Keldagrim south-west mine

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Keldagrim south-west mine
File:SW Kelda mine.png
Also known as? South Keldagrim mine
Location South of Keldagrim
Members only? Yes
Rocks 2 Copper rocks
5 Tin rocks
4 Iron rocks
1 Gold vein
5 Coal rocks
Monsters Mountain dwarf
Requirements None

The Keldagrim south-west mine is a mining site found south-west of Keldagrim, the subterranean capital of the Dwarven Realm. Players visiting Keldagrim on foot typically travel through the mine on their way through the city, as it is regularly serviced by a dwarven boatman who can take players directly from the mine to the city's docking facilities free of charge.

Like most of the sites in Keldagrim's expansive mining network, the Keldagrim south-west mine is owned by one of the eight companies belonging to the Consortium,<ref name="MiodvetnirConsortium">Miodvetnir, RuneScape."These mines are actually the territory of one of the eight major companies of the mining Consortium." *</ref> the ruling governing body of the Dwarven Realm. The ore it produces is used to support the city's industrious dwarven people. Although relatively small by the city's standards, the mine has a long history and was the first area opened to the outside world following the city's re-exposure to the surface in the Year 169 of the Fifth Age.

The mine contains a small assortment of minable rocks, including copper, tin, iron, coal, and gold. Although fairly unpopular, the mine also houses a variety of other features and as a result is often frequented by players. The entrances to Dondakan's mine and the Chaos Dwarf Battlefield can be found in the mine, as well as the starting points of two quests: Between a Rock...



The Keldagrim south-west mine straddles the River Kelda, a natural underground water-flow formed by melting snow that has worked its way underground from frigid surface regions such as Trollweiss Mountain.<ref>Derni, RuneScape. "But this water here, you see, it comes dripping down from above." *</ref> Upon reaching a certain depth, this snow is melted by volcanic activity that evidently exists above Keldagrim and the mine itself.<ref>Miodvetnir, RuneScape. "Molten snow, you see." *</ref> The cavern that the mine now occupies was likely formed, at least to an extent, by erosion that occurred over the course of thousands of years, during the First and Second Ages.

A second, much smaller tributary stream divides the mine north-to-south before joining the Kelda. This suggests that other water erosion may have been involved in the cavern's early formation.

Early History

The mine's discovery has been dated back to the Third Age, when Keldagrim was founded by a clan of dwarves native to what is now known as the Fremennik Province. Fearing that they would be wiped out in the rapidly escalatic conflicts of the God Wars, the clan's members sought refuge beneath the surface of Gielinor. The clan ultimately found shelter beneath the mountainous terrain of Troll Country, east of the Fremennik Province. The age of the dwarven statues outside the city's tunnel entrance suggest that the south-west mine may have been the first place the dwarves visited on their way to the massive cavern in which they would ultimately settle.

Beneath the surface, the clan built the hidden city of Keldagrim using the last of their magical abilities. The dwarves' gradual loss of their magicks meant that, in order to survive beneath the surface for what could be an indefinite amount of time, Keldagrim would have to adapt. The caverns beneath Troll Country were extremely rich in ore, and as a result the dwarves gradually came to embrace the arts of mining and smithing. The south-west mine was amongst the first used by the city.

Development, and the Arzinian Mine

It is unclear how frequently, and to what extent, the mine has been used over the course of its existence. A book about dwarven history found during the Between a Rock... quest indicates that the mine is part of a much larger network that likely extends along the River Kelda and its tributaries to the west. However, should these mines exist, they are inaccessible to humans to this day.

File:Arzinian Mine.png
The Arzinian Mines in which the Arzinian Avatar sought refuge.

The mine's close proximity to tunnels leading to Trollweiss Mountain and other parts of Troll Country means that mountain trolls have been a continuous threat to the mine's security for thousands of years. Amongst the casualties of the Keldagrim - Troll Country War have been many miners and workers.

At some point fairly close to the city's establishment, a demonic being known as the Arzinian Avatar appeared in the mines. It is unclear how or why the being entered the mining network, although it is said to have come from a dimension known as Bordanzan. Once inside the mines, the Avatar began attacking those it encountred, effectively making the mines inaccessible. As the city was already very dependent upon the mines, the dwarves were left with no choice but to fight it head-on. However, conventional combat proved useless against the being, which was both magically and physically extremely powerful. The city's government, the Elders of Keldagrim, somehow discovered that the Avatar could be weakened through the use of gold ore, and sent warriors into the mine wielding gold rocks.

