List of quests/Novice

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For the full list of quests in RuneScape, see List of quests. For more info about quests, see Quests.

The following are a list of Novice quests in RuneScape:

Non-members' quests

Name Length Skill levels Quest requirements QP Rewards QS
Black Knights' Fortress Medium 13 Quest Points None 3

2,500 coins

The Blood Pact Short None None 1

100 experience. 100 experience. 100 experience. 100 experience. 100 experience. Access to Lumbridge Catacombs Helmet of trials (with 300+ quest points)

Cook's Assistant Very Short None None 1
300  experience.
Permission to use the cook's range (50% more successful food cooking).20 sardines (noted) 500 coins
Demon Slayer Medium None None 3
Silverlight  Talk to Historian Minas at the Varrock Museum to receive 5 Kudos (members)
What's Mine is Yours Short 5 None 1
180 coins.  1000  experience.  400  experience.  1 Gofannon amulet.
Ernest the Chicken Medium None None 4

3000 coins. 10 eggs. 300 feathers.

Goblin Diplomacy Very Short None None 5
A gold bar  200  experience.
Gunnar's Ground Short 5 None 5<ref>Only if Romeo and Juliet not completed</ref>

300 experience 200 xp Antique lamp Swanky boots Ability to get further Crafting tasks from Dororan (requiring up to level 90 Crafting, boosts allowed)

Imp Catcher Medium None None 1
An Amulet of Accuracy.
875  experience.
Pirate's Treasure Medium None None 2
One-time access to One-Eyed Hector's Treasure Chest (450 coins, cut Emerald and a Gold ring).
Access to Payfare option for Karamja shippings.
Prince Ali Rescue Long None None 3
700 coins
Free passage through the Lumbridge - Al-Kharid toll gate
Access to Sorceress's Garden activity (members)
The Restless Ghost Short None None 1
125  experience.  5 ancient bones that gives 200  experience each.  Amulet of Ghostspeak.  Ability to buy Gravestone Upgrades
Rune Mysteries Short None None 1
Access to Runecrafting skill.  Access to the Rune essence mine.  Air talisman and increased chance of getting other talismans.
Shield of Arrav Medium None None 1


Swept Away Short None None 2
A broomstick.  Additional magic experience from the witches across Gielinor.  Access to 10 bowls of experience-giving Goulash.  Access to the Purple cat miniquest.
Vampyre Slayer Short None None 3

4,825 experience.

Witch's Potion Short None None 1

325 experience.

Myths of the White Lands Medium None None 1

Antique lamp (500 skill exp) Access to Land of Snow Extra , , exp


Members' quests

Name Length Skill levels Quest requirements QP Rewards QS
Biohazard Short - Medium None Plague City 3

1,250 experience Access to Combat Training Camp

Buyers and Cellars Short 5
None 1

500 experience Access to the Thieving Guild

Clock Tower Short None None 1
500 coins
Death Plateau Medium None None 1

3,000 experience 1 Steel claws Ability to make claws Ability to buy climbing boots

Druidic Ritual Short None None 4

250 experience Access to Herblore skill

Dwarf Cannon Medium None None 1

750 experience Access to Dwarf multicannon Ability to smith cannonballs

Eagles' Peak Medium 27 None 2

2,500 experience Ability to capture ferrets Access to Eagle transport system

Elemental Workshop I Short 20
None 1

5,000 experience 5,000 experience Access to the Elemental Workshop Ability to make Elemental shield

Fishing Contest Short 10 None 1

2,437 experience Access to White Wolf Mountain shortcut

Fur 'n' Seek Medium 25 Rag and Bone Man 2

2,500 experience 2,500 experience 1,500 experience 500 experience 500 experience Access to second part of the quest

Gertrude's Cat Short None None 1

1,525 experience Access to pet kittens 1 chocolate cake, stew

Hazeel Cult Short None None 1

1,500 experience 2,000 coins

Jungle Potion Short - Medium 3 Druidic Ritual 1

775 experience Access to Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup

Let Them Eat Pie Very short None None 1

100 experience 150 experience An Expensive spices necklace. 5 meat pies.

Monk's Friend Short None None 1

2,000 experience 8 law runes

Murder Mystery Short None None 3

2,000 coins 1,406 experience

Nature Spirit Short - Medium 18
Priest in Peril
The Restless Ghost

3,000 experience 2,000 experience

2,000  experience Access to Mort Myre swamp Access to Nature Spirit altar, ghasts 3 apple pies, meat pies
Observatory Quest Short 10 None 2

2,250 experience 875 experience

875  experience
875  experience
875  experience An item of a few amount Access to Spirit of Scorpius
Perils of Ice Mountain Short 10
None 1

500 experience 500 experience 500 experience 500 experience Ability to smith pickaxes Access to the power station ladder for quicker access

Plague City Short - Medium None None 1

2,425 experience 1 A magic scroll (for Ardougne Teleport) Ability to make teletab to Ardounge Access to West Ardougne

Priest in Peril Medium None Rune Mysteries 1

1,406 experience Access to Morytania 1 Wolfbane dagger

Rag and Bone Man Medium None None 2

500 experience 500 experience Access to second part of the quest

Recruitment Drive Short None Black Knight's Fortress
Druidic Ritual

1,000 experience 1,000 experience 1,000 experience 1 Initiate sallet Access to Initiate Armour Gaze of saradomin (Access to Falador as respawn location)

Rune Mechanics Short 27
Rune Mysteries

Wolf Whistle

900  experience
2,300  experience
1,850  experience
Rune Guardian Pet
Fire talisman or Water talisman
Binding necklace
Sheep Herder Short None None 4

3,100 coins

Soul's Bane, A Medium None None 1

500 experience 500 experience 500 coins Access to Dungeon of Tolna

Tale of the Muspah, The Medium 6
None 1

1,000 experience 800 experience 800 experience 500 experience Experience lamp (200 exp) 4 sapphires Access to Mahjarrat Ritual Site Cavern

Tower of Life Short 10 None 2

1,000 experience 500 experience 500 experience Access to Creature Creation Access to Builder's costume and emote

Wolf Whistle Short None None 1

276 experience 275 Gold charms 9 Howl scrolls Access to Summoning skill

One Piercing Note Medium None None 2
250  experience Citharede robes 9 Troubadour Dance emote
Song from the Depths Short None None 2