- This article is about the item used as ammunition. For the category of Magic spells, see Bolt spells.
Bolts are the ammunition used by crossbows. They are made using a combination of the Smithing and Fletching skills, the initial Bolts being made with Smithing, and feathers being added with Fletching. Tips made from different gems can be added, and subsequently enchanted, adding possible effects when the bolts are shot. Different types of bolts can be stored in a bolt pouch to conserve space. Bolts sometimes survive shots, so you can pick up your fired bolts.
Metal bolts, and Gem-bolt tips up to Enchanted bolts
All metal bolts can be poisoned. They can, however, also be enhanced by adding Gem bolt tips. Doing this will result in making Gem-tipped bolt. These will then have a slightly increased Ranged Strength. They can be further improved by enchanting them (with the Enchant Crossbow Bolt spell), becoming Enchanted bolts. The effect of an enchantment has a specific (special) effect. See the table below for more information.
Minimal requirement | Type of bolt | Enchantment | |||||
Crossbow | Level | Gem tips |
Metal | Gem-tipped | Enchanted | Name: effect | Notes |
1 | Bronze | Opal | Opal | Lucky Lightning: extra damage | |||
Blurite | 16 | Jade | Blurite | Jade | Jade | Earth's fury: chance of knocking the target to the ground | Agile targets may resist this |
Iron or Dorgeshuun | 26 or 28 | Silver | |||||
Iron or Dorgeshuun |
26 or 28 | Pearl | Iron | Pearl | Pearl | Sea curse: chance of striking the target with a mighty bolt of water, dealing extra damage | It will have more damage and a higher accuracy on fiery monsters (e.g. TzHaar) |
Steel | 31 | Red topaz | Steel | Red topaz | Red topaz | Down to earth: chance of lowering the target's Magic level | Only works on another player |
Black | 33 | Black | |||||
Mithril | 36 | Sapphire | Mithril | Sapphire | Sapphire | Clear mind: chance of lowering the target's Prayer points and giving part of them to the attacker | Only works on another player |
Mithril | 36 | Emerald | Mithril | Emerald | Emerald | Magical poison: makes the bolts p+ with increased chance of poisoning the opponent | Poison damage starts at 58, rather than 48 |
46 & 48 | Ruby | Adamantite | Ruby | Ruby | Blood forfeit: chance of removing 20% of the target's current life points | This effect costs 10% of the attacker's own current life points | |
Adamant & Zanik's | 46 & 48 | Diamond | Adamantite | Diamond | Diamond | Armour piercing: the bolts will negate a sizeable portion of the target's Ranged defence bonus, and the special attack raises the bolts' maximum hit | |
Rune | 61 | Dragonstone | Runite | Dragonstone | Dragonstone | Dragon's breath: chance of inflicting a Dragonfire hit against the target | Does not work if the target has protection against dragonfire, or are dragons themselves |
Rune | 61 | Onyx | Runite | Onyx | Onyx | Life leech: chance of doing extra damage and healing the attacker by 25% of the damage dealt | This does not work on the undead, as they have no "life" to leech |
- Silver bolts are metal bolts. They are not made with a hammer and anvil, but with the Crafting skill and a bolt mould and a furnace. Besides Blisterwood stakes, silver bolts are the only ranged weapon that can be used effectively against vampyres. In addition, silver bolts are even more special because they can also be poisoned, whereas stakes can not, though stakes are still a more desired and stronger choice.
- Unlike normal metal bolts, gem-tipped bolts (enchanted or not) can not be poisoned.

Special bolts
- Bone bolts (usable only with the Dorgeshuun crossbow and Zanik's crossbow)
- Bakriminel bolts
- Coral bolts (usable only with the Coral crossbow, Song from the Depths quest required)
- Royal bolts (usable only with the Royal crossbow)
- Barbed bolts
- Mithril grapple
- Bolt racks (usable only with Karil's crossbow)
- Broad-tipped bolts (usable only with the Chaotic crossbow and Rune crossbow and requires 55 Slayer)
- Hunter bolts (usable only with the Hunter's crossbow)
- Bane bolts, see below
Note that all these (special) bolts can not be poisoned.
Bane bolts
Bane bolts are made by casting Tune Bane Ore on Bane ore, smelting the ore, smithing the bars on the tempered anvil in Kethsi, and fletching them. Tune Bane Ore can enchant the arrows and bolts to be more effective against certain creatures. There are four types of bane bolts:
- Abyssalbane bolts, used against Abyssal demons
- Basiliskbane bolts, used against Basilisks
- Dragonbane bolts, used against Dragons
- Wallasalkibane bolts, used against Wallasalkis
Metal bolts |
Gem bolt tips |
Gem-tipped bolts |
Enchanted bolts |
Bane bolts |
Other bolts |