The Avatar was pursued for three days and nights, eluding its hunters in the complex mines. Eventually the Avatar was cornered in a small tunnel that is now the northern-most part of the south-west mines, near the Kelda's tributary. The Avatar, now aware that it could not defeat its foes in combat, used its powers to collapse the tunnel, killing those warriors in the immediate area. A huge number of gold-bearing dwarves immediately charged the Avatar following the avalanche, causing it to collapse on itself. However, in an effort to preserve its essence without returning to Bordanzan, the Avatar pulled all the loose rock and debris in the area into its essence, creating a dimensional pocket. The pocket itself was physically manifested in Gielinor as a seemingly impenetrable rock roughly the size of a small doorway. The Avatar was left in a state of hibernation as it slowly re-generated.

After the Avatar's defeat, use of the south-west mine resumed. Over the course of millennia, the dwarves' knowledge of the Arzinian Avatar was lost, and the nature of the rock embedded in the mine's wall was forgotten. Although the history of the Avatar was preserved in some obscure dwarven history books, it was not until the Fifth Age that the Avatar was re-discovered.


The south-west mine remained in use throughout both the Age of Kings and Rise of the Consortium, and saw massive industrialisation during the Golden Age of the Dwarves that began in 1669 of the Fourth Age. Following the establishment of the Consortium, a massive statue of King Alvis, the last monarch of Keldagrim, was built on the River Kelda, near the mine's northern border.

One of many ships used to transport goods and workers between the mine and Keldagrim city.

The advent of steam engine technology saw Keldagrim's re-evaluation of its mining and metalworking methods. The extraction of ore and transportation of workers, machinery, and other materials in the mine was revolutionised by the invention of the steam ship. Docks were built at the Kelda's edge in order to facilitate ships travelling to and from the mine. To this day, a number of steamships service the mine regularly. All of these seem to run on the River Kelda; the presence of a basic wooden barrier in the tributary stream's northern fringes suggests that, while water traffic exists in the tributary, it is not permitted to enter the mine directly.

Although the mine largely runs on recently-developed technology, certain aspects of its design remain based on ancient dwarven mining practises. This can be observed clearly in the basic firepits which dot the mine and give the area basic means of lighting and heating.

Modern Day Developments

Dondakan's setup in the south-west mine.

The south-west mines have seen a surge in activity during the modern day. At some point in the recent past the mine was purchased by one of the members of the Consortium,<ref name="MiodvetnirConsortium"></ref> bringing more regulation and control to the area.

In the Year 151, Dondakan, father of Commander Veldaban of the Dwarven Black Guard, began to investigate the strange rock left by the Arzinian Avatar. Unaware of its nature but determined that the rock contained great wealth, Dondakan and a large group of followers set to work in an effort to open the rock and claim its contents. Conventional mining operations, dwarf multicannons, and granite boots all failed to break the rock. After 18 unsuccessful years, Dondakan's following dissipated and he was left poor and alone.

Several years ago, the mines were invaded by a hostile group of trolls via an adjacent tunnel network known to the dwarves as Barendir. A number of miners were slain, prompting Supreme Commander Bisi of the Dwarven Black Guard to send a military regiment into Barendir in retaliation.<ref>Commander Veldaban, "Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf", RuneScape. "It was a few years ago. The trolls had been attacking our miners, so the Supreme Commander sent a Black Guard regiment to deal with them." *</ref> The regiment, which was led by Colonel Grimmson, found the trolls entrenched in a fortified position that ultimately proved extremely difficult to capture. Hundreds of dwarves were killed in the battle, and the carnage that both sides suffered during the Battle of Barendir lived on in infamy amongst the soldiers present. In the coming years, the surviving trolls under Pretty Flower largely avoided the south-west mines, and the dwarves closed access to Barendir so as to avoid further conflict.<ref>Commander Veldaban, "King of the Dwarves", RuneScape. "There's not been a major attack since the Battle of Barendir. We've kept out of these caves and Pretty Flower has left us alone." *</ref>

In the Year 169 of the Fifth Age, the Consortium opened the mines to visitors from the surface as the first step in a plan to re-connect with the rest of Gielinor. The venture was considered a success, and shortly afterwards the entire city was opened. During the Between a Rock... quest, an adventurer aided Dondakan in his efforts to break the rock. The two eventually discovered that, because of the Avatar's weakness to gold, it was possible to pass through the rock by hitting it with gold ore at a high speed. The adventurer entered the rift and found what is now known to be the largest single deposit of gold ore in Gielinor. After the adventurer defeated the Arzinian Avatar and delayed its re-generation, the rift fell into the joint hands of Dondakan and the Consortium. The south-west mine has since been populated by dwarves transporting gold from the rift to Keldagrim.

