,143 1–6 (noted) 4Rare
Angry barbarian spirit 166 Unknown 3Uncommon
Berserk barbarian spirit 166 Unknown 3Uncommon
Enraged barbarian spirit 166 Unknown 3Uncommon
Ferocious barbarian spirit 166 Unknown 3Uncommon
River troll 14, 49, 79, 120, 159 3Uncommon