Free-to-play Woodcutting training

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This article is about the free-to-play guide. For the members' guide, see Pay-to-play Woodcutting training.
File:Varrock yew cutting.gif
A woodcutter north of Varrock Palace.

Woodcutting in free-to-play consists of the concepts of; cutting yews for money, training to level 60 in order to be able to cut down yews, or powercutting willow logs for the purpose of experience.

Woodcutting is not as tedious to train compared to some other skills, as locations for tree cutting are diverse and experience is amassed quickly. However, like all other skills, one must have a certain amount of patience to train this skill in free-to-play, since F2Ps (non-members) have fewer kinds of trees and fewer locations than P2Ps (members). Then woodcutting usually ranges at around 30k-55k experience per hour at the max. This skill has become a popular skill for new players. The skill requires different hatchets for faster experience but using a Bronze hatchet will still cut down any tree, provided the player has the sufficient woodcutting level, albeit at a slower pace.


Different hatchets are available to cut trees for free-to-play players, ranging from bronze to rune. It's recommended you always use the best hatchet you can. The first priority in F2P woodcutting is to reach level 41 for use of the Rune hatchet.

Level Name Notes
1 Bronze hatchet Obtained free from Bob in Lumbridge once per day (though you can still buy more if you want, but the free one is once per day, and is only for the bronze hatchet).
1 Iron hatchet Easier to cut trees than with Bronze hatchet, and it can be used at the same level, though more costly.
6 Steel hatchet Best hatchet available in regular shops.
6 Black hatchet

Somewhat uncommon to find due to the inability to smith Black equipment. More expensive than both steel and mithril hachets.

21 Mithril hatchet It can be used to cut trees anytime you want, but most people switch to adamant after level 31. Recommended to use the Adamant hatchet to train from level 31-41.
31 Adamant hatchet Recommended in cutting trees until level 41. A good hatchet for those who can't afford a Rune hatchet.
41 Rune hatchet The best hatchet in free-to-play, available at level 41.


Level Name Notes GE price per log
1 Trees The only single-log tree. Gives logs, and yields 25 XP per log. Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins
15 Oak trees Gives oak logs, and yields 37.5 XP per log. Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins
30 Willow trees Gives willow logs, and yields 67.5 XP per log. Draynor village is a popular f2p area to cut willows. Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins
45 Maple trees Gives maple logs, and yields 100 XP per log. Requires 30 dungeoneering to chop, since the only place available to chop them is Daemonheim Woodcutting Island. Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins
60 Yew trees Gives yew logs, and yields 175 XP per log. Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins (high demand)

Level 1-15

Regular trees can be cut. There are many trees in the forest between Lumbridge and Draynor Village, and south of Falador. It is advised that players find a spot within a short distance from a bank or general store so they can bank or sell their logs. If you are looking to get another skill up as well, banked logs can be later be used to train Firemaking. A particularly good place for this is south of the Grand Exchange, as the area is abundant with trees and players can quickly bank or sell their logs at the Grand Exchange. Ironically, regular logs are worth more than double maple willow and oak logs, though being the lowest level logs. You need 97 regular logs, yielding a total of 2425 experience points, to reach level 15, after which you can cut oak logs. A full inventory of regular logs can get you about 2,000-3,000gp on the Grand Exchange, depending on the current price, so cutting them is very profitable as well, and selling all 97 regular will get you about 10,000gp. Buy the highest hatchets you can use, because you will cut much faster with the higher hatches.

Level 15-30

Oak trees can be cut. The locations are:

  • East of Draynor Village's bank. Jail Guards no longer are aggressive so this is a good training spot for all levels.
  • West of Varrock. Near the watchtower is a good choice. It is right next to a bank, so players can chop and bank.
  • North-west of Varrock is ideal because it is right by the Grand Exchange.
  • North-west of Lumbridge (Either bank these logs or sell them to the nearby General Store).
  • Between Falador and Draynor Manor (near the wall) -- Only recommended if you are going to either drop the logs or use them to train Firemaking
  • Also next to Draynor Bank there is an Oak Tree, this can be useful for people wishing to make money from oak logs.

You must cut 292 oak logs, yielding 10950 experience points, to reach level 30.

Level 30-99

Players would need to decide on cutting willow trees or oak trees, willow giving more experience per log but oak trees are worth more in coins and may be cut more quickly. If looking at experience per hour, then cut oak trees till around level 65. (The average experience rate per hour for oak is higher than willow below level 65 and higher for willow after level 65.) It is recommended to cut oak trees and to avoid willow trees if the player has no access to adamant hatchets or above.

It is recommended that you chop willows by the Grand Exchange, east of the River Lum, and the building to the west of the Exchange. Update one of the west and one on the east. West side has a bank and a store near it.

Willow trees can be cut here:

Willow Tree Locations (with Banking)

  • Draynor Village bank; most popular F2P spot for cutting willows. At any time, there should be an empty world to hop to in case of crowding.
  • East of Draynor Village; 7 Willow trees surrounding a small pond.
  • Port Sarim has 4 willow trees near the rocky fence separating it and Draynor Village. There is a deposit box near the boat to Entrana, beside the monks. Rarely used.

Willow Tree Locations (without banking (i.e. dropping)) If banking is not desired, there are other good willow tree spots at:

  • Northwest of the Crafting Guild, which contains a fairly large grove of willow trees that are rarely populated.
  • South of Rimmington (by the altar behind the jail)
  • South of Varrock West of Dark Wizard circle. Generally uncrowded.
  • West of Lumbridge there are many around a little lake. Generally uncrowded.
  • South of Varrock South-West of the Dark Wizards. Generally Uncrowded.
  • Lumbridge North of the Chicken Coop. Every so often someone is there.
  • Daemonheim Peninsula Resource Dungeon (30 Dungeoneering Required) has plenty of empty willow trees in most worlds, and effectively might be the least used location for power training due to its requirement and that it is not well-known. You can also firemake logs here (see below.)