In Year 169, following the events of The Giant Dwarf, The Red Axe mining company left Keldagrim and established at least two secret bases outside of the city. One of these was built in an abandoned portion of the Keldagrim south-west mine, west of what is now the mine's sole gold vein. The base was used to convert kidnapped dwarves from Keldagrim east into hostile chaos dwarves. The mine later became the site of a battle between the Dwarven Black Guard led by Colonel Grenda and a number of chaos dwarves during the Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf quest. Following the events of the quest, the mine became the site of an ongoing battle between The Red Axe's chaos dwarves and dwogres and the First Regiment of the Dwarven Black Guard. The Chaos Dwarf Battlefield, which can be found in a small sub-chamber of the mines outside The Red Axe's base, remains the first line of defence in protecting the city from the Red Axe's invading armies.

The Red Axe's forces stationed in Barendir.

Shortly after the events of Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf, The Red Axe launched a second offensive on the mines, this time from the Barendir tunnel network in its southeastern-most point. During the events of the King of the Dwarves quest, Colonel Grenda expanded her defences to Barendir, and with the help of Veldaban and an adventurer, The Red Axe's leading party under Colonel Grimmson was pushed back. Shortly thereafter, the adventurer recruited the help of Pretty Flower's forces, who consequently pushed the rest of the army back to their stronghold, believing that the Red Axe have made fun of his name, an act that enrages him enough to commit mass murder, as he did to Tiny Insect.


For general information about reaching Keldagrim, see Keldagrim#Transporation.
The surface entrance to the south-west Keldagrim mines.

Players visiting Keldagrim must do so either via either the south-west mine or by using the city's mine cart or train systems. Because of this, any methods used to reach Keldagrim on foot typically are effective in reaching the mine as well. The mine itself can be reached by travelling northeast of Rellekka to the coast of the Lunar Sea. South of the Rellekka Hunter area, players will find a cavern entrance guarded by two dwarf statues. Once inside, the mine can be reached via the second, smaller entrance parallel to the one they just entered.

A Dwarven Boatman found near the mine's entrance can take players from the mine into Keldagrim, and vice-versa. Alternatively, players that have started The Giant Dwarf quest can go to and from the northern part of the mine by passing through the small watchtower near the River Kelda. The city's bank, as well as Keldagrim Palace, can be found immediately north of the tower.

Points of Interest

Transportation Facilities

The south-west mines are facilitated by a number of steamships and ferries. Apart from the dwarven boatman that takes players between Keldagrim and the mine, two ferryman also maintain a ferry service that players can use to move from the separate parts of the mine. One ferryman can be found on the south side of the river, near the mine's southern entrance; the other can be found on the north side, near the Kelda. Formerly, players were required to pay 2 coins to use the service; however, along with the release of the Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf quest, the Consortium now subsidises the trips. As a result, players may cross the Kelda free of charge.

Additionally, players can observe a number of other ships docked in the mines. One of these, a large steamship docked in the mine's south-east corner, is owned by a trio of dwarves known as Dernu, Derni, and Miodvetnir. The ship presumably services the mine or further sites along the River Kelda; however, the ship cannot be used by players.

Mining Sites

A number of small mining sites can be found dotted around the Keldagrim south-west mine. The first is found in the south-east corner of the mine, immediately east of the south entrance. This site contains 5 coal rocks and 2 copper rocks. This is the only site that players can reach from the south entrance without first crossing the River Kelda via ferry.

Upon crossing the Kelda, players can travel west to access another site containing 4 iron rocks and a single gold vein. If players travel east and then turn north at the River Kelda, they can find an additional 5 tin rocks. Because the Keldagrim south-west mine is so expansive and lacks high-level ores, it is usually a fairly unpopular place to mine for an extended period of time. However, it is popular amongst players doing minitasks in the city. Players doing local quests often require various ores to proceed, and as a result the mine is popular amongst them as well. Additionally, players stealing from dwarf traders in the Trade Octagon can bribe company directors into manipulating trade floor guards by obtaining various ores and bars, increasing the mine's popularity further.

Keldagrim itself hosts a variety of services that can be used to increase the mine's usefulness, including a bank, the blast furnace, 5 anvils, a general store, an ore shop, a pickaxe shop, and a number of other mining sites, including the Keldagrim entrance mining site, the Keldagrim north-east mine, and the Keldagrim north mine.

Dondakan's Mine

Players wearing gold helmets are a common sight in the Keldagrim south-west mines.
Main article: Dondakan's mine

Players may begin the Between a Rock... quest by speaking to Dondakan, who can be found in the northwestern most passage of the mine alongside a dwarf multicannon and various types of cannonballs. Players that have completed the quest can access Dondakan's Mine by wearing a gold helmet and speaking to Dondakan, who will then shoot them into the former lair of the Arzinian Avatar.

