Protect Item
Protect Item Protect Item | |
Members only? | No/Yes |
Level | 25 (Standard Prayer), 50 (Ancient Curses) |
Prayer book | Standard Prayers and Ancient Curses |
Drain rate | 33.3 points per minute (1 point per 1.8 seconds) |
Effect | Keep 1 extra item upon Death |

Protect Item is a prayer in both the standard prayer list and the Ancient Curses. When it is active, the user will keep one extra item if they die. This means that if the player is Skulled, they will still keep one item and if they do not have a skull, they will keep four items. At the moment, it is the only known way to keep more than three items on death outside of a safe activity, besides the fury shark.
Use in PvP
Protect Item can be used in the Wilderness, except for High-risk worlds. It is common to see players Player-killing with only one item, such as a pair of Dragon claws or poisoned Dragon dagger. They can use the Protect Item prayer to avoid the effect of the skull and keep their weapon. This tactic is despised amongst many PKers in general and is commonly referred to as "1 iteming."
- Protect Item is unique in that it is the only prayer that appears on both the standard prayer list and the Ancient Curses list. The two versions are not completely identical however, as they require different levels and the Ancient Curses icon has two glowing rings around it, and appears smaller.
- Members who depend upon one-iteming are advised to bring a Prayer potion as player killers often use spells and prayers to drain their victims' prayer points before they kill them.
- Protect Item is the only curse that does not have a verbal incantation in the ancient hymnal.