Willow Tree Locations (with General Store) {C}Another good way to train Woodcutting with willows is by selling them to a general store either in

  • Lumbridge (use the trees by the River Lum east of the Lumbridge general store, and sell to the general store nearby)
  • Rimmington (cut the willows to the south-east of the town and sell to the general store).

Willow Tree Locations (with Firemaking) If one would like train Firemaking and Woodcutting simultaneously they can cut a full inventory and then burn all their logs and repeat.

  • West of Lumbridge around the little lake there are many willow trees. For Firemaking run to the west wall of Fred the Farmer's chicken pen and start lighting logs.
  • West and South west of Port Sarim there are plenty of willow trees to cut and burn.
  • With Level 30 Dungeoneering, you can access a resource dungeon at the coast of Daemonheim, near the place where the boat from Al Kharid left you off. After a full inventory firemake the logs. There is not enough room anywhere to light the logs all in one direction, so you should either run a few steps and then light a log (using up no time) or start a new row as far east as you can. (since lighting logs makes you step westward.)
  • South Rimmington is also good for firemaking as well as dropping - walk a few spaces north and make a line begininning by going west along the top of the small shed which has a Customs Sergeant sleeping inside - a full line can be made, making this a perfect spot, as well as being extremely unused.

Alternatively, you can simply light a single fire and continue to add logs, but this is a slower method.

If you cut oaks, you must cut 703 oak logs, yielding 26362.5 experience points to reach level 45, after which you can cut maple logs, which are rare to F2P because of the requirement of 30 Dungeoneering to enter the resource dungeon on the Daemonheim Peninsula.

It is also advised to go to the yew trees at Edgeville because it is very close to the bank. The Grand Exchange is relatively close to Edgeville, and there is a General Store nearby if you want quick but minimal cash.

Level 80-85 (90 Recommended)

At level 45 Woodcutting, players can cut Maple trees but is not advised until level 80 Woodcutting since the experienced gained would be a lot less than with Willow logs due to the slowness at which Maples can be cut, which give 100 experience per log cut. The only Maple trees for Free-to-play can be found in the resource dungeon found on the Daemonheim peninsula, however, level 30 Dungeoneering is required to enter.

In the same resource dungeon there are also many willow trees. Maple trees give more experience per log than willows, but less than Yews, however they are much faster than Yews making them a good choice for fast experience. They are more valuable than willow logs as they are often bought to train Firemaking and Fletching, however, for faster experience, players are advised to stick to cutting Willow logs at locations such as Draynor Village and Rimmington, as Daemonheim is quite far away from a bank.

For those who intend to cut Maple logs, it is recommended to bring and wear a Ring of Kinship in order to use its teleport option, as a faster method of transportation from the dungeon to the banker to bank logs if you wish to bank. After banking, the only option to get back to Woodcutting Island is to run/walk back to the dungeon entrance. One could also run back and forth from the dungeon to the bank, or they could simply drop their logs. In an experiment, it is found that banking in Daemonheim is faster than burning. It takes approximately 1 minute 35 seconds to burn the logs just outside the resource dungeon, whereas, in comparison it takes approximately 1 minute 7 seconds to teleport to Daemonheim, bank, and run back. Burning is not a bad option either, as players get both Woodcutting and Firemaking experience in a 30 second travel difference. However, it is generally recommended that players have at least 80 Woodcutting before cutting Maple logs, as the speed of the Maple logs cut is dramatically slower than cutting Willow trees if one's woodcutting level is beneath that.

For those who intend to continue to cut Willow logs, recommended places are Draynor Village and Rimmington. In terms of experience per hour, Willow logs are the preferable option.

Level 85 (90 Recommended) - 99

At level 60 woodcutting, the yew tree can be cut. However, it is not recommended to switch to yews at level 60, as the time it takes to cut one log off a yew tree, players can cut off several more with a willow tree, therefore, yielding much faster experience for willow trees. It is recommended that players stay with willows after level 60 as the logs are cut at a quicker rate and with greater experience compared to other trees. Once at level 85+, Yew trees will be your best option.

To get to level 99 with willow logs, players must cut 192,493 willow logs, yielding 12,993,277.5 experience points.

Rimmington has another great spot to cut willows, just south of the general store. It contains four trees close to each other, and is almost always as empty as the spot mentioned above. The advantage is the distance to the general store, making it very easy to dispose of your logs. Players should keep in mind that this spot is slowly getting more popular, and as a result, on crowded worlds, there could be several players Woodcutting here, however, this place is considered faster than the Draynor location.

Another popular location is a few feet south of Draynor bank. In an experiment, it took 3 minutes and 23 seconds to travel from the Draynor bank, South to the willows, to a full inventory of logs, back to the Draynor bank. It took 3 minutes and 13 seconds to travel from the Draynor bank, north-east to a lake area with willows, to a full inventory of logs, back to the Draynor bank. The first choice, although further from the bank, is much more straightforward (just clicking on trees) than the latter, however, it is extremely populated.

Willow trees close to the General Store.

If players intend to burn logs (thus training the Firemaking skill) instead of banking or selling them, there is a whole grove of willow trees south of Port Sarim that is usually empty of players. Additionally, players can chop willows directly north of the Crafting Guild, by the Hobgoblin Peninsula.


  • In reality, oaks are one of the stouter kinds of tree, yet in RuneScape it is easier to cut down than the willow, which, in reality, is easier to bend.