Inside, players will find 146 gold rocks. Players may send their gold ore to the Keldagrim bank by speaking to the ore hauler found east of Dondakan's camp, near the River Kelda. The boatman will take players' gold ore to the bank for a number of gold ores that is proportianate to the number being shipped. This number can be lowered using a ring of charos (a). Players may use the boatman's service for any gold ore, including ore mined in the south-west mine itself. However, because the mine contains only one gold vein, this is not a common practice.

The addition of a second door to the Keldagrim Watchtower presents players with the option to deposit their gold ore by travelling directly to the Keldagrim bank on foot, bypassing the gold fee that the boatman requires. This also allows players to keep any gems or strange rocks they may find while mining. This method has become popular amongst players.

Chaos Dwarf Battlefield

A chaos dwogre, amongst the forces attempting to invade the mine.

Players that have reached a certain point in the Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf quest may access The Red Axe's base, a location found in an abandoned section of the south-west mines. After unlocking a doorway by manipulating a firepit south of the Keldagrim Watchtower, the entrance to the base can be found west of the mine's single gold vein.

Upon completing the quest, the cavern leading to the base becomes the site of an onging battle between The Red Axe and the First Regiment of the Black Guard. The battlefield is popular amongst players for its wide range of attackable monsters and the potential to receive drops such as the dragon pickaxe and hand cannon. The only way to reach the Battlefield is by travelling through the south-west mine, and as a result players inside the mine may often observe others on their way to the battlefield.

Other Points of Interest

Players that have reached a certain point in The King of the Dwarves quest may access the Barendir Tunnels via a guarded crevice in the southeastern-most point of the mines. Although the tunnels themselves are largely empty following the quest, they also lead to Pretty Flower's small troll settlement.

The south-west mines host one of Keldagrim's two small Summoning Obelisks. Players may use the obelisk to recharge their Summoning points. Players using familiars for any purpose inside the mines will find the obelisk extremely useful. The Distraction and Diversion Familiarisation can also be started at the obelisk, provided the druid Pikkenmix has appeared there as part of his random movements around Gielinor.


Main article: NPCs of Keldagrim
  • Dwarven Boatman: Players may speak to the dwarven boatman near the mine's south entrance to travel to Keldagrim. Afterwards, he can also be found at the docks in the city. The boatman is also the starting point of The Giant Dwarf quest.
  • Dwarven Boatman (ore hauler): A second dwarven boatman can be found just south of the Keldagrim Watchtower. The ore hauler will take players' gold ore to the bank in Keldagrim for a percentage of their ore.
  • Dwarven Ferryman: Two dwarven ferryman can be found in the mines: one north of the River Kelda, the other near the mine's southern entrance. The ferryman will take players across the Kelda free of charge, allowing them to access both parts of the mine more easily.
  • Dernu, Derni, and Miodvetnir: A trio of dwarves known as Dernu, Derni, and Miodvetnir can be found on a large dock on the River Kelda's south side. The three own a large steamship, but currently do not seem to be using it. Should players talk to them, they will explain certain elements of the south-west mine's development.
  • Dondakan the Dwarf: Players may speak the Between a Rock... quest by speaking to Dondakan in the north-western-most corner of the mines. Dondakan is an elderly dwarf who dedicated his life to opening a seemingly impenetrable rock found in the mines. After completing the quest, players may access Dondakan's mine by speaking to him while wearing a gold helmet.
  • Black Guard: A single member of the Dwarven Black Guard can be found stationed outside the Barendir tunnel entrance. Until the player has reached a certain point in the King of the Dwarves quest, the guard will prevent them from entering the caves. Unlike most Black Guard members found in Keldagrim, he cannot be attacked.


The only monsters to inhabit the south-west mine are several level-20 mountain dwarves. Mountain dwarves are not aggressive, and can be found scattered throughout the mine. They are not typically popular foes amongst players, although they can be killed to receive heightened slayer experience if players receive dwarves as a task from a slayer master but are not strong enough to effectively fight Black Guard members.

Additionally, players can find level-69 mountain trolls in the tunnel outside the mine's south exit. However, the trolls' wander radius does not extend to the end of the tunnel, and as such players can travel to and from the mine without fear of being attacked, unless they are coming through the tunnel the from the southernmost part of Trollweiss Mountain. Inside the Chaos Dwarf Battlefield, players will also find a wide range of monsters including Black Guards, Black Guard Berserkers, Black Guard crossbowdwarves, chaos dwarves, chaos dwarf hand cannoneers, and chaos dwogres.


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