Raw beef

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This article is about the drop from ordinary cows. For the drop from undead cows, see Raw beef (undead).
Raw beef
Release date 4 January 2001 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 35 coins
Low Alch 23 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price 59 coins
Examine I need to cook this first.
Weight 0.3 kg
[view] [talk]
A detailed view of raw beef
A detailed view of raw beef

Raw beef is an uncooked food. Players require only level 1 cooking to cook raw beef. It gives 30 cooking experience when cooked. When cooked, the raw beef may become Cooked meat or Burnt meat. When cooked successfully, it heals 30 Lifepoints. Players can buy it from Rufus in Canifis, from the Darkmeyer trader in Darkmeyer, and from Chargurr in Oo'glog. Raw Beef is always dropped from cows. Members can convert raw beef into sinew by using it on a range and choosing the "Make sinew" option.

Raw beef is used in the Druidic Ritual quest and as the tertiary ingredient in infusing Bloated leech pouches. It is also used in the Witch's Potion Quest in which the witch needs Burnt Meat for a potion.

Do not confuse this with the rancid raw beef on the Grand Exchange. Regular raw beef is used for summoning. Since raw beef (undead) costs much more, buying it by mistake may be a loss for the player.

Raw beef is used as a summoning tertiary ingredient in bloated leeches, and because of this it is often traded at a price many times the cost of buying raw beef from a vendor on the Grand Exchange and in the forums.

Players may receive raw beef from opening a box of summoning ingredients, a possible reward from the Familiarisation Distraction and Diversion.

Dropping monsters

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Cow 2 1 1Always
Cow calf 2 1 1Always
Werewolf 88,93 5 2Common
Yuri 24 5 2Common

fi:Raw beef nl:Raw beef