Gielinor Games/Cheese Wheel Rolling

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Gielinor Games/Cheese Wheel Rolling was discontinued from RuneScape after an update.

Cheese Wheel Rolling is an activity available during the Gielinor Games. It may be accessed by entering the portal in Varrock Square.

Catch the cheese!

The gameplay consists of running though a course filled with many obstacles from rocks, logs, to even another player's cheese wheel. The main goal is to get to the finish and catch your cheese wheel. The objective is to stay upright for 50 rounds. Defence experience and contribution points are earned from this event, amount dependant on rounds survived.

The amount of contribution points given is 10 x Rounds Ran, 11x if using the Herculean Gold Ring

Listen to audio.
Prepare, set and fall! (link)


  • The most efficient method in this game is that you just click on the field (not cheese) before you enter the arena, as you will seemingly run/teleport to where you clicked. When you wish to turn right, click to right and same for left. Also you can follow after people into the arena and tele-run to them, but you can easily trip with them, so this is not suggested.
    Players racing to catch their cheese wheel.
  • Players will trip over other cheese wheels. There is no way to stop this, as the cheese wheels move erraticly and the character reacts too slowly to get out of the way. You can avoid this situation by rolling first or rolling after everyone has started running. This way there are no cheese wheels occupying the same row as the player to trip them up. The most popular method is to NOT roll the cheese at all, as you can click anywhere across the line to begin running without rolling the cheese.
  • Lagging internet connection is thought to be a contributing issue towards tripping in the race.
  • It is apparently possible to trip over nothing. This occurs quite commonly, making this much harder to complete than it seems.


It is possible to actually 'complete' the course without tripping. There are a few ways to prevent this from happening:

  • Follow a player until you reach a point where you need to click away to avoid a rock or a log. This supposedly cheats the system which makes it think that the running just started.
  • Follow an experienced player who can take you all the way through. This seems highly unlikely so be on the look out for rocks and logs.
  • Do not pay any attention to who you are following since your character reacts slowly when spam clicking to get out of the way and you may crash from not paying attention. Also, the player that is being followed may trip over nothing.
  • There is some type of speeding glitch, but it has not been asked about whether or not it is done automatically or manually or if it is just a glitch.
  • When you trip click the 'play again' option and then quickly click on the minimap in front of where you crashed. If you do it before your character respawns at the entrance he will run to where you clicked without falling.


  • The event is a reference to the annual cheese rolling in Gloucestershire, England.
  • When at the starting line, the cheese wheels' examine text is "In ancient times, rolling a cheese down a hill was a symbol of...well, madness, but we won't go into that." When the wheel is rolling, it is "Catch the cheese! CATCH THE CHEESE!"
  • It is possible to open the Equipment Stats interface, use the customization menu and use emotes during the run. This will freeze your character in their place. A more practical way of freezing your character during the cheese roll is by clicking the "Open House Options" button in the Options tab. When using the emote with your torch, your character won't freeze by just performing the emote while running.
  • It is possible to place/read/remove a clan vexillum during the run. It will stop your character if you read it, but you cannot read it unless you click on it before starting. If you attempt to read or remove it after tripping, you will be teleported back to Varrock. If you attempt to place one after tripping, it will be placed, but you will also be teleported back to Varrock. If you attempt to place one on an obstacle you will get a message saying "You are unable to place the vexillum, as the space in front of you is blocked" and you will be frozen there until you close the message.
  • It is possible to roll the cheese and not start running. Click to roll then immediately click to walk back.
  • You can stop yourself through gazing into the Orb of Occulus.
    File:CheeseWheel Glitch.png
    Several players who "won" the race.
  • Some emotes such as Living on Borrowed Time and Puppet Master will stop you until the end of the emote, but the emote Invoke Spring appears to stop you while in reality your character is still running and you will still trip on anything in front of you.
  • It is possible to follow someone into the arena, and if they die but you don't, you may follow them back out of the arena.
  • It was possible to make it to the end of the cheese wheel race. The player would walk in front of the starting line, enable his run, and click as far back into the track as they could. This would make the counter of the roll reset and make the game think that you are in a lower round then you actually where. When your player got near the end of the track they would fall through the net and be able to walk around, players could do emotes and walk around the sky of gielinor. This bug has been fixed by jagex.
  • Players that made it to the end of the race could see the entire skybox of the minigame. They would be able to see the kharidian desert, including the dominion tower sticking out of the clouds.
  • It is possible to get negative contribution points.
  • After falling, the player's character will sometimes get back up and immedietly fall again. Other times, they will teleport back to the start, and then fall again.