A Void Dance
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Release date | 10 August 2010 (Update) |
Members only? | Yes |
Quest series | Void Knights (#2) |
Official difficulty | Experienced |
Official length | Medium |
Developer | Alex F |
A Void Dance is a quest that was released on 10 August 2010. It is the sequel to Quiet Before the Swarm.
Official description
“ | Commodore Tyr believes that a smaller scouting party will be able to track down the escaped pest without drawing too much attention to itself. Perhaps, this way, there will not be a repeat of what befell the first landing party, but that doesn't necessarily mean there won't be trouble along the way... | ” |
Start point: | ![]() | |
Members only: | Yes | |
Official difficulty: | ![]() | |
Description: | None | |
Length: | Medium | |
Requirements: |
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Items required: |
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Enemies to defeat: |

Prison Break
To begin, travel to the Void Knights' Outpost by speaking to the Squire on the Port Sarim pier. Once there, talk to Commodore Tyr. Tyr tells you that one of the pests have escaped the outpost onto the mainland. He directs you to Captain Korasi and Jessika, who are currently on their way to Port Sarim to track down and bring back the fugitive. Talk to Korasi, who asks you to meet her at the Port Sarim dock.
Pest-y Business

Take a ride back to the Sarim dock, and speak with Korasi. As they have no leads, she asks you to speak to the locals and find out if anyone has seen anything out of the ordinary.
Speak to Captain Tobias nearby, who mentions that although he hasn't noticed anything strange, the fishmonger, Gerrant claims that he would constantly find his fish barrels knocked over.
Head over to Gerrant's Fishy Business, just north of the lodestone, and speak with its owner. Gerrant reiterates, telling you to look for the creature near his barrels.
Exit the shop, and a purple track appears, leading from the dock and continuing onwards to the barrels. Follow the track, searching bushes, plants and stones until you find a mound just north of The Rusty Anchor. Check the mound, and then go and inform Korasi of your findings. She will tell you to go talk to the bartender of the Rusty Anchor pub to gain access to his cellar.
The bartender is, unfortunately, too sick and has lost the key somewhere in the pub. He mentions looking in one of the junk piles on the floor. Search them until you find the key and proceed to the cellar, via the trapdoor on the north-west side of the pub.
In the cellar, you are joined by Korasi and Jessika, who notices the suspicious, odd wall. Mine the wall with a pickaxe, and a strange purple goo will begin to pour out. Since the goo is similar to the trail you just followed, Jessika decides to gather some up for further inspection; although she needs a container.

The nearby storeroom houses an empty barrel which you can use, but you must find a way to obtain it through the beer hatch. Once the barrels are in position, kick the empty barrel along the path directed in the picture.
- It is possible that in solving this puzzle you will block your exit. If this happens, reset the puzzle and then leave the room; if you already pushed the empty barrel out it will be there already.
- You can use your Void Knight whistle to undo or reset your puzzle (You can only undo one move).
Getting Hotter...
After Jessika has collected the samples needed, Korasi instructs you to talk to the bartender and explain their business in the cellar. You can choose to be honest or lie, the result will remain the same. Talk to Korasi at the docks, who says that the pest must have wandered off to Musa Point in search for a habitat.

Travel to Karamja and talk to Zambo in the pub about noticing anything odd. He mentions that Kofi, the manager of the general store, recently became ill after he saw a scorpion or 'something'. Kofi promises to help you if you can repair his wall.
In the south-west corner of the store, "Take-from" the supply table to get some logs, a plank, a chisel and a hammer. Use the plank and logs on the chisel to get a jointed plank and jointed log. Use the jointed plank and jointed log together to get a joist. Use the joist on the north wall to repair it. Talk to Kofi again and he will point you to the pest's trail, similar to the one in Port Sarim.
Search the logs, shrubs, and succulents to follow the trail. At the end of the track, you will come across another hidden burrow, in the banana plantation.
- The trail might not always be the same as shown in the image on the right; the correct shrubs, etc might be a few squares away instead.
You are again joined by the girls, who suggest you search the hole for more clues. Investigate the mound to get some wood shards, which Jessika identifies as waxwood. She tells you to meet up with Rommik at his crafting store in Rimmington, while they go see the chemist about the goo.
Before travelling to Rimmington, make sure you have at least 15 free inventory spaces and the waxwood shards still in your inventory.
Head over to Rimmington and speak with Rommik about the waxwood. Apparently, he recently delivered a large order of boxes, made of the water-proof waxwood, to an unknown buyer in Falador. If, for some reason, you misclick or logout after giving the sample to Rommik, you will have to return to Musa Point, where Jessika will give you more.
Gooey Analysis

