Troll brute

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Troll brute is a weak foe encountered during the Troll Warzone tutorial and after where you can fight them along with Troll chuckers and Troll shamans.


Troll tunnels north of Burthorpe, west cave.



Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bones Bones 1 1 Always 105


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bronze platelegs Bronze platelegs 1 2 Common 24
Bronze chainbody Bronze chainbody 1 2 Common 55
Bladestorm drape Bladestorm drape 1 3 Uncommon 2,966


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bronze spear Bronze spear 1 2 Common 145
Keenblade 1 3 Uncommon Not sold


Template:Charm:Troll brute


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Baked potato Baked potato 1 2 Common 260
Raw potato Raw potato 1 2 Common 105
Cooked meat Cooked meat 1 3 Uncommon 117
Bread Bread 1 3 Uncommon 56
Poorly-cooked beast meat Poorly-cooked beast meat 1 3 Uncommon 5
Crayfish Crayfish 1 3 Uncommon 45
Cooked chicken Cooked chicken 1 3 Uncommon 113
Rabbit sandwich Rabbit sandwich 1 3 Uncommon 308


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Grimy guam Grimy guam 1 2 Common 521


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 1, 3, 5 2 Common Not sold
Cowhide Cowhide 1 2 Common 291