Thok It To 'Em

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Thok It To 'Em (Saga #3)
File:Thok It To 'Em.png
Release date 1 June 2011 (Update)
Members? Yes
Developer James C

Official description

Thok It To 'Em is a tall tale from the perspective of Daemonheim's skillcape owner (but not wearer), Thok. Become the big lug and charge through a dungeon filled with huge beasts, all in the name of family, love and a fondness for killing creatures in surprisingly novel ways.

Development team

  • Developer: James C
  • Senior Designer: David O
  • Graphics: Alex R
  • Quality Assurance: Vicki M, Ian H, Daniel H, Stacey N, Liam H
  • Audio: Adam B


Start point: Talk to Skaldrun at Daemonheim after finding the Scribbled Notes on floors 30-35 Talk to Skaldrun at Daemonheim after finding the Scribbled Notes on floors 30-35
Members only: Yes
Official difficulty:
Description: None
Length: Medium
Requirements: 59 Dungeoneering, 70 Strength, access to at least floor 30
Items required: Ring of kinship to find the scribbled notes
Enemies to defeat: Stomp (level 119), Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan (level 112), Warped Gulega (level 209), Luminescent Icefiend (level 150), Forgotten Warrior, Forgotten Ranger, Nechryael, Ramokee

Optional: Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter (level 140), Rammernaut (level 154), Sagittare (level 138), Bulwark Beast (level 95)

Unfreezing Skaldrun

Skip to the next section if this has already been done.
  • In order to begin, the player must first unfreeze Skaldrun.
  • This can be done by entering the Frozen floors (1-11) in Daemonheim, with Complexity 2 or higher activated.
  • While completing the dungeon, look for Skaldrun, who will be in any room frozen in ice.
  • Kill all the monsters in the room so that the discussion with Skaldrun will not be interrupted.
  • Light any type of fire adjacent to the ice or cast a fire spell on the ice.
  • Talk to him. Choose each option. Once done, tell him to "Leave" and he will teleport to the surface.

Finding the memory fragment

  • The memory fragment required to start this saga are the Scribbled Notes.
  • These notes can be found during any dungeon on any of the floors between (and including) 30 and 35 on any Complexity.
  • When found, touch the scribbled notes.
  • Finish the dungeon or leave for the surface.

Into the saga

Thok's abilities

  • In this saga, the player controls Thok.
  • Thok heals by defeating enemies. More lifepoints are healed when he defeats bosses.
  • Thok can eat raw food, rune essence, and body runes.
  • Thok's sword can use special attacks (which seem to be chosen at random among the Dragon longsword's Cleave, the Dragon Scimitar's Sever, the Dragon 2h sword's Powerstab, the Vesta longsword's Feint, and a special headbutt) that takes up 25% of his special attack bar, which is also restored by killing enemies.
  • Thok's maximum number of lifepoints is 1500.


Thok fighting Stomp.

As Marmaros, you must defeat Stomp without food or prayer. Marmaros has 990 Lifepoints. Thok is there to help attack Stomp, but he doesn't help you charge the lodestones because he keeps trying to attack Stomp.

Once Stomp is defeated, you gain control of Thok. Marmaros has been injured, so you must venture deeper into Daemonheim to help him.

Thing with eyes

Thok attacking Thing with eyes with a special attack.

As Thok, you must defeat Thing with eyes without food or prayer. Run into the shelter of the pillars when this chatbox message appears "Eyeball thing glowing now." However, Thok is much more powerful than Marmaros and can hit over 1170. This battle should not be too difficult.

Afterwards, Thok must navigate a small dungeon. If you simply go through the dungeon without using the keys, there will only be enemies to fight. Puzzles and extra bosses only appear behind locked doors.

In the first room after you defeat Thing with eyes, it will appear you reach a dead end. A room with a Prayer requirement level of 10 (while Thok has a prayer level of zero, and there is no prayer altar anywhere) and a silver crescent lock (that has no silver crescent key anywhere). Simply "Exorcise Dark Spirit", whereupon the spirit will say "You need a prayer level of 10 to exorcise this spirit". However, simply select "Click here to continue" and Thok will order the dark spirit to go away after a brief conversation.

Warped gulega

Thok fighting the Warped Gulega for the Pretty Lass.

Later, you must protect the Pretty Lass from the Warped Gulega. This is not too difficult as long as you run out of the way when the Gulega surrounds you with tentacles, as he will slam you and reduce your lifepoints to 1 otherwise.

If you are not confident of evading this attack every time, you could lure the Warped Gulega to the entrance by entering and exiting the room. From then on, you could fight it while being close enough to Pretty Lass for her to heal you. This makes it impossible to lose as she would heal about 700 life points immediately after the Warped Gulega's special attack and before its next hit. You can also counter this by finding any Cave Morays, or "Sea meat" from the Forgotten Rangers/Warriors and Nechryals before.

