Gelatinous abomination

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The Gelatinous Abominations are a species of monster introduced with the member's tutorial, said to be created by the troll, Magic Stick. They are given as a low level Slayer assignment and can be found in the Taverley Slayer Dungeon southeast of the Slayer master, Turael (or Spria). The cave isn't very far, just southwest of Taverley's wall and is near the Lady of the Lake. The creatures are level 2 and are easy to kill. However, spiked gauntlets, available for free from any Slayer master, are required in order to kill them, or they would always stay at 1 life point. The gauntlets must be worn, not just in inventory. The player would automatically crush them with the spiked gauntlets if they are in melee range. Otherwise, the player must manually click the "Crush" option, or they could continue attacking the abomination normally. The player would only auto-crush one abomination if they get multiple of them to 1 life point at the same time.



Template:Charm:Gelatinous abomination


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Exchange:Longbow Longbow 1 2 Common Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Leather cowl Leather cowl 1 2 Common 9
Bronze full helm Bronze full helm 1 2 Common 16


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Grimy guam Grimy guam 1 2 Common 521


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Cooked chicken Cooked chicken 1 2 Common 113
Baked potato Baked potato 1 2 Common 260
Raw potato Raw potato 1 2 Common 105
Crayfish Crayfish 1 2 Common 45
Cooked rabbit Cooked rabbit 1 2 Common 38
Poorly-cooked beast meat Poorly-cooked beast meat 1 2 Common 5
Poorly-cooked bird meat Poorly-cooked bird meat 1 2 Common 5
Rabbit sandwich Rabbit sandwich 1 2 Common 308
Bread Bread 1 3 Uncommon 56
Cooked meat Cooked meat 1 3 Uncommon 117


A Gelatinous abomination dying as the player rips out the heart with Spiked gauntlets.
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 1–5 2 Common Not sold