Recipe for Disaster: Defeating the Culinaromancer

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This is the final subquest of Recipe for Disaster.

Start point: After you finish the 8 subquests, a white portal will appear in the dining room. Enter it when you're ready to fight. After you finish the 8 subquests, a white portal will appear in the dining room. Enter it when you're ready to fight.
Members only: Yes
Official difficulty:
Description: You have protected all nine members of the council, but your troubles with the Culinaromancer aren't over yet! He has teleported back to his own dimension, where he'll be ready to cause more trouble. You must defeat him for good! Note: All prayers will not be allowed in the dimension.
Length: Short

Must complete Horror From The Deep, & Desert Treasure to enter the portal

  • Able to defeat some high-level monsters without prayer.
Items required: Certain armour and weapons for each boss, lots of good healing food such as sharks. Super sets are also recommended.
Enemies to defeat:



When you're in the strange dimension, you'll find the Culinaromancer, four white portals that lead back to the dining room, and one of your previous quest bosses. You will fight the bosses in sequence one by one, beginning with Agrith Na-Na.

The Culinaromancer is too strong to be defeated until you've defeated the first five bosses. You can leave and stock up after defeating one boss without losing your place in the fight. Sharks or higher healing foods are recommended during the fights, especially if you have lower than 60 defence. If you try to enter the portal before finishing Desert Treasure, a message will appear saying "You need to have completed Desert Treasure to access this portal." Likewise if you have not yet completed Horror From The Deep.

The realm of the Culinaromancer.

You can and should bank after each kill to restore potions and food! Also, check each boss's page before the battle for specific advice on fighting that boss.

You can NO LONGER use the Dwarf Multicannon due to a recent update by Jagex. If you try and set the cannon up, your chatbox will say "A demonic force stops the cannon from functioning."

Note: Before you enter the portal for the first time, Gypsy Aris will warn you that inside the dimension your prayers will not work at all. Should you die, your items can be retrieved from next to the portal.

Important Notes for Fighting the bosses

  • The Culinaromancer throws his books to create his food-based minions.
    As mentioned above, no Prayer.
  • The area is multicombat but is a NO Summoning zone
  • If you die, the gravestone appears next to the portal, so choose to respawn in Lumbridge if you die, however this doesn't mean you can casually walk in and fight until death as there is always the risk of not getting back your items.
  • Cannons CANNOT be set up here!
  • Also beware the next boss spawns right after you kill the first one
  • Levels 80+ in attack, strength, and defence are more than enough to fight all the bosses in one trip. Bring super sets.

Until the Gelatinnoth Mother, it is quite easy to range all of the bosses. With 80+ in all combat-related levels and decent equipment (black dragonhide, rune crossbow with broad-tipped bolts, obsidian shield/Dragonfire shield, snakeskin boots, Ava's accumulator and a Helm of Neitiznot), expect to use 5–9 monkfish per fight. It is possible to tank the Gelatinnoth Mother and attack for about 20 seconds every rotation with ranged, but simply exiting and returning with mage equipment would be much easier.

When you are ready, enter the portal in the dining room of Lumbridge Castle.


Main article: Agrith-Na-Na
Fighting Agrith-Na-Na

Agrith-Na-Na is Agrith-Naar from the Shadow of the Storm quest, but he is now made of bananas and is level 182. He uses melee up close and Fire Blast at a distance. He also teleports you close to him if you run from him. Kill him however you like (range is effective), with food. He drops one banana.


Main article: Flambeed
That's one big cake!

Flambeed is Fareed from Desert Treasure but now level 199. You need Ice gloves to wield a weapon, however Ice gloves are not required. If you don't have Ice gloves, bring runes for magic spells and mage him; however, you cannot wield a staff without Ice gloves. He's harder to defeat without prayer, but you should just kill him however you like with lots of food. If you're maging, be sure to use Water spells and mage armour with good melee defence (such as Ahrim's robes, Lunar equipment, Splitbark armour, or even Void Knight Mage robes, although you can also wear Mystic robes too). Ancient magicks hit very high as well, particularly ice spells. If you're ranging, use Ice arrows, or if your Ranging level is 60+, you are also able to simply use a Dark Bow with any type of arrows you wish, however Ice gloves are still required. Once killed, Flambeed drops cakes. If you do not have Ice gloves, it is a good idea to have a full inventory of high-healing food and eat when you are at low life points. It was previously possible to defeat Flambeed without ice gloves by attacking him with a full inventory of stew as healing, since the player's weapon would have no inventory slots to be unequipped into. This no longer works, instead an item in your inventory with the lowest value will be dropped to make room for your weapon.


