Saradomin wizard

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"Saradomin mage" redirects here. For the Saradomin mages inside Mage Arena, see Battle mage.

Saradomin wizards will only attack you while doing Level 3 coordinate Clue Scrolls. They call out "For Saradomin!" upon appearing and attacking. They attack with a poisoned dragon dagger, and cast Saradomin strike when maging.

They are very dangerous as they are almost guaranteed to poison whenever they use melee, and they will also change attack styles if protection prayers are used. It has been confirmed that the Saradomin wizards are not immune to poison, although it can be difficult to poison them.


A Saradomin wizard will always appear whilst digging at the location of a level 3 coordinate clue, outside of the Wilderness unless you use the​ Meerkat familiars special which brings up the casket/scroll box without disturbing the wizard.

Strengths and weaknesses

Saradomin Wizards are much more powerful than their counterpart, Zamorak wizards. The Saradomin Strikes they use are uncharged, and hence hit a maximum of 200. Their melee attacks hit up to 149 life points and have a near 100% chance of inflicting poison, even if the attack does no direct damage (similar to Cave slimes), unless the player immunises themself with an Anti-poison potion, Anti-poison totem or has protect from melee activated before it appears (which prevents them from using their melee attack). As their daggers are tipped with (p++) poison, the poison will initially deal 68 life points of damage, decreasing by 2 life points with each hit. They are weak to ranged and slash attacks.

Tips for killing

  • If you run away from the wizard and return to the fight with Protect from Magic activated, he will only attack using magic.
  • It is a good idea to bring dragonhide and a bow when doing level 3 clues. When the Saradomin Wizard appears, hide behind a nearby obstacle, turn on the Protect from Magic or the Deflect Magic prayer, and range him.
  • Before digging, drink an anti-poison potion (or equip an anti-poison totem), an attack or a strength potion, prepare your weapon's special attack (if it has one) and then turn the protect from magic prayer on. By having protect from magic, the Saradomin wizard will attack with melee but as you should have good armour (with high defence bonuses) his dagger attacks should not be a problem and since you have either anti-poison or super or extra strong anti-poison potion, his poison will not affect you (unless your immunity runs out, which should not be a problem with super or higher anti-poison or the antipoison totem). Once the wizard is defeated, dig at the specified location again. Make sure to bring lobsters or other equivalent food and runes or any method of teleportation so that if your health gets low, you can teleport to safety and save the clue scroll. You can then go back to the spot and try again.
  • Another option is if you have a high magic level, and thus high magic defence, wear dragonhide armour (preferably black), use Protect from Melee prayer and he'll always attack with magic (his magic attacks will splash on your dragonhide most of the time, plus you will not get poisoned however, if you have low magic defence, he can hit constant 200s!) then either use dragon dagger special or range to kill them. Note that no matter how high your magic level is, remember to bring some food, just in case, because his magic hits harder than his melee.
  • The safest way to kill them is to stand out of their wandering radius and range them with the "longranged" style. Most coordinate spots have a wide-enough area to do this. If done correctly, the wizard either walk around aimlessly or attempt to retreat. Even though the player will be attacking him, he will be unable to strike back because the player is outside his radius. Also, you can trap them behind something, turn on protection from magic, and range them from behind it
  • If your combat statistics are melee based, and they are all 70+, a very effective strategy is to wear melee armour (Dragon or better) drink an anti-poison, and attack using protect from magic. You will be hit for very minimal damage, and should defeat him easily.



Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bones Bones 1 1 Always 105

Weapons and armour

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Air battlestaff Air battlestaff 1 3 Uncommon 8,790
Water battlestaff Water battlestaff 1 3 Uncommon 8,993
Earth battlestaff Earth battlestaff 1 3 Uncommon 9,093
Fire battlestaff Fire battlestaff 1 3 Uncommon 9,106


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Air rune Air rune 189, 196 3 Uncommon 1,512–1,568
Water rune Water rune 42, 126, 145, 146 3 Uncommon 294–1,022
Earth rune Earth rune 79, 86, 107 3 Uncommon 474–642
Fire rune Fire rune 51, 180, 188 3 Uncommon 714–2,632
Cosmic rune Cosmic rune 25 3 Uncommon 2,750
Template:ExchangeItemNat Nature rune 28, 30 3 Uncommon Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".
Law rune Law rune 9, 10 3 Uncommon 1,341–1,490
Death rune Death rune 45 3 Uncommon 8,325
Blood rune Blood rune 8, 40 3 Uncommon 1,560–7,800


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 77,89 3 Uncommon Not sold
Spin Ticket 1 4 Rare Not sold


  • Interestingly, the Saradomin Wizard can cast Saradomin Strike while wielding a dragon dagger, even though players can only cast the spell while wielding a Saradomin staff. Guthix wizards share this trait as well when casting Claws of Guthix.
  • Surprisingly, there is a very rare glitch that enables the wizard to sometimes inflict poison when using Saradomin Strike, even if he does not use melee at all throughout the fight. This is actually caused by the routine that the wizard uses to poison the player. If the wizard is in melee range and the player is not using Protect from Melee or Deflect Melee, the wizard has about a 95% chance of causing poison for each game tick that passes. The first game tick could fail, for example, but the poison might be inflicted on the second or third tick. Activating Protect from Melee or Deflect Melee prevents this from happening by causing the wizard to use his magic attack instead. The same glitch may also affect Guthix wizards, but this has not been confirmed.
  • Previously, wielding an Anti-poison totem before digging would not prevent the wizard from causing poison, even if the player was unpoisoned prior to digging. This glitch was fixed on 15 June 2010.
  • Despite being a Saradomin wizard, and, therefore, a follower of Saradomin, he does not wear the Saradomin cape.
  • Its possible to dress up as one by wearing desert robes, cape (yellow), dragon dagger (p++) and boots.
  • Despite wielding a dragon dagger, they do not drop one at all.
  • If you run away from the wizard and return to the fight with Protect from Magic activated, he will only attack using magic.
  • When the Saradomin wizard casts his spell, players can hear if it has splashed or hit before the projectile reaches them. This may be a glitch or oversight.
  • If you move away from the wizard while using Protect from Melee or Deflect Melee, he will follow you so that he is in melee range when he should be able to cast long-distance spells since he is using magic.
  • When digging for a clue scroll and a Saradomin Wizard attacks, if you dig again, another wizard will attack you if you are hiding from the attacks of the first Wizard.
  • There is an extremely rare chance but confirmed that the Saradomin Wizard can perform the dragon dagger special attack. It is unknown whether the level 125 version of the Guthix wizard (which also wields a dragon dagger) can also do this.

See also

nl:Saradomin Wizard