Raw karambwan

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For other uses, see Karambwan.
Raw karambwan
Raw karambwan
Release date 14 September 2004 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 150 coins
Low Alch 100 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price 440 coins
Examine A raw green octopus.
Weight 0.5 kg
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A detailed image of Raw Karambwan
A detailed image of Raw Karambwan

Raw karambwan is a fish native to the tropical island of Karamja. It can be fished by players with level 65 Fishing or higher, granting 105 Fishing experience per catch. Karambwans are caught with a karambwan vessel by members who must have at least started the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest. The vessel uses karambwanji bait obtained by using a small net in the lake south of Tai Bwo Wannai (Fairy ring CKR).[Note: the small net in the player tool belt DOES work]. Karambwans frequently steal the bait from the vessel without being caught. Additionally, players must manually place the bait into the vessel each time, making fishing karambwans a click intensive activity (with frequently no payoff when the bait is stolen)..

Players can also buy this item from Tiadeche in Tai Bwo Wannai Village for 440 coins each. The respawn time with Tiadeche for this item was greatly increased in mid-April 2010, leading to a surge in prices on the Grand Exchange as demand outpaced supply.

The raw karambwan fishing location is north of the shipyards and east of the harpie bug swarms.

The raw karambwan can be cooked in two ways, either poorly or thoroughly. If cooked poorly, the player will get a poison karambwan. If cooked thoroughly the player will get a cooked karambwan. Note that a Poison karambwan cannot be cooked again to obtain a cooked karambwan. Also to be able to cook a karambwan thoroughly you must speak to Tiadeche first.

The player is required to catch a karambwan as one of the medium Karamja Tasks.The player is also required to cook a karambwan thoroughly as part of the hard Karamja Tasks.

Raw karambwans can be caught much faster if you have access to the fairy rings, since you can use code CKR to go to the lake where karambwanji are caught, and then code DKP to go to the karambwan fishing spot north of the shipyard and east of the harpie bug swarms. Fairy rings are also the fastest way to access a bank (in Zanaris) from either spot.

Dropping monsters

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Tenacious toucan 70 1 4Rare

Fishing locations

  • The only fishing spot is the north east of the Karamja main island, north of the Ship yard. Fairy ring DKP is very close.

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