Do not talk to the Pretty Lass about returning to Marmaros unless you want to finish abridged (meaning you haven't killed the rest of the bosses). If you wish to finish the unabridged version, walk away and kill the remaining bosses. After telling Pretty Lass to follow you to Marmaros, you will be instructed to get "something cold" for Marmaros.

Walking Icecube

At this point, Pretty Lass tells you that you must find something cold for Marmaros. You will get 10 "Sea meat", and anything else that you had before the Warped Gulega.

Thok fighting the Walking Icecube.

Thok must now defeat the Walking Icecube. This time, you will have food. It is easiest to let the icicles damage you until you are nearly dead (the icicles cannot kill you), eat one sea meat (which should give enough lifepoints to last until the next barrage of icicles), and repeat. You will use the icefiend's body as "something cold," thus concluding the abridged section.

After killing the icefiend, you are done. After killing it also, you and Marmaros are talking in the Occult Floors. Either click somewhere or listen to the conversation to end the saga.

Side objectives

Defeat the following bosses and retrieve a trophy from each without ever dying. You can use all Thok's special attack in the fights because it will recharge fully when you defeat the boss. Similarly, don't over eat food unless you will die otherwise, as Thok heals a lot (but not fully) after defeating the boss.

  • Coward with Bow, behind the Silver crescent door. To open, players must use the Silver curvy thing. Keep attacking him but move away when he teleports to avoid "Arrow rain".
  • Bulky warrior, through the Crimson rectangle door. To open, players must use the Red block. Just attack normally and move out of the way if he charges.
  • Armoured Cow Thing, locked behind the blue triangle door. To open, players must use the Blue pointed thing. Grab the pickaxe and destroy his armour before starting to attack him.
  • Gobby Demon, in the room blocked by the Orange shield door. To open, players must use the Orange stick thing. Don't run away too far, or he'll hit you very hard, but move out of the way when he creates the portals that damage you.
Ferret of Doom

The following are not required for 100%:


File:Saga 3 reward.png


An abridged book, which when read gives:


Together with the above rewards, an unabridged book, which when read gives:


The saga is always re-playable regardless the completion percentage. However, the player will only receive the rewards the first time that the objectives are completed.


  • Skaldrun gives you a thick tome for completing "Thok It To 'Em (unabridged)". When you read the reward for Thok It To 'Em (unabridged), you are presented with three options: 1. Strength; 2. Not Strength; 3. [Decide later].
    • If you select 2, then Thok says, "You made mistake? You mean Strength. Thok is strong, no need for other skill than Strength."
    • If you select 1, then you get the following message: "Thinking like Thok make you mighty" along with earning 75,765 Strength XP.
  • Thok It To 'Em is a play on the popular phrase "Sock it To 'Em."
  • All items and monsters are named from Thok's point of view. For example, the silver crescent key is called a silver curvy thing, the forgotten ranger is called Weakling, and the forgotten warrior is called Weaker than Thok. The only exceptions are the Warped Gulega and the Ramokee familiars.
  • Players that have not fought the Warped Gulega before will unlock the music track for it during the saga, even if they don't have the dungeoneering level required to face it.
  • There is currently a glitch where if your connection is interrupted or if you die before completing the saga, once it is completed with all the side objectives completed, you may only be credited for 60% instead of 100%, and be rewarded with only the abridged award.
  • During the Saga, you may encounter a Frozen Figure (Skaldrun) in the dungeon, specifically in the room before you fight Coward With Bow. Nothing can be done to unfreeze him.
  • The Ferret of doom is level 9001 which refers to the popular meme "It's over 9000!" from Dragonball Z.
  • If you die and choose to continue from the last savepoint, you might not be able to open certain doors to continue. This has been noticed in the room leading to Warped Gulega and in the Ramokee Familiars room. This would prevent you from finishing the saga unless you restart it from the beginning. Logging out and back in did not solve this. This has been fixed
  • You can use the rune essence on the altar, creating Body Runes that increase your special attack by ten percent. However, you can only make one at a time.
  • Since everything in the dungeon is from Thok's point of view, Thok has furophobia, which is the irrational fear of ferrets.
  • Mini-Marm (who Thok once called Mini-Thok) might be a reference to Mini-Me from Austin Powers.
  • Completing this saga unlocks new dialogue options with Thok at Daemonheim that involve his adventures during the story.
  • At the end of this saga you end up on the Occult floors, where the memory fragment was found.
  • Skaldrun's quote "I know, of course, but I tell whichever version makes for a better story" could be a reference to the book The Life of Pi by Yann Martel.
  • If you attack using the pickaxe found in the Bulwark Beast room, you can use the special attacks, get experience, and be able to see Thok's combat levels by mousing over the symbols at the top of the screen (Attack 120, Strength 140, Defence 99, Constitution 150).