You need 16 empty inventory spaces for this section.
After learning about the waxwood, go to the chemist's house to the west and speak with Korasi and then with the chemist. He requires you to help him analyse the purple goo with different reagents in his laboratory.
- On the top-right of the screen is a chart of five recipes, each combining two substances to obtain a third. They are all of the form "A + B = C." The ways in which they can be combined can vary from player to player.
- On the top-left of the screen is a chart showing the current state of the machine in three specifications: Heat, Power, and Stability.
- It also shows a "current" ingredient (either A or B) and a "desired" result (C). After short intervals of time, both of these factors change. Refer to the recipes to see what ingredient must be added to the current one in order to obtain the desired result.
- To perform the analysis, players must add the required ingredient from their inventory into the hopper. While doing this, the machine may become unbalanced with heat and pressure, as indicated by the top-left table.
Power State | Indicators | Heat | Pressure |
Low | Low, Very Low and SHORTFALL | Stoke the furnace | Turn the flywheel |
High | High, Very High and OVERLOAD | Open the vent | Apply the brake |
If all parts of the machine are continually kept in balance and the correct ingredients are added when needed, the machine eventually reaches 100%. If not, the machine explodes (it can explode with 100% showing) and players need to start the analysis again from the beginning.

After completing the puzzle, speak to the chemist. He reveals that the goo drains life energy from its surroundings to feed itself. On this news, Jessika offers to teleport you to Sir Tiffy Cashien in Falador Park to discuss the matters with the Temple Knights.
Speak with Sir Tiffy and he will tell you there is a stall-owner, Ali Tist, who has opened up for business south of the eastern bank and is selling mysterious puzzle boxes. Head over to Ali's shop and buy one box off him and return to Sir Tiffy. After you try to open the box, Sir Tiffy, Korasi and Jessika each take a go at it, but fail.
Jessika then suggests some complex ways to open it. It does not matter what you choose, so go ahead with any of them. Korasi will then crack it open with her sword pommel to find more of the goo. Return to Ali and attempt to find out where he got the boxes, but he flatly refuses.Return to Sir Tiffy, who tells you to speak with Sir Amik Varze, the leader of the White Knights. He can be found on the 2nd floor, of the west tower in White Knights' Castle, and he will give you a warrant to search Tist's stall.
Items needed: Spade, sextant, chart, watch, onion.
With the warrant, question Ali until he gives you a mysterious clue scroll, saying that the clue was what led him to the mysterious boxes in a cave. Return to Sir Tiffy to begin the Treasure Trail, with Korasi and Jessika keeping contact via CommOrb.
Clue 1
The first clue is a map, the location of which is south of the wheat field, west of Falador, south of Taverley.
- Digging approximately in the area demonstrated by the scroll will provide you with a new scroll.
Clue 2
The clue you receive will read: "South of a city and east of a guild, there wanders a fellow whose path went astray. Hand him an onion and give him a wave, if on track for treasure you're wishing to stay."
- Go east of the Crafting Guild and find the man wandering with a walking stick around the area. Give him an onion and then select the wave option. You will receive another clue.
- If you don't already have an onion, you can pick one just southeast of the crafting guild, north of Rimmington.
Clue 3
The third clue reads: "Check a crate in the farmhouse west of the Falador farming patch."
- Enter the farmhouse south of Falador, and search the crate left beside the entrance to receive another clue.
Clue 4

