Holy Cithara

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Holy Cithara
File:Holy cithara.png
Release date 7 November 2011 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? Yes - One Piercing Note
Tradeable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Destroy It will miraculously return to the reliquary in the basement of the Citharede Abbey.
Store price Not sold
Examine The Holy Cithara of Saint Elspeth.
Weight 1 kg
[view] [talk]

The Holy Cithara is an object that can be found within the holy reliquary in the basement of the Abbey of St. Elspeth Citharede after meeting several of Saint Elspeth's requirements. Receiving the Holy cithara for the first time rewards the player with 50,000 prayer experience. The Holy cithara has a right-click play option which, upon clicking, will make the player play the cithara energetically for a few seconds. Other players are able to hear the cithara as you play it. "Cithara" (Κιθάρα) is Greek for lyre.

Attempting to take the Cithara will result in receiving damage equal to (current lifepoints - 1) unless the player is wearing at least five Saradomin items. This means that a player cannot die while attempting to take the Cithara, but one will not succeed in collecting the Cithara unless one brings the required number of holy items, along with a ring of visibility and a Ghostspeak amulet or Cramulet (or has completed the Morytania Hard Tasks). See below for more detailed information on how to obtain the Cithara.

You will need to at least get to the point in Desert Treasure when you need the Ring of visibility to kill Damis.

File:Holy blast kills.png
A player killed by the blast of holy power.
A player playing the cithara.
Hover over image for type File:Holy cithara equipped.png
 Attack bonus
0 0 0 0 0
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 0 0
Other bonuses Slot

0 0 0% 0

Obtaining the Holy Cithara

To obtain the Holy Cithara a player must wear a variety of equipment and meet certain "Holy" requirements:

These items are acceptable pieces of Saradomin Equipment:

Item slot Acceptable Item
Ring slot Ring of visibility mandatory
Necklace slot Ghostspeak amulet/Cramulet mandatory (unless Morytania legs 3 have been obtained) else a Holy symbol, Citharede symbol, Saradomin stole
Head slot Citharede hood; Saradomin coif; Saradomin d'hide; Saradomin mitre; Saradomin full helm; Saradomin halo
Body slot Citharede robe top; Saradomin body; Saradomin robe top; Monk's robe top; Saradomin platebody
Legwear slot Citharede robe bottom; Saradomin robe legs; Saradomin chaps; Monk's robe bottom; Saradomin plateskirt/platelegs
Weapon slot Saradomin crozier; Saradomin staff; Saradomin bow (2h); Saradomin mjolnir (2h); Saradomin godsword (2h); Saradomin sword (2h)
Shield slot Holy book; Illuminated holy book; Damaged holy book; Saradomin kiteshield
Glove slot Saradomin vambraces
Cape slot Saradomin cloak; Saradomin cape
Ammo slot Saradomin arrow (only 1 needed)
Aura slot None
File:Holy cithara Setup.png
A Player wearing items to get the Holy Cithara.

If you don't obtain it on your first try, but the ghost appears and you don't get dealt any damage, keep trying until you get it. It can take upwards of 15 tries to successfully grab the cithara. Note that if you are wearing 5 items, you won't take damage but the ghost will appear and tell you that you're not yet worthy. You won't be able to pick it up regardless of how many times you try.

Any of the following prevents players from obtaining the cithara:

  • Less than 100% run Energy
  • Being on the Ancient Curses or Ancient Magicks
  • More or less than maximum prayer points (i.e., boosted above maximum fails to work) - also altar upstairs for recharging your prayer if needed.
  • Having/wearing/wielding an item not aligned with Saradomin (other than amulet of ghostspeak and ring of visibility, i.e., most things in the game). This includes your inventory.
  • You may not claim the holy cithara if any of your Saradomin aligned items are borrowed. All the items must belong to you.

Tips and Misconceptions

  • Players only need 6 items worn to obtain the cithara. Wearing more items than necessary does work, but is not required.
  • The Citharede robes are not required, they are simply free and readily available after completing the quest.
  • An inexpensive way to achieve the 6 worn Saradomin items is using the 3 Citharede robes available from the quest, 1 Saradomin arrow, a Saradomin crozier and a Damaged holy book.
  • If a player has completed the Mage Arena, the Saradomin cape can be acquired for free (though potentially time-expensive, unless stored on a player's POH cape rack).
  • A majority of the items affiliated with Saradomin listed on the Saradomin page do not work. The white gloves and white boots are prime examples.
  • Although the Saradomin owl counts as a Saradomin item for the God Wars Dungeon, it does not count as a Saradomin item for the cithara.
  • Because all four of the Falador shields have a symbol that closely resembles the Saradomin symbol, it is sometimes mistaken for a Saradomin aligned item. However, this is not the case.
  • If players receive the message that states them as unworthy of obtaining the holy cithara, before moving forward in the conversation and being struck by current LP - 1, exit to the lobby, log back in, and try again.
  • If a player has completed the hard (Morytania Tasks), then it is possible to replace the Ghostspeak amulet with a Holy symbol, Citharede symbol, or Saradomin stole.


Listen to audio.
Unworthy to take the Cithara (link)
Saint Elspeth's voice-acted message when the player does not violate the requirements but does not reach them either.
Listen to audio.
Worthy to take the Cithara (link)
Saint Elspeth's voice-acted message when the player meets or exceeds all requirements to take the cithara.
Listen to audio.
Playing the cithara (link)