Barbarian Training

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Barbarian Training is a set of adventures (or Miniquest) that offer expansions to Firemaking, Herblore, Fishing and Smithing. This activity also provides access to the Ancient Cavern and the numerous monsters within, such as the Mithril dragon.

Otto Godblessed, a barbarian warrior interested in the cultural history of his people, will offer to teach eligible players about Barbarian skills, and will give them the books Barbarian skills and My notes for keeping Ancient pages


35 Firemaking

48 Fishing

15 Agility or Strength

For Barbarian Smithing, the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest a Smithing level of at least 5.


Note: If a player attempts to light a fire using a Crystal bow, a message will appear which says "The bow resists all attempts to light the fire. It seems that the sentient tools of the elves don't approve of you burning down forests."

Similarly, If you attempt using a Dark bow, a message says "The innate darkness of the bow sucks all the heat from your firemaking attempt. You realise that this type of bow is useless for firelighting."

Certain activities will require the following items:


The Activities

Barbarian Firemaking

This part of the Barbarian training starts by talking to Otto Godblessed. A player must have a Firemaking level of at least 35 in order to burn the oak log that is required for the Barbarian training. Barbarian firemaking works by using a bow made from wood in the inventory on a log.

There are two types of activities that fall under Barbarian Firemaking: Lighting fires with a bow and lighting pyre ships.

Bow Fires

A player lighting logs with a bow.

As mentioned above, the player must have finished learning the path from Otto, have at least 35 Firemaking, and must have a bow and oak logs. However, you can not use any of the bows listed above. Once these criteria are met, all the player has to do is use the bow with the oak logs. The greater the log, the higher the player's Firemaking level must be to light it with the bow.

There are no inherent advantages to using a bow instead of a tinderbox, other than perhaps convenience (fires are started at the same speed.). If you're in a bank and you use a log on an unstrung bow, the game will say "You can't light a fire here", but if you leave the bank and try it again, it'll say "Nothing interesting happens." This also works when using a bowstring on an already strung bow.

Logs Firemaking level needed Experience gained
Normal 21 40
Achey 21 40
Oak 35 60
Willow 50 90
Teak 55 105
Arctic pine 62 125
Maple 65 135
Mahogany 70 157.5
Eucalyptus 78 193.5
Yew 80 202.5
Magic 95 303.8

Pyre ships

Warning: This activity is dangerous. Bring food

Items needed:

Monsters to defeat:

  • Mithril dragon (if you do not own chewed bones)
  • Brutal green dragon (if you do not own mangled bones)
  • Lost/Confused barbarian (if you do not own mangled bones)
  • If you have mangled bones, bring armour, weapons, food, and prayer as a level 166 Barbarian Spirit will attack. This spirit uses only Melee and can hit a max of 180.
File:Making a Pyre.png
Making a Pyre Ship.

Talk to Otto after using a bow to burn an oak log. Otto will explain Pyre ship burning.

Many Barbarian heroes, adventuring in the Ancient Cavern, fell while fighting the monsters within and, due to the evil nature of the Cavern, their spirits have not been able to obtain rest. It is very dangerous to enter this area without protection from dragonfire as there are several high level dragons in the vicinity. You must pass through them to get to the exit. This activity requires Firemaking and Crafting levels of at least 11 to begin.

When rummaging through barbarian skeletons found on the ground within the cavern, you may find mangled bones. The only way to get chewed bones is to kill Mithril dragons. Both chewed and mangled bones, in conjunction with any type of log, can be used on the burnt space (pyre site) just north of Otto's house (2 other spots are located on the north side of the lake) to make a pyre ship. Burning a pyre ship will grant the player an experience bonus of up to 300%, depending on the logs used, the next time he/she buries bones or scatters ashes.

A barbarian spirit attacks!

The spirits released from chewed bones may reward the player, possibly with the dragon full helm. Those released from the mangled bones, due to their imprisonment-induced madness, will be aggressive Ferocious barbarian spirits, which can hit up to 180, unless you use Protect from/Deflect Melee, in which case you will take no damage from their attacks. Please note that if you use mangled bones onto a pyre ship, you will be unable to make another pyre ship until you kill the spirit, if you attempt to make another one while a barbarian spirit is around, the sacrifice will be declined.

See Ancient Cavern for more details about obtaining drops.
Note: It is NOT possible to use the Req-Assist feature to burn pyre ships you don't have the levels for.
Logs Firemaking/Crafting Level Required Crafting experience gained Firemaking experience gained Number of bones with enhanced XP rewards
Normal 11 10 40 1
Achey 11 10 40 1
Oak 25 15 60 2
Willow 40 22.5 90 2
Teak 45 26.2 105 3
Arctic pine 52 31.2 125 3
Maple 55 33.7 135 3
Mahogany 60 39.3 157.5 4
Yew 70 50.6 202.5 4
Magic 85 75.9 303.8 5

Regular trees, a willow, and a yew tree are close by Otto's house; an oak tree is North-west of the lake.