The new clue reads "Splash of red in a holy bed; lies north of its fountain, east of Ice Mountain. Its three closest neighbours have petals of blue; just dig where it's planted to find your next clue."
- The location of the clue is the Edgeville Monastery, so make your way there.
- The flower is in the north east corner of the central fountain area.
- After digging on the correct red flower, you will receive a coordinate clue.
Clue 5
This is the time to prepare all your potions, food and armour. There is a safespot available and the knight is very weak to magic, so it is strongly recommended. It is not necessary to bring the final clue scroll nor a spade, but remember to bring the CommOrb.
The coordinate clue reads: "11 degrees, 31 minutes north 17 degrees, 54 minutes east" which is a hatch entrance north of the Black Knights' Fortress. This is different from the Treasure Trail coordinate clues; these coordinates do not require the usual equipment.
Try to enter the hatchway and you will speak with Korasi and Jessika via the CommOrb. They will teleport to you to help you out, where Jessika also speaks with Korasi about joining the Void Knights.
Quick Thinking

The three of you enter the hatchway and appear in a room full of boxes. Korasi will knock out the knight on guard and kill him. Speak with Korasi and she will try to enter the next room, although The black knight doorkeeper will stop her as she does not know the password.
To get a hold of the passcode, Jessika will summon a Void drone, which you have to plant on the low box near the door. Sneak your way over to the low box near the door avoiding contact with the workers walking in and out of the room. Plant the bug and wait for a worker to go through the door.

Pick the Void Drone up and speak with Jessika, who tells you the password. Jessika approaches the door and tells the guard the password but, without an identification insignia, she is not allowed in. Pick-pocket a worker as he is leaving and you will receive the insignia. Knock on the door and speak with the guard. You will say the password and he will ask for your insignia. After trying to trick you with a "secret handshake," you will enter with Korasi and Jessika.

You can kill or bind and gag the guard, then speak with Korasi. Enter the next room and either right click "Murder" on an indentured servant to receive a workshop key. If you do not wish to murder one of the innocent slaves, search the north-west bench to receive a tool. Use this with the north-east bench to receive a piece of metal. With a few more tools, do the same with the other two benches in the south-east and south-west. Combine the hook and both pieces of metal into a gaff. To the west of the door you will find a key on a shelf. Use the hooked pole on this shelf to obtain the key.
Void vs. Black
Be sure to drain your prayer points before entering the final room.

Use the key on the next door to be faced by two level 110 Black Knight Guardians. Korasi attacks the one on the east and the west knight is all yours. The guardian can hit hard and accurately and has high Defence stats. Should you die, your gravestone will appear upstairs next to the hatch; you will have to start your fight again.

You can choose to use Ancient Magicks for the fight, and if ice spells are used correctly, you can easily finish the fight without having to use any food by freezing the guard and running away from him to attack him from a distance. Another option is to use a full Guthan's set, which can work very nicely with no need for food.
If the player has any prayer points while fighting the knight, he will shout "En garde!", "Your energy will fuel my life!" or "In Zamorak's name!", drain the player's prayer points and heal himself.

When you finish killing it, speak with the Void leech, which tells you a little about itself. The void pest was caught by the Kinshra to harvest the goo, which they planned to wreak havoc over Falador using Ali Tist's boxes.
You are given the option to set it free or kill it. Either way, Korasi will teleport you and Jessika back to the Void Knights' Outpost. Speak with Commodore Tyr, and after a cut-scene, the quest is complete!

- 1 Quest point
- 50 Void Knight commendation points
- 10,000
- 10,000
- 8,000
- 8,000
- 5,000
- 5,000
- 5,000
- 2 extra spins on the Squeal of Fortune
Required for completing
Music unlocked
Cultural references
- When telling the barman a comforting lie, the conversation about a gas leak caused by light from a distant planet reflecting through a weather balloon is a reference to Men in Black.
- When the player tries to open the puzzle box given by Ali Tist, the player says "What is this? I don't even..." which is a popular Internet Meme.

- "A Void Dance" is a play on the word "avoidance".
- On the day of release, the spoilers on the website read: Was writing rewards. Had no energy. Will do later. Check back tomorrow. This is a reference to the illness that the Void leech causes.
- The Adventurers' Log reads "I tracked the escaped void pest, and discovered its fate and a number of disturbing implications... " when this quest has been completed.
- This is one of the only quests where an NPC swears. During the starting dialogue, after commodore Tyr suggests enlisting Jessika's help in tracking the pest, and mentioning that Korasi said the same thing, Korasi will reply, "Damn what I said!"
- The name "Ali Tist" may be a play on the word "Elitist"