Main article: Karamel
Fire spells are great for melting this evil ice-cream.

Karamel is essentially the female counterpart of Kamil from the Desert Treasure quest. Fight her up close with a Fire spell. It is no longer required to use a spell well below your magic level despite her lowering your stats due to a recent update by Jagex that means that your spells are not based off your current level in the same way that melee and ranged work. Still, it is recommended to bring Stat restore potions and the food of your choice. When fighting up close, if your armour has decent magic and melee defence bonuses, you may not need food at all, or even not take damage at all, even with a defence level of about 60. As per the norm, melee doesn't work very well. However, unlike her male counterpart in Desert Treasure, Karamel's melee attacks rarely do any damage. If maging, use Magic armour. When defeated, she drops a Choc-ice.

Note: Karamel will drain all your stats to zero unless you kill her abnormally fast! To get all your skills back after the battle that aren't combat related, get killed from somewhere like the duel arena. Under Lumbridge without a light source is also a good way, however you need 13 to use the shortcut underneath Lumbridge Castle - and it is likely that your agility will have been reduced to zero. Ring of kinship to teleport to Daemonheim and entering and exiting a dungeon also works.


Main article: Dessourt

Dessourt is Dessous from Desert Treasure. Melee doesn't work very well on him, but magic does. Iban Blast works extremely well; he can be defeated within 30 seconds with this method, but make sure to select autocast on the magic menu. Bring lots of food, and then defeat him as quickly as possible. If using melee and you don't have a very high level, it is recommended that you bring a Super set. He can be fairly hard to hit even using a Super set. If maging (which is recommended), use mage armour. Ranged works well on him as well, with Rune Crossbow and Mithril bolts or over with the best Dragonhide armour you are able to use he will prove to be an easy and short fight. He drops chocolate dust. (Please be aware that he has a chance of draining your stats, therefore it is recommended that you bring a super restore potion)

Gelatinnoth Mother

Main article: Gelatinnoth Mother
Mummy's coming to get you!

Gelatinnoth Mother is the Dagannoth Mother from the Horror from the Deep quest and may be the hardest to kill. She is level 130. She uses melee up-close (which is strong) and ranged from a distance (which is weaker). She changes colour as she fights, and her colour shows her weakness. Using magic enables you to cover four of her six colours with one set of armour and weapons. However, even if you plan to primarily fight with magic, Ranged armour or a balanced-defence armour is recommended to protect against this monster's melee and ranging attacks. You can also wear one piece of armour from each of the 3 combat styles (Ex: Helm of Neitiznot, Mystic Body, D'Hide Chaps) Her weakness cycle is as follows:

*Due to an update using a cannon when she turns Green will NOT work.

If you are using melee then the main time you will hit is on orange phase. So save your specs for this part of the fight.

The Last Stand

Main article: Culinaromancer
The Culinaromancer's white-frosted-cake spell.

After you've defeated the Gelatinnoth Mother, the Culinaromancer himself will attack you ("You have caused me enough grief!" he will tell you. "I guess I will have to finish you off myself!"). He's level 75, hits over 200, and has practically no defence. He uses magic (his spell cast looks like a cake with white frosting and sounds like Water Wave) but tries to get up close to attack. Kill him with any attack, and bring food. He is a much easier opponent than the preceding monsters: If you are combat level 100 or higher, you should have no trouble defeating him in a few hits. Although keep in mind that he has a high attack, you shouldn't let your guard down. Dragon dagger special attacks are very effective on him, rune knives also work very well. When you've killed the Culinaromancer you will see a short cutscene celebrating the quest's completion.

Culinaromancer Death Sequence

The Culinaromancer's bizzare death.
