Black demon/Strategies
Despite their combat level, Black demons have fairly low defence. However, they are usually one of the most dangerous monsters in the dungeons they inhabit because of their accuracy and high max hit. The special of Enhanced Excalibur can assist on these tasks. Also in the Taverley Dungeon, around the corner that separates the Black demons from the baby blue dragons, they have an invisible barrier that they can't pass. Mages and rangers can use this to their advantage. Note that when planning to train prayer with the ashes that are dropped, it is advised to bring infernal urns as this will grant more experience than just spreading the ashes.
Using melee against black demons is the most cost-effective (and in most cases, the fastest) method of killing them and is the advised method for players who have the appropriate equipment and stats. Due to their accuracy and strength, many players choose to use protection prayers to avoid damage; this is more costly than simply using food but is a lot less risky, and picking up the infernal ashes that are dropped can level out the cost of prayer potions or even turn up a profit. Meleeing black demons without prayer is viable, but good armour and food are required, along with a defence level of 85 or better. However, if you are well armed and prepared, 65 defence could simply be used as well. A healing familiar and ring of life are optional although highly recommended. Prayer flashing can also be used to reduce consumption of prayer points, but requires fast reflexes and good timing. Finally, those with level 92 Prayer can utilise the Soul Split curse to heal slightly with every damaging hit.
Use of a Halberd is much slower than conventional melee weapons, but it is much cheaper as it doesn't require Prayer potions. Taverley Dungeon is the recommended location for using halberds, but the Chaos Tunnels and Edgeville Dungeon can be used as well. Also, the Dragon halberd's special attack will work on Black demons as they are "large" creatures.
Guthan's set-effect is useful when training on Black Demons in a single-combat area. Please note that the demons can damage you very fast and you may not be able to heal fast enough unless you have 80+ Defence. A Godsword, Saradomin sword, Abyssal whip, or chaotic weapon is strongly recommended when fighting these, as they have high and consistent hits. The godsword is very good for its prayer bonus and high offensive bonuses, while the whip and Saradomin sword are good for their speed. In case the effect of the armour set can't heal enough on the black demons, there are usually weaker monsters nearby that the player can heal on, such as wild dogs or earth warriors.
Darklight, despite its advantages against demons, is not recommended as it is a much weaker weapon.
Another technique, relying fully on prayer, is to wear armour that gives you the best prayer bonus (Vestments with a Godsword or God book with a one-handed weapon). At higher prayer levels, this can make for long trips at no cost. If your house is in Taverley, or you've completed Love Story, bringing teleport tablets and praying at the nearby altar makes for very efficient trips.
The black demons in the Chaos Tunnels can be killed fairly quickly by a player with the right skill levels and equipment. The key is to utilise the fact that the demons are in a Multicombat area to inflict damage rapidly while avoiding damage, allowing for long stays and many kills. If using Protect from Melee, wear equipment that gives decent prayer bonuses whilst not sacrificing too much strength bonus, such as Ardougne cloak 3, and Amulet of fury. A Ring of wealth can be worn for better drops, a Warrior ring for better combat ability, or an Explorer's ring for prayer bonus. The player should bring at least one Spirit kyatt pouch, many Ambush scrolls, alchemy runes to alchemize drops, and several Prayer potions to recharge prayer. Stronger familiars such as the Iron titan can also be used. The player should have auto-retaliate on. When in the demons' chamber, summon the kyatt and repeatedly use its Ambush special move. Between the Verac's special effect and the kyatt's special move, black demons can be killed quickly.
Melee items
- Helm: Slayer helm (if task) > Torva full helm > Helm of neitiznot > Proselyte sallet > Initiate sallet
- Body: Proselyte hauberk > Torva platebody(if not praying) > Bandos chestplate(if not praying) Verac's brassard > Initiate hauberk
- Legs: Proselyte cuisse/tasset > Torva platelegs(if not praying) > Bandos Tassets(if not praying) > Verac's plateskirt > Initiate cuisse/tasset
- Cape: Completionist cape > Max cape > Soul Wars cape > TokHaar-Kal > Trimmed skillcape > Fire cape > Bladestorm drape > Obsidian cape
- Weapon: Chaotic rapier >Chaotic Longsword> Chaotic maul > Goliath gloves > Zamorakian spear/Saradomin sword > Abyssal whip
- Offhand:Dragon defender > Dragonfire shield > Falador shield 4 > Rune defender
- Amulet: Amulet of fury > Demon horn necklace > Amulet of Glory > Split dragontooth necklace
- Ring: Onyx ring (i) > Beserker ring (i) > Ring of wealth > Ring of life
- Boots: Steadfast boots > Dragon boots > Bandos boots
- Familiar: Best BoB > healer (if not praying)
Items: 4-12 Prayer pots (depending on number of black demons), Super or Extreme sets, 2-3 Prayer renewals, dwarf multicannon set (optional), 5000 cannonballs.
Ranging black demons is nearly as effective as meleeing and is generally less risky. Although all areas that Black demons inhabit contain safespots, Taverley Dungeon is generally regarded as the best of the four, followed by the Chaos Tunnels. Using safe spots can extend staying time, or reduce the amount of food consumed, though this increases the amount of time needed to trap and kill one.
As with all other demons, black demons are weakest against magic attacks, and there are a few safespots dotted around most of their habitats. However, this is not recommended due to black demons also having very low defence against melee, leading to the low speed and max hits of magical attacks slowing down kills in comparison to using melee unless one's attack level is extremely low. In addition, the cost for runes can add up to losses over time, even when collecting the dropped infernal ashes. The lone exception to this is the Polypore staff, especially at higher magic levels, because of its cheap usage cost, high maximum damage, and the profitability of infernal ashes. When combined with a Extreme magic/Overload potion, an Arcane Stream Necklace and a Hexcrest/Full slayer helmet (on slayer tasks), the Polypore staff can sometimes even yield faster kills than with melee.
Using a cannon
Dwarf multicannons are fairly effective against black demons, so they are a good option to all who can afford the high price of cannonballs. This is done in Taverley Dungeon. Even though it is a single combat area, the cannon still works there. If you use the safespot, you can attack them all at once, and only get attacked while reloading. You can also melee while cannoning for additional melee xp, although this limits you to fighting one demon at a time (In one way combat areas such as the Taverley Dungeon), but can drastically speed up kills. Players who cannon can finish a task in some minutes rather than hours.
However, cannons are subject to hitting other monsters, such as Wild Dogs, in the Brimhaven Dungeon, or even Iron dragons. Also it can hit familiars in Edgeville Dungeon, causing you to get skulled.