Money making guide/Farming

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Many of these strategies can be done together at the same time, be sure to plan your strategy well. For quick cash, farming is not the best option, but will be a good option for players with much patience.

Notice: The Juju farming potion will give you a one in three chance of picking two herbs at a time while harvesting herbs, and lasts for 5 minutes. For the more valuable herbs, this will make a SIGNIFICANT increase in profit, and can be made from materials acquired while playing the Herblore Habitat activity.

Template:Money making guides
Effectiveness Level requirement Details
4***** Plant and sell potatoes, which sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each, as they are widely used for various cooking items. The seeds cost Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each and three (3) are required for each allotment. Cooking the potatoes on a range (requires level-7 Cooking) will increase their value to Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins. Baked Potatoes are often in high demand by high level players looking to make Tuna Potatoes.
2***** Purchase compost potions from the Grand Exchange at a price of Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins per dose, or purchase them from the Vinesweeper activity. Single-dose vials are best, if available, since that provides more empty vials to be sold back, generating slightly more profit, but this takes longer. Vials are presently selling at Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins for empty ones or Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins for filled) Make normal compost by putting 15 weeds, cabbages, etc. into the compost bins and use a dose of the compost potion on the bins after the compost has finished rotting. The potion will turn the compost into supercompost, which can be sold for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each.
2***** Level 2 Plant and sell Marigolds, which sell for around Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each, due to the large amount of members buying marigolds for Bull ants, a familiar used in Summoning.
3***** Level 32 Buy ranarr seeds at about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. Around 5-12 grimy ranarr herbs can be obtained per seed if they are planted with Supercompost and harvested with Magic secateurs, and sell the Clean ranarr for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. If no plants die and you utilise all of the five allotment locations, a profit of around 80k can be made each trip. One can optionally use the Thieving skill to obtain the Ranarr Seeds from Master farmer
3***** Level 36 Buy Spirit weed seeds at about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. Plant them, and in about 80 minutes, you should have several Grimy spirit weeds which sell for about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each, easily paying for several more Spirit weed seeds.
3***** Level 38 Buy Toadflax seeds at about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. Around 5-12 grimy toadflax herbs can be obtained per seed if they are planted with Supercompost and harvested with Magic secateurs, and sell the Clean Toadflax for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. If no plants die and you utilise all of the five allotment locations, a decent profit can be made each trip. One can optionally use the Thieving skill to obtain the ToadFlax Seeds from Master farmer
3***** Level 42 Plant and sell Evil turnips, which sell for around Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. The turnips are used in Summoning to create an Evil turnip (familiar). The seeds needed run about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each.
3***** Level 46 Plant and harvest Wergalis, which sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. With supercompost and magic secateurs(highly recommended) harvest can be around 10 herbs per seed (maximum).
3***** Level 50 Plant and harvest avantoes, which sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. With supercompost and magic secateurs(highly recommended) harvest can be approximately 5-14, which is a profit of about 10k-28k per herb patch. Avantoe seeds sell for about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp each.
4***** Level 55 Plant and harvest Cactus spines, which sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. You can pick 3 at a time and the Cactus seeds cost Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. At level 78 Summoning, one can use the Giant ent familiar for the chance to pick an extra cactus spine.
3***** Level 56 Plant and harvest Kwuarms, which sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. With supercompost and magic secateurs(highly recommended) harvest can be approximately 10, which is a profit of about 8k per herb patch.
3***** Level 57 Plant a Papaya tree seed, which grows into a Papaya tree. Harvest the Papaya fruits, which can be continually harvested without having to replant, and sell for around Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. Papayas are used as payment for some Palm trees and bait for hunting Pawyas. Papaya tree seeds cost Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. However, this is difficult if multiple trees have been planted.
2***** Level 59 Plant and sell White berries, which sell for around Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. They're used in herblore to make Super defence (3)s. The seeds required cost Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each.
4***** Level 60 Plant a Yew seed which grows into an Yew tree. Then you can continually cut the tree for its logs, that run for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. The best place to do this is in the tree gnome stronghold where there are 3 Yew trees and a Magic tree which can be chopped while waiting the short time for your tree to grow back. This means absolutely no waiting, just continuous chopping. When you decide to stop, it can then be dug up to gain Yew roots which sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. If combined with the Summoning skill, you can summon a Hydra at level 80 and use it's Regrowth Scroll to instantly grow the tree back resulting in faster production of logs. Each seed costs Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each.
4***** Level 62 Buy snapdragon seeds at about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. Between 5 and 22 grimy snapdragon herbs can be obtained per seed if they are planted with Supercompost and harvested with Magic secateurs. The cleaned herbs can then be sold for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. Assuming you're using all five patches, along with Supercompost and Magic Secateurs, this method can easily bring in 150k-200k profit approximately every 80 minutes.
4***** Level 68 Plant a Palm tree seed, which grows into a Palm tree. Harvest the Coconuts, which can be continually harvested without having to replant, and sell them for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. Coconuts are used for several things in both Herblore and Farming. The seeds run for about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. At level 78 Summoning, one can use the Giant ent familiar for the chance to pick extra Coconuts.
2***** Level 70 Plant and sell Poison ivy berries, which sell for about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. They're used in herblore, making Supercompost, and payment to watch Calquat trees. The seeds cost Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. If a seed is planted and 4 poison ivy berries are harvested per patch, a profit of around Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per patch can be had.
3***** Level 74 Plant and sell Morchella mushrooms, which sell for about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins. The Morchella mushrooms are used for Prayer renewal potions made at 94 Herblore. The spores cost Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each.
4***** Level 75 Plant a Magic seed which grows into an Magic tree. Then you can continually cut the tree for its logs, that run for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each, until you decide to stop, then it can then be dug up to gain Magic roots which sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. If combined with the Summoning skill, you can summon a Hydra at level 80 and use its Regrowth Scroll to instantly grow the tree back resulting in faster production of logs. Each seed costs Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins.
Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Level 80 Using 15,000 Fire Runes (Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins) each and 3,000 Polypore spores (Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins) each, on a Polypore stick (Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins) which makes a Polypore Staff (Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins) It is hard to obtain sufficient fire rune due to the high demends and the acts of merchants on Fire rune.
4***** Level 85 Plant torstol seeds (Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins) in herb patches. You can earn 5-24 Grimy torstol herbs per seed, translating to a profit between -Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". to Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". per seed. Be warned though, as the average herb yield is 6.5 herbs per seed, which means a 33k loss per seed. It is recommended to use Juju farming potion to increase the average herb yield by 33% (8.6 herbs per seed vs. 6.5). With this amount of herbs almost guaranteed everytime, you should get ~300k per herb run, which takes about 5 minutes of your time every hour and a half. It is also advised to get the scroll of life beforehand, as it will save you a lot of money