Follower details

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The summoning screen for a summoning familiar.

The Summoning screen displays information about a players currently summoned familiar or pet. It used to be a component of the interface control panel, but it is eventually replaced by Extras, which holds marketing items.

On this screen,

  • Summoning special move bar (familiars only) :
A blue bar on the top
  • Picture pet or creature is summoned :
Large picture in the middle
  • Number of summoning points remaining :
Number under the icon of the pet/creature
  • How much time remains for the familiar :
A hourglass with time counting down
  • 'Call' button:
The whistle in the bottom left of the four buttons
  • Hunger meter (pets only) (not shown in the picture on the right)
  • 'Renew' button (familiars only) :
In the top right of the four buttons
  • 'Take' button (familiars only) :
In the top left of the four buttons
  • 'Dismiss' button :
A red circular sign with your pet/creature's icon

This screen is only available when a pet or familiar is actually in use.

Feature Function
Special move bar To show that when your familiar can use its special move
Number of points remaining To show that how many summoning points you have so that you can restore it as soon as possible
Time remaining for familiar To show that how much time is left before your familiar disappear
Hunger meter Show that how hungry a pet is, so that it can be fed before running away.
Attack button Allows familiar to attack a target in a Multi-combat area
Button Function

Cast button
Casts a familiar's special move, provided the respective scroll is stored in inventory or headgear.

Call button
If a follower (familiar or pet) is restricted by obstacles, this button calls the follower to the player's side.

Renew button
If your familiar's timer is running low you can use this button to renew the familiar's timer, providing that you have an unnoted pouch of the same type in your inventory. This can only be used when the familiar's timer is at 2:30 minutes or less. Renewing also heals a low health familiar.
File:Take button.png
Take button
If the familiar is carrying items they will be transferred into inventory, if there is enough room.

Dismiss button
If the follower (familiar or pet) is no longer wanted click this button and the follower will be gone. A right-click option, Dismiss now, dismisses the familiar without confirmation screen.

There is currently a glitch that causes the familiar's name to be replaced by the pouches name and most options to go missing.

File:Summoning interface glitch.png
The glitched summoning screen with a Spirit coraxatrice.