Note: To complete the barbarian training task you need to make a pyre ship out of chewed bones, not mangled bones. However, you can complete your Fremennik Diary task using either mangled or chewed bones.

My Notes

Main article: My notes

My notes is a book given during Barbarian Training by Otto Godblessed. It records entries from ancient pages which are sometimes obtained when rummaging barbarian skeletons or as monster drops in the Ancient Cavern. My notes can be found in the bookcase in a Player-owned house listed as My Notes.

Finding all the notes is one of the requirements for the trimmed Completionist Cape.

Barbarian Fishing

Once the player has finished learning this path from Otto Godblessed, the player must have a Fishing level of at least 48, Agility and Strength levels of at least 15 and any form of bait.

There are two types of activities that fall under Barbarian Fishing: Heavy rod fishing and bare hand fishing.

Heavy Rod Fishing

Barbarian fishing rod
Barbarian fishing rod

One of the first tasks Otto Godblessed will set the player is to use a heavy rod to catch one of the fish in the lake to the east of his hut. The heavy rod can be obtained from underneath the bed in Otto's cabin (do not forget to get fishing baits or feathers). These fish are more difficult to catch than normal fish as they leap around in the water, and fight against the pull of the fishing rod. Catching a single fish is sufficient for the Training, but continue fishing to obtain roe, which is needed for the herblore part of the training.

Once caught, players can gut the fish with a knife, receiving 10 or 15 Cooking experience. Players may also receive fish offcuts, roe and caviar; the latter two are used in the Barbarian version of Herblore.

Leaping trout and Leaping salmon will provide roe when gutted; Leaping sturgeon provide caviar.

Heavy rod fishing is notable for providing the fastest fishing experience in the game at higher levels, as well as giving small amounts of strength and agility experience as a bonus. In addition, once started, players will never need bait, as they can use the roe, caviar, and fish offcuts to continue fishing indefinitely. (Feathers and fishing bait can also be used for bait for all the leaping fish, so that players without roe, caviar, or offcuts can still fish.) Unlike other fishing methods, heavy rod fishing does not produce a profit, nor does it provide a good source of cooking experience through raw fish, although cutting the fish will provide some cooking experience.

Fish Fishing Level Required Strength/Agility Level Required Fishing experience gained Strength/Agility experience gained Cooking Experience from successful cutting/gutting
Leaping trout 48 15 50 5 9.3
Leaping salmon 58 30 70 6 11.3
Leaping sturgeon 70 45 80 7


Barbarian Hand Fishing

A player catches a tuna with his bare hands.

Another Barbarian ability is the ability to fish using their bare hands, as opposed to using a harpoon. For this activity the player needs at least 55 Fishing, (50 with Admiral Pie, 52 with Fish Pie) 35 Strength and 15 Agility. After completing the heavy rod fishing, talk to Otto to learn about the bare hand fishing technique. Then go to a harpoon fishing spot - free spot (Karamja or Wilderness level 35-38) or member spot (Catherby, Rellekka, Fishing Guild, Burgh de Rott, or Elf Camp). Do not bring a harpoon unless you drop it. Catch a fish to complete the Barbarian fishing training. If you have a harpoon in your Toolbelt, you will automatically fish with your hands.

File:96 Fishing abilities.png
A player gaining the ability to catch sharks bare-handed
File:Shark shuffle.gif
The "glide" glitch

Fishing barehanded is just as fast as fishing normally with a harpoon, but it provides small amounts of bonus strength experience (see chart below for experience amounts). However, it takes a significantly higher level to fish this way. There are a few known glitches like the "Slide and Stretch" shown below. There is a glitch that if you wait until your hand is in the water and click a second time on harpoon your player's hand will not come out of the water.

Fish Fishing Level Required Strength Level Required Fishing experience gained Strength experience gained
Tuna 55 35 80 8
Swordfish 70 50 100 10
Shark 96 76 110 11
Baron Shark^ 96 76 110 11

^ Juju Fishing Potion required.

Barbarian Smithing

To begin to learn the Barbarian smithing path the player must have finished the Heavy Rod Fishing and Bare Hand Fishing skills above. They must also have completed the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest and have a Smithing level of at least 5.

There are two types of activities that fall under Barbarian Smithing: Spear smithing and Hasta smithing.

Spear And Hasta Smithing

The first of the two is Spear Smithing. Once the player has finished training with Otto they need at least 5 Smithing, a hammer and the corresponding metal bar and logs. To make a spear the player just needs to use the bar on the special Barbarian anvil near Otto's house; another Barbarian anvil is in Gunnarsgrunn.

Forging Hastae is exactly the same, however the player must first prove to Otto that they can smith a spear. Regular trees, a willow, and a yew tree are close by Otto's house; an oak tree is North-west of the lake.

Spear/Hasta Wood Required Smithing Level Required Smithing experience gained
Bronze Spear/Hasta Wood 5 25
Iron Spear/Hasta Oak 20 50
Steel Spear/Hasta Willow 35 75
Mithril Spear/Hasta Maple 55 100
Adamant Spear/Hasta Yew 75 125
Rune Spear/Hasta Magic 90 150

Barbarian Herblore

Attack mix
Attack mix

Before learning this path, the player has to have a Herblore of at least 4 to enhance a normal attack potion. Talk to Otto to learn about potion making and to receive the request for an enhanced normal attack potion with only 2 doses. Add a roe to the normal attack potion and hand it back to Otto. After finishing this training stage, all other potions can be enhanced by adding a roe or a caviar to a 2 dose potion. The Barbarian Herblore skill, through the creation of 'mixes', allows ordinary potions to not only heal 30-60 Lifepoints but also to provide the regular benefits. The only activity in this type of Herblore is potion enhancing.

Enhancing Potions

First the player must have a two dose vial of a particular potion. Note: To make 2 two dose potions from a four dose potion the player can just use the four dose potion on an empty vial. The player must then add either some roe or caviar to the two dose potion, which will create a mix. Note that roe cannot be used in mixes higher level than the Stat restore mix; any higher level mix requires caviar. When the mix is consumed it will not only grant the regular benefits but it will also heal 30 lifepoints of the player for Stat restore mix and lower, and 60 lifepoints for Energy mix and higher. Mixes therefore count as food and drinking them will interrupt combat in the same way as eating food does.

Potion Image Herblore Level Required Experience gained Eggs used
Attack mix 4 8 Roe or Caviar
Anti-poison mix 6 12 Roe or Caviar
Relicym's mix 9 14 Roe or Caviar
Strength mix 14 17 Roe or Caviar
Stat restore mix 24 21 Roe or Caviar
Energy mix 29 23 Caviar
Defence mix 33 25 Caviar
Agility mix 37 27 Caviar
Combat mix 40 28 Caviar
Prayer mix 42 29 Caviar
Super attack mix 47 33 Caviar
Super anti-poison mix 51 35 Caviar
Fishing mix 53 38 Caviar
Super energy mix 56 39 Caviar
Hunter mix 58 40 Caviar
Super strength mix 59 42 Caviar
Magic essence mix 61 43 Caviar
Super restore mix 67 48 Caviar
Super defence mix 71 50 Caviar
Extra strong anti-poison mix 74 52 Caviar
Antifire mix 75 53 Caviar
Ranging mix 80 54 Caviar
Magic mix 83 57 Caviar
Zamorak mix 85 58 Caviar


  • As with firemaking normally with a tinderbox, once you reach a certain level, the animation may not play when using a bow.
  • With the release of the toolbelt, bow firemaking lost all usefulness to those who have already added a tinderbox as logs can then be lit with a right-click option instead
  • Barbarian hand fishing is very slightly similar to the real life practice called 'noodling'.
  • While hand fishing in a tuna/swordfish spot, sometimes your character will pull up a fish that looks like a tuna combined with a swordfish.
  • When in an area where you can't light fires (e.g. Lumbridge bank), if you use an item that can't be burned (coins, armour etc.) on a bow, you get a message that says you can't light a fire here. This implies that you should be able to burn the item outside of that area, which for obvious reasons doesn't work.
  • Drinking a Mix made through Barbarian Herblore produces the same sound as eating a piece of food rather than drinking a potion.
  • Having gone through all of the different types of Barbarian training is a requirement for the trimmed Completionist cape.
  • When you only have stripy feathers it will say "The fish aren't interested in these stripyfeathers."
  • Making use of the barbarian skills to fish any of the Leaping fish doesn't give a Spin Ticket.
  • If you wear the Fishing outfit while Barbarian fishing, Sometimes the bonus exp will not be displayed *Example: Bare-handed harpoon fishing*. Instead, it simply adds it to the total, creating the illusion that Barbarian fishing gives more fishing experience then normal fishing.
  • When using a Crystal bow to light a fire it says "The bow resists all attemps to light the fire. It seems that the sentient tools of the elves don't approve of you burning down forests.".

fi:Barbarian Fishing fi:Barbarian Training es:Entrenamiento Barbaro nl:Barbarian Training nl